Monday, April 25, 2011

Re: Wringing-the-Neck of Empty Ritual.


I accomplished the same outcome with 43 words of clarity that you did with your convoluted paragraph of more than 160 words.

On 04/24/2011 05:28 PM, NoEinstein wrote:
J. Ashley:  How quickly YOU forget!  The following is from my New Constitution:  "Section 9 & 10:  Other than the President or his agents, no person, news medium, organization, group, their envoys, or any lobby, within government or without, shall be allowed to contact representatives while such are in Washington.  However, invited persons or groups can make scheduled depositions provided they don't communicate with the representatives otherwise.  A representative's constituents shall be allowed to contact them for the purpose of influencing their votes only while they are in their home states or districts. Representatives shall regularly contact their district offices or return to their districts to be informed of the wishes of their constituents, and their constituents only, and shall be held accountable for the representativeness of their votes.  The solicitation of Citizen support is permitted, but the targeted solicitation of representatives in any place, by any person, organization, group, or lobby within government or without, is prohibited.  Overt solicitation, feting, or laudatory ceremony, as above, is a felony—defined as any crime requiring a minimum three year prison sentence, but time off for good behavior is allowed."  — John A. Armistead —  Patriot 
On Apr 22, 11:50 am, Jonathan Ashley <> wrote: 
John,  How quick you forget. Do you not remember when you challenged me once before? I posted the following problem and solution:      (1) The lobbying of Members of Congress by any Person on behalf of     anyone other than themselves shall be prohibited.      (2) Any Person found guilty of lobbying under the Prohibitions of     this Article shall be imprisoned for not less than 10 Years and/or     deported;  On 04/21/2011 06:38 PM, NoEinstein wrote:        
J. Ashley:  You never did define a single problem with our government or society, and solve that problem in less than four sentences.  I did that for fourteen years!  Convoluted or not, my New Constitution solves society's problems!  ï¿½  J. A. A. � 
On Apr 21, 12:06 pm, Jonathan Ashley<> wrote: 
How does your reply have anything to do with what I posted? It's no wonder YOUR New Constitution is so convoluted. 
On 04/20/2011 08:45 PM, NoEinstein wrote: 
Jonathan: "Polite" public figures can't go around calling everyone stupid.  There are contexts in which public health care makes sense. But FORCED Obama Care isn't that context!  ï¿½ J. A. A. � On Apr 20, 12:54 pm, Jonathan Ashley<> wrote: 
John, 1) Trump has no ideology! 2) The District of Criminals is filled with Republican socialists. On 04/20/2011 02:00 AM, NoEinstein wrote: 
Jonathan: That would be "the pot calling the kettle black".  If Trump was a socialist he would be a Democrat and pro Obama.  When one's ideology has failed, like yours has, blame the opposition for your own socialist-communist traits.  You, like Mark, are very screwed-up in the head.  ï¿½  J. A. A. � On Apr 19, 12:50 am, Jonathan Ashley<> wrote: 
*John, I cannot belive you call me -- a voluntaryist/anarchist -- a socialist, yet you cannot see that Donald Trump is a full-blown socialist. Pay attention!* On 04/18/2011 08:48 PM, NoEinstein wrote: 
Folks:  The following essay contains the first two articles of my New Constitution.  I'm copying it, below, so those looking in the present post can find it.  Hope you readers are having a great Spring! Can Donald Trump �Fix� the Thin Ice that the USA is skating on? The contrast is striking between the potential presidential candidacy of The Donald and every other might-be candidate mentioned.  For one thing, if The Donald says he can fix something�like our broke economy� you can damn-well take him seriously!  Some of you may recall that a certain new ice skating rink in New York�s Central Park started leaking water and couldn�t be used.  That work had been done by three or four labor unions with each one pointing the fingers at the other. After millions of dollars had been wasted on attempted patches, The Donald took over the entire job and had happy skaters out on that ice before long. Every day when I realize how much labor unions of all kinds are effectively screwing the US economy and preventing our having a really �free� free enterprise system, I think of The Donald.  He has been able to find considerable success working in the morass of labor unions and government regulations that are found in NYC.  That man THRIVES on being able to get the disparate powers-that-be to get the job done!  Part of the secret is his charisma.  But most of it is because he is a trustworthy man-of-his-word.  He makes sure that all those involved in a project realize just what their responsibilities are, and what they are expected to do if there are any glitches.  In short, The Donald is one of the top businessmen in the country of all time.  His executive experience probably exceeds that of the governors of most states.  Under him people do their jobs and do them well. Just having The Donald as the head man improves the quality of projects, because it�s an honor just to be associated with one of his projects! Obviously, Donald Trump is politically conservative.  But he doesn�t owe-his-soul to the Republican Party like most of his would-be rivals do even without realizing that they do.  The USA has been hamstrung trying to avoid looking like a colonialist aggressor every time we �invade� other nations to help the oppressed. The reason oil fields get set on fire is because those people suppose we are there� just for their oil.  By destroying the oil, they believe we will simply go away.  The blind-leading-the-blind in our government think that the USA has the financial wherewithal to finance long wars, and will have enough wherewithal remaining to rebuild the busted infrastructure of the invaded countries; train the new armies; and care for those �poor� people till they are back on their feet.  All of that is being done like forced charity from the big-hearted American People whose standards of living keep dropping, because of the explosion in the size and the over-control of our government.  If The Donald can get us trillions of dollars worth of oil to repay the American Taxpayers for our sacrifices, I�ll vote for him! Some good news is that Republicans now have trillions of dollars in �possible� budget cuts that might save this country.  The bad news is that those takes-too-long-to-happen cuts will still leave the never- should-have-been-there-in-the-first-place entitlement programs being run by government.  After the nearly 15 years that I�ve spent penning and polishing my New Constitution, I have better than average ideas how to fix our government, fast.  The following 5 things aren�t written into the New Constitution, but are of fundamental importance: 1.  Get our government out of the entitlement business!  Privatize Social Security; Medicare; Medicaid; and Unemployment Insurance, etc. Like the Republicans are now planning to do, protect those now in programs from being hurt who are close to retirement.  But unlike Republicans, once and forever, get the USA out of managing the entitlement business!  If government pulls any of the strings, things will start getting bad again, soon. 2.  Inform China and our other creditors that the USA will not be paying them any interest on their loans.  We will repay the principal, but only when doing so won�t jeopardize our recovery. 3.  Bring home 90% of US troops within 90 days.  Leave 10% of the troops in bases around the world to serve as a front guard in case redeployment is necessary. 4.  Stop wasting billions and billions of dollars on political campaigns!  That money is going into the pockets of the media.  Those media rascals salivate over the ad money they generate by �talking up� how �close� the elections are going to be.  Britt Hume, though a conservative, keeps pumping air into Obama by talking about the money Obama can spend (waste!) to get re elected.  Barack Obama is a cash cow for the media.  That�s why no one in the media will call the majority of Democrats CROOKS! 5.  ï¿½Fat cats� should stop being wimps!  Government has become no- longer-legal STEALING from the supposed rich to give to the poor.  The Democrats talk about how Republicans are wanting to give tax breaks to the wealthy while denying women medical screenings.  Republicans should be talking about how �Democrats are criminals for seeking stolen benefits for themselves and other criminals!� Be it known: 1.  The Constitution does NOT allow political parties!  Those are quasi governmental bodies which get to decide who our candidates for public office can be, and decide who �the leaders� in Congress are. Because our country was conceived as a Representative Republic, such fact tacitly mandates that each representative shall have identical power!  Seniority nor party affiliation can give more power to ANYONE! 2.  The US Senate is an UNCONSTITUTIONAL oligarchy of elitists who effectively have been running-the-USA-into-the-ground since the birth of this nation.  Senators aren�t determined by having a parity of the population which they each serve.  Though the Senate was begrudgingly included in the �words� of the Constitution, it has never been within the SPIRIT of the Constitution! 3.  The principle of FAIR representation makes it UNCONSTITUTIONAL to allow the State of Iowa to have more �power� in determining who our candidates for President can be.  And by the same general reasoning, it makes the entire primary system UNCONSTITUTIONAL, because the states with earlier-dated primaries always have the most influence in determining who can run. 4.  Political party conventions are UNCONSTITUTIONAL, because those are �governed� by the unsanctioned and UNCONSTITUTIONAL rules of the UNCONSTITUTIONAL political parties! 5.  The principle of fairness makes it UNCONSTITUTIONAL to allow any individual or group to have more influence on 

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