Saturday, September 11, 2010

New Cartel Threat: US Energy Supply


New Cartel Threat: U.S. Energy Supply

 Posted 09/08/2010 07:03 PM ET

Energy: Mexico's state oil firm, our second-largest foreign supplier, is under attack from drug cartels. But that's not stopping the U.S. from investing more in its operations while American rigs lie idle in the Gulf.

The volatile Middle East is often seen as the nexus of risk to U.S. energy supplies. But the biggest threat may be next door, in Mexico. It's bad enough that oil production there is declining due to underinvestment. But now the state oil monopoly, Pemex, is encountering a threat no one foresaw a few years ago: attacks from the country's notorious criminal cartels.

The Los Angeles Times this week reported that the violent "Los Zetas" cartel has "crippled" production in the Burgos basin in Tamaulipas state, home of Mexico's biggest natural gas fields.

Thirty oil workers and contractors have been kidnapped, including five who were snatched in May and haven't been heard from since. The cartels force workers to collaborate with them to steal energy, which is then sold for cash.

The gunmen also shake information out of workers on security systems and the delicate workings of gas transport so they can hijack production. Natural gas, with its visible pipelines, is particularly vulnerable, but the cartels have begun moving on oil too.

Pemex won't send its inspectors to some of the areas where the cartels have gotten a foothold, and the Times reported the company doesn't want to talk about it.

These acts, from the same people who smuggle drugs and illegal immigrants into the U.S., amount to an attack on the Mexican state. One-third of the national budget comes from energy earnings. A cartel controlling Mexico's substitute for tax revenue effectively can take over the government.

"How is it that Pemex, supposedly the backbone of the nation, can be made to bow down like this?" a relative of a kidnapped oil worker asked the Times.

But this creeping takeover also threatens the U.S. America is committed to Mexican oil, given that it isn't permitted to produce sufficient quantities of energy at home, even with vast resources. About 1.2 million barrels of Mexican crude come to the U.S. each day along with significant gas supplies.

The U.S. has been pitifully dependent on Mexico for its energy supplies for some time, and energy analysts worry about the state of underinvestment in Mexico's state fields. An explosion Tuesday at the country's third-largest refinery did nothing to allay those concerns.


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The Political Violence of the Bible and the Koran

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Bill Warner <>
Date: Fri, Sep 10, 2010 at 5:01 PM
Subject: The Political Violence of the Bible and the Koran


The Political Violence of the Bible and the Koran

September 10, 2010

One of the most frequently used arguments heard in the defense of Islam is that the Bible is just as violent as the Koran. The logic goes like this. If the Koran is no more violent than the Bible, then why should we worry about Islam? This argument is that Islam is the same as Christianity and Judaism. This is false, but this analogy is very popular, since it allows someone who knows nothing about the actual doctrine of Islam to talk about it. "See, Islam is like Christianity, Christians are just as violent as Muslims." If this is true, then you don't have to learn anything about the actual Islamic doctrine.

However, this is not a theological argument. It is a political one. This argument is not about what goes on in a house of worship, but what goes on the in the marketplace of ideas.

Now, is the doctrine of Islam more violent than the Bible? There is only one way to prove or disprove the comparison and that is to measure the differences in violence in the Koran and the Bible.

The first item is to define violence. The only violence that matters to someone outside of either Islam or Christianity or Judaism is what they do to the "other", political violence. Cain killing Able is not political violence. Political violence is not killing a lamb for a meal or making an animal sacrifice. Note, however, a vegan or a PETA member considers both of these actions to be violent, but it is not violence against them.

The next item is to compare the doctrines both quantitatively and qualitatively. The political violence of the Koran is called "fighting in Allah's cause", or jihad.

We must do more than measure the jihad in the Koran. Islam has three sacred texts: Koran, Sira and Hadith, the Islamic Trilogy. The Sira is Mohammed's biography. The Hadith are his traditions—what he did and said. Sira and Hadith form the Sunna, the perfect pattern of all Islamic behavior.

The Koran is the smallest of the three books, the Trilogy. It is only 16% of the Trilogy text . This means that the Sunna is 84% of the word content of Islam's sacred texts. This statistic alone has large implications. Most of the Islamic doctrine is about Mohammed, not Allah. The Koran says 91 different times that Mohammed is the perfect pattern of life. It is much more important to know Mohammed than the Koran. This is very good news. It is easy to understand a biography about a man. To know Islam, know Mohammed.

It turns out that jihad occurs in large proportion in all three texts. Here is a chart about the results:


It is very significant that the Sira devotes 67% of its text to jihad. Mohammed averaged an event of violence every 6 weeks for the last 9 years of his life. Jihad was what made Mohammed successful. Here is a chart of the growth of Islam.

Basically, when Mohammed was a preacher of religion, Islam grew at the rate of 10 new Muslims per year. But when he turned to jihad, Islam grew at an average rate of 10,000 per year. All of the details of how to wage jihad are recorded in great detail. The Koran gives the great vision of jihad—world conquest by the political process. The Sira is a strategic manual and the Hadith is a tactical manual of jihad.

Now let's go to the Hebrew Bible. When we count all of the political violence, we find that 5.6% of the text is devoted to it. There is no admonition towards political violence in the New Testament.

When we count the magnitude of words devoted to political violence, we have 327,547 words in the Trilogy and 34,039 words in the Hebrew Bible . The Trilogy has 9.6 times as much wordage devoted to political violence as the Hebrew Bible.


The real problem goes far beyond the quantitative measurement of ten times as much violent material; there is the qualitative measurement. The political violence of the Koran is eternal and universal. The political violence of the Bible was for that particular historical time and place. This is the vast difference between Islam and other ideologies. The violence remains a constant threat to all non-Islamic cultures, now and into the future. Islam is not analogous to Christianity and Judaism in any practical way. Beyond the one-god doctrine, Islam is unique unto itself.

Another measurement of the difference between the violence found in the Judeo/Christian texts as opposed to that of Islam is found in the use of fear of violence against artists, critics and intellectuals. What artist, critic or intellectual ever feels a twinge of fear if condemning anything Christian or Jewish? However, look at the examples of the violent political threats and murders of Salman Rushdie, Theo van Gogh, Pim Fortune, Kurt Westergaard of the Danish Mohammed cartoons, and many others. What artist, critic or intellectual has not had a twinge of fear about Islam when it comes to free expression? The political difference in the response to the two different doctrines is enormous. The political fruit from the two trees is as different as night and day.

It is time for so-called intellectuals to get down to the basics of judging Islam by its actual doctrine, not making lame analogies that are sophomoric assertions. Fact-based reasoning should replace fantasies that are based upon political correctness and multiculturalism.

Bill Warner,
Director, Center for the Study of Political Islam
copyright (c) CBSX, LLC Use and distribute as you wish; do not edit and give us credit.


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9/11 was the start of the New Atheist movement, Lefties too scared to admit that they fear Islam

Ed West is a journalist and social commentator who specialises in politics, religion and low culture. He is @edwestonline on Twitter.

9/11 was the start of the New Atheist movement, Lefties too scared to admit that they fear Islam


By Ed West Religion Last updated: September 10th, 2010


Professor Richard Dawkins on a bus displaying an atheist message in Kensington Gardens in 2009 (Photo: PA)

Although Richard Dawkins and co would deny it, the New Atheist movement effectively began nine years ago tomorrow when a man called Mohammed flew a plane into the World Trade Centre.

The ultimate origins of the anti-religion movement go back further, to two events in 1989, the Rushdie affair and the fall of the Berlin Wall. As a result of the latter, which coincided with the discrediting of democratic socialism in the West, the political Left scattered into different tribes.

The Trotskyite element, which had dominated local government and political activism since the early 1970s, adopted radical race politics and became the anti-racism movement, taking control of the social services, the quangocracy and having a huge influence on society, their high-water mark being the anti-racism witch-hunt following the Macpherson Report.

Another lot joined the growing green movement, which has been dominated by the far Left ever since. As I've written in a previous post, there's no contradiction with being a conservative, and believing that burning fossil fuels alters the climate; if that's the science, we just have to deal with it. Unfortunately most green activists see it in quasi-religious terms, as judgment against Western man's rape of mother earth and exploitation of the developing world.

A third group would become the New Atheist movement. Starting with the Rushdie Fatwa in 1989, many Left-wing intellectuals, among them Christopher Hitchens, turned against multiculturalism. Anti-theism was the logical Left-wing response to the growing realisation that Europe's immigration policies had brought with it a religion that seriously threatened established freedoms; and that contrary to assumed thinking, newcomers would not just drop their religion once they crossed the Black Sea.

Rather than face the unbearable truth that Islam alone was generally incompatible with free speech, was too easily interpreted to inspire violence, and had little history of secular democracy (outside of Turkey), the New Atheists instead created the comforting fiction that it was religion per se that threatened their freedom. With the alternative being a confrontational line with the religion of several million new Europeans that would inevitably develop a racial overtone, as the English Defence League illustrate, New Atheism is the line of least resistance.

But what's odd is that this movement has attracted so many conservatives and especially libertarians. Odd for two reasons: one, because the essential utopianism behind the anti-religious movement follows the tradition of Rousseau, Marx and Lenin in believing that human beings are perfectable. Professor Richard Dawkins recently said in his television documentary that in a world without religion, "good people would not do bad things".

How can a man who knows such a vast amount about human biology understand so little of the human heart? Good people will always do bad things, because humans are often weak, selfish and stupid, and they certainly don't need religion to make them do that, as the 20th century showed.

Secondly, what sort of place do libertarians think a world without God would be? Would it be a low-tax, high-freedom society where the state runs the post office, secures the borders and pretty much leaves you to get on with your life? Or would it be one where an enormous state takes on the roll of church, spending vast amounts of taxpayer's money on trying to artificially recreate civil society, including vast amounts on its pet "charities"; one where every aspect of human interaction is dictated by government, which controls even the moral order of society, increasingly infringing on the rights of parents? One does not need to be a believer to see that the church – or any body vested with moral authority – is an essential counterweight to the power of the state.

Whatever their use of the word, the only logical conclusion of the religion-free society advocated by groups which claim to call themselves "secular" is authoritarian socialism. Libertarians and conservatives who support them are simply useful idiots carrying out Karl Marx's Plan B - good people doing bad things, as always.

Tags: 9/11, Christopher Hitchens, Islam, libertarians, New Atheists,Richard Dawkins, World Trade Center



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9-11 Was a Godsend for the Sociopathic Intellectual Elite (A.K.A. - Marxists)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Doctor Bulldog & Ronin <>
Date: Sat, Sep 11, 2010 at 8:40 AM
Subject: [New post] 9-11 Was a Godsend for the Sociopathic Intellectual Elite (A.K.A. - Marxists)

9-11 Was a Godsend for the Sociopathic Intellectual Elite (A.K.A. - Marxists)

An interesting perspective on 9-11:
Sociopathic Intellectuals on 9/11
Mary Grabar - Townhall

I was probably one of the last people in the world to learn about the attack on September 11, 2001.

I was deep into revising my dissertation on Walker Percy for a committee member who ultimately had to be replaced; like many faculty members he insisted I present the dominant view of the U.S. as fascist. Three other committee members thought my original version was suitable for a book. But today's graduate student will have even less of an opportunity to work with decent faculty members than I did. The sociopaths in charge have simply replaced such retiring members with their own kind.

It was 9/11 that finally convinced me that those who rule the academy are sociopaths.

When around 2:00 p.m. I finally pulled away from revising and checked my email, I learned that the University of Georgia had sent everybody home at noon. When I called the campus for a scheduled appointment I was told that we had been attacked.

War, I thought. Pearl Harbor.

But no such thing to my colleagues who immediately flooded the discussion listserv with political analyses about U.S. imperialism and calls for support of some Afghan women's revolutionary group. A graduate student whose relatives were hurt at the Pentagon pleaded with the radicals to hold off on the political analyses. The predictable missives about the First Amendment flew forth as well as insults directed at the poor woman. A colleague told me about spending an entire class period explaining to freshmen that the Crusades were the reason they "hate us." Bright yellow announcements of forums on "Understanding Islam" popped up on campus, as they did all over the country.

As Americans jumped to their deaths from burning skyscrapers, the academics, like Ward Churchill, in their ivory towers, began penning analyses of "chickens coming home to roost."

Others were a little more subtle and presented the event as "spectacle," as a kind of aesthetic display of the downfall of Western imperialism. The Twin Towers were huge phallic symbols, displays of "masculinist" arrogance.

The privileged professors continue to present the event this way as I learned at the last conference of the South Atlantic Modern Language Association, where "Critical Plenary Speaker" Professor Anne McClintock called the U.S. a "paranoid empire." To McClintock [PDF], writing from the safety of her own ivory tower in Madison, Wisconsin, "the 9/11 attacks came as a dazzling solution, both to the enemy deficit and the problem of legitimacy. . . ."

Now thanks to a generation groomed to hate America we have voted in an America-hating president. Nine years later, on land where body parts of victims are still being found, we've got an imam wanting to build a super mosque funded by terrorist-linked groups. The president supports him.

The free-speech advocates are nowhere to be found to defend a minister who wants to burn Korans in protest.

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Batman held up by immigration officer

Bacon Babble

Batman Held Up By U.S. Immigration Officer?

Posted: 10 Sep 2010 03:23 PM PDT

Hilarious, short conversation held between a U.S. Immigration Officer at Miami International Airport and an incoming passenger, Batman.

Immigration Officer: Your name, please?
Passenger : Batman.

Immigration Officer: What's your real name?
Passenger: My name is Bat-man.

Immigration Officer: Are you trying to be funny? What's your surname?
Passenger: Superman.

Immigration Officer: So you're telling me your name is Batman Superman?
Passenger: Yes.

Immigration Officer [calling over to Passport Security]: Hey, arrest this guy…



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Remembering Father Mychal Judge, The Saint of 9-11

Father Mychal Judge, the New York City Fire Department chaplain, stands at the shore before a service where candles were lit for the victims of TWA Flight 800, July 17, 2000, at Smith Point Park in Shirley, N.Y.

A man carrying an American flag joined other mourners at Ground Zero on the 8th anniversary of 9-11-01.

Remembering The Saint of 9/11: Father Mychal Judge 

*Father Mychal Judge*


On 9/11/01, rescue workers remove the body of Father Judge, a parish priest
from one of New York's fire halls. Father Judge was administering last rites
to a firefighter who was killed by one of the many bodies that fell to the
ground after people leapt from the tower to their deaths, when he too was
struck and killed.

   Father Mychal Judge   There is a word that upsets Cardinal Edward Egan
more than "terrorist" and that is the word "gay."

After the funeral service for Father Mychal Judge, the fire chaplain who
perished ministering to a dying fireman at the World Trade Center, I tried
to ask Egan, "Given Father Mychal's many contributions to the gay community
and all you've just heard about how loving and loved he was, does it make
you want to rethink your condemnation of homosexuality?" When Egan heard the
word "gay," he didn't wait for the question. "Oh, COME ON!," he thundered as
he abruptly turned away. Purple with rage, he literally ran to his car.

Egan's response explains Mychal Judge's decision not to be a more outspoken
gay activist-- something that he debated with me, host of a gay news show on
TV that he said he enjoyed, and others over the years. Cardinals John
O'Connor or Egan would certainly have put an end to his ability to function
as a priest in this Archdiocese, a role that allowed him to roam the city in
his brown Franciscan habit giving solace and strength to countless New
Yorkers. It might also have meant the loss of his chaplaincy serving his
beloved fire fighters, even though he enjoyed the support of the Fire
Commissioner, Mayor, and virtually all the rank and file.

At his wake and funeral, Mychal Judge, 68, was mourned and celebrated by his
two sisters, brother Franciscans, elderly nuns who were his grade school
teachers, powerful friends, diverse parishioners, the homeless and others he
served, and scores of fire fighters, some covered with dust from the
catastrophe downtown. But evidence of Judge's involvement with the gay
community-- and his wary relationship with the church hierarchy-- was hiding
in plain sight.

At the wake, Mayor Giuliani himself said, "Father Mychal is now up in heaven
with Cardinal O'Connor-- and O'Connor is letting him say mass," referring to
the rivalry these two priests had, especially over funerals of fallen fire
fighters. It was a grim day in a devastating week, but the mourners roared
with knowing laughter.

Eulogizing him at the funeral, Father Michael Duffy broke up the crowd and
humanized his friend by noting that when Judge got the word to dash downtown
to the stricken Trade Center, "he did take time to comb and spray his hair!"
Public Advocate Mark Green spoke of how he served people of "every

The night before, his 23 years in Alcoholics Anonymous were invoked, but not
that Judge went mostly to gay AA meetings. His gay brothers from the program
were all over the church.

Present in the pews were Judge's close friends, gay couple Brendan Fay and
Tom Moulton. Judge had openly supported (and surreptitiously funded) Fay's
Queens St. Patrick's Parade that welcomed gay groups, the only Catholic
priest to do so. (The next one, on March 3, is dedicated to Judge's memory.)
And when the Emerald Society of the Fire Department honored Father Mychal,
he had Brendan and Tom as his guests and the couple danced together at the
banquet. He was always building bridges, especially between the conservative
and progressive worlds he was equally at home in.

Hillary Clinton inelegantly spoke of the "AIDS victims" Judge helped. She
did not note how that ministry came about. When Cardinal O'Connor expelled
Dignity, the gay Catholic organization, from St. Francis Xavier Church in
the mid-1980s, Judge provided a home for the group's AIDS ministry, led by
the Rev. Bernard Lynch, an outspoken gay priest. Judge later made that
outreach St. Francis of Assisi's own. Several gay men came at the funeral
told me how Judge had buried their partners and gotten them through their

In 1988, Lynch was falsely accused of molesting a teen-age student at a
Bronx school he once served. Lynch said that without being asked, Judge
"flew to Ireland to meet with my provincial superior to tell him that the
charges were politically motivated because I had stood up against the
Cardinal in 1986 on the gay rights bill." This, Lynch said, convinced Father
Con Murphy, his superior, to hire high-powered lawyer Michael Kennedy to
defend Lynch. Judge made a side trip to a small Irish town to reassure
Lynch's father about his son. Lynch returned to the Bronx and the flimsy
case evaporated in court, with Judge Burton Roberts angrily declaring the
priest not just "not guilty," but innocent of all charges.

The Archdiocese denies any involvement in bringing the charges, but they
never answered letters from Kennedy seeking their files on Lynch nor pleas
from religious leaders asking the Cardinal to help him. While O'Connor did
speak out for his friend the Rev. Bruce Ritter when he was charged
(accurately) with abusing boys at Covenant House, he was silent while Lynch
twisted in the wind. Now the Archdiocese can know that their church's hero,
Mychal Judge, helped undermine the case meant to destroy Lynch.

Judge kept a high profile, from comforting the kin of those who died on
Flight 800 and meeting with Presidents to his poignant martyrdom on Bloody
Tuesday. But in other ways, he was like the underground priests in Ireland,
homeland of his parents, who defied the 18th century anti-Catholic Penal
Laws, saying mass on the sly and always on the run. Working on gay issues,
however, he was hiding from his own Cardinal Archbishop, who proclaimed him
a saint at his funeral and refused to hear that Judge was the kind of person
his church has condemned as "intrinsically disordered."

For Mychal (nee Emmet) Judge, an Irish American kid from Brooklyn, gayness
was one of his many gifts, but it was the one that gave him his most
personal experience of being an outsider, blessing him with the empathy that
gave him such a tremendous ability to connect to and heal so many broken



*Father  Mychal F. Judge, The Saint of 9/11*

Father Mychal F. Judge, OFM was a busy Franciscan priest who dedicated his
life to serving God's people.  He is known for his work with the homeless,
recovering addicts, AIDS patients, and his work as chaplain to the New York
City Fire Department.

On September 11, 2001, Father Mychal rushed from the friary at Saint Francis
of Assisi Church to the scene of the World Trade Center attacks.

After administering last rites to a firefighter, Father Mychal was hit by
debris and killed.  He became the first officially recorded fatality
following the attack.

During his life, Father Mychal spent much of his time ministering to the
homeless on the Breadline at St. Francis of Assisi Church in New York City.
This is one of the many places where he found God - in the hurting, the
broken, the suffering, and the poor.

His dedication to homeless men, women and children has become a calling to
us that manifests itself as Mychal's Message.

*Father Mychal F. Judge, OFM Biography
*Reprinted with permission of the Holy Name Province.

Father Mychal F. Judge, OFM, chaplain to the New York City Fire Department,
died Tuesday, September 11, 2001 in a hail of falling debris near the World
Trade Center.  He became the first officially recorded fatality following
the attack.  Father Mychal was 68.

Born in Brooklyn, NY on May 11, 1933, Robert Emmett Judge was the son of two
Irish immigrants from County Leitrim.  As a young boy, he watched his father
die after a long illness.  To help his mother and two sisters make ends
meet, he shined shoes in Manhattan, ran errands and did odd jobs, before
being called to his Franciscan vocation at age 16.  He then entered St.
Joseph's Seraphic Seminary, Callicoon, NY, and graduated in 1954 after
completing the first two years of college.

He was received into the Franciscan Order on August 12, 1954 and the
following year, on August 13, professed his first vows of poverty, chastity
and obedience as stated in the Rule of Life of St. Francis of Assisi.  He
professed final vows on August 20, 1958.

He was ordained to the priesthood on February 25, 1961 at the Franciscan
Monastery – Mt. St. Sepulchre, Washington, DC.  He spent a year of pastoral
formation at St. Anthony Shrine, Boston, Mass., before his first assignment
1962-66 as an assistant at St. Joseph's Church, East Rutherford, NJ.  He
also served as an assistant at Sacred Heart Church, Rochelle Park, NJ from
1967-69.  In 1969 he came to St. Francis of Assisi Church, New York City, as
local moderator for the Secular Franciscan fraternities.

In 1970, he returned to St. Joseph's Church, East Rutherford, NJ, as
coordinator of the parochial team ministry of Franciscan friars.  After six
years, he was appointed in 1976 as assistant to the president at Siena
College in Loudonville, NY, serving until 1979.  He then became pastor of
St. Joseph's Church in West Milford, NJ.  In 1985 he undertook a one-year
theological sabbatical at the Franciscan house of studies in Canterbury,

Upon returning in the summer of 1986, he was appointed an associate pastor
of St. Francis of Assisi Church, New York City.  At the friary there,
finding many "Michaels" on the staff, he decided to change the spelling of
his name to Mychal.  Only a few days after arriving at St. Francis, he
responded to a call to celebrate Mass in the hospital room of New York
police officer Steven McDonald, who had been critically wounded during an
investigation of a youth in Central Park.  Father Mychal and the McDonald
family soon became devoted friends.  Among their good-will travels, Father
Mychal accompanied Detective McDonald on visits to Northern Ireland in 1998,
1999 and 2000 to encourage reconciliation.

In 1992, upon the death of Fr. Julian Deeken, OFM, a Franciscan friar who
had served as one of the Catholic chaplains for the New York Fire
Department, Father Mychal accepted an invitation to serve temporarily in his
place.  Fr. Mychal was named chaplain officially in 1994 to serve the
boroughs of Manhattan, the Bronx, and Staten Island.

When TWA Flight 800 exploded shortly after takeoff from New York in July
1996 and fell into the Atlantic off Long Island, Father Mychal helped
counsel the families and friends of the victims every day for three weeks
and worked to arrange a permanent memorial at the site.  He had since
returned every summer to offer a memorial service and comfort the families.

Over the years, Father Mychal won the hearts of the firefighters and their
families by his charismatic Irish personality and warm Franciscan outreach
to them in all their needs – baptisms, weddings, funerals, hospital visits –
wherever and whenever he was sought.  He was also active in a diverse
ministry to various groups throughout the Metropolitan area.

More than 2,800 people attended the Mass of Christian Burial for Father
Mychal on Saturday, September 15 at St. Francis of Assisi Church in
Manhattan.  Father Mychal was buried at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery in Totowa,
NJ.  He is survived by two sisters, Erin McTernan and Dympna Jessich.

Children's Book:
*He Said Yes*
The Story of Father Mychal Judge
*written by Kelly Ann Lynch
illustrated by M. Scott Oatman*

A true story about the remarkable life and untimely death of Father Mychal
Judge, *He Said Yes *tells how an ordinary boy from Brooklyn became an
extraordinary Franciscan priest and the beloved New York City Fire
Department chaplain who gave his life for his friends on September 11, 2001.

The story of a gay priest killed on 9/11
Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Kelly Ann Lynch, like so many others in Father Mychal Judge's vast
congregation without walls, was devastated by word of the fire chaplain's
death in the shadows of the World Trade Center.

"Those first few weeks, it was hard to see anything good," said the
Pennsylvania mother of four. "It just felt so dark and so sad and so empty."


Time passed, until the darkness gave way to a bright idea. Lynch -- whose
father once served as an altar boy for Judge -- became consumed with turning
the priest's life into a children's book, keeping his message of love alive
for future generations.

"He Said Yes: The Story of Father Mychal Judge," a biography timed to arrive
with the sixth anniversary of 9/11, is an illustrated 32-page walk in the
Franciscan priest's sandals. M. Scott Oatman did the artwork.

"He left behind a legacy for all of us," Lynch said recently over breakfast
at a Secaucus hotel, a short hop from the East Rutherford parish where her
family first met Judge. "I took the most important parts of his story and
tried to simplify it. His story was meant to be shared."

The biography starts with Judge's birth in Brooklyn, where he had a job
shining shoes to help his widowed mother make ends meet. It follows him into
the seminary, through his ordination, to parishes in Massachusetts, New
Jersey (East Rutherford, Rochelle Park and West Milford) and finally

First official victim

Lynch, in a simple, straightforward style, details how Judge picked up
congregants for his far-flung flock at every stop: suburban families and the
homeless; AIDS patients and alcoholics; firefighters and a paralyzed police
officer; the loved ones of those killed aboard TWA Flight 800.

The tale ends on Sept. 11, 2001, when Judge became the first official victim
of the terrorist attack that killed 2,750 people in the Twin Towers. His
dying soon gave life to Lynch's remembrance.

Those touched by the peripatetic priest during his 68 years greeted word of
the Paulist Press publication with warm reviews.

"It sounds sweet -- a lovely idea," said actor and author Malachy McCourt.
"Anything that perpetuates the goodness of this man is fine with me."

Brendan Fay, a gay activist and Judge friend, recalled how easily "Father
Mike" bonded with children.

"He wrote notes and letters to children at their baptism," Fay recalled. "A
few who saved them now treasure them with the affection of relics. ... Kids
who never knew Father Judge can now read his story."

Longtime family friendship

Lynch's ties with Judge predate her birth. He counseled her family in good
times and in crisis -- the sudden death of her grandfather, the death of a
2-month-old sibling, her own daughter's lifesaving liver transplant.

"He made you feel that you were the one special person in his life," said
the 39-year-old Lynch. "What we've come to realize, six years later, is that
he did that for everybody. He was a constant presence."

Besides her book, Lynch runs the non-profit Mychal's Message, which provides
aid to the dispossessed. Proceeds from "He Said Yes" will also benefit the

Lynch said getting the book in print was a long process. Plans fell through
with one publisher, and talks with an agent moved slowly. She was on the
verge of self-publishing, just to get the book out, when one of Father
Mike's fellow Franciscans steered her to Paulist Press.

Everything clicked. And, as Lynch hoped, the book, which came out Sept. 3,
was released in time for the anniversary of the attacks.

Judge, possessor of a dry Irish wit, would have enjoyed the book's title,
Fay said. The Franciscan father's instinctive "yes" made him indispensable
to many, but it was also wearing him out -- much like his phone answering
machines, which routinely broke down from overuse every six months.

"It was his gift, and it connected him to thousands," Fay said of the late
yes-man. "But it also wore him out. The title would make Mychal laugh."

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mild a/c jokes


Jane and Arlene are outside their nursing home, having a drink and a smoke, when it starts to rain. Jane pulls out a condom, cuts off the end, puts it over her cigarette, and continues smoking.

Arlene: What in the hell is that?

Jane: A condom.. This way my cigarette doesn't get wet.

Arlene: Where did you get it?

Jane: You can get them at any pharmacy.

The next day, Arlene hobbles herself into the local pharmacy and announces to the pharmacist that she wants a box of condoms.

The pharmacist, obviously embarrassed, looks at her kind of strangely (she is after all, over 80 years of age), but very delicately asks what brand of condom she prefers.

'Doesn't matter Sonny, as long as it fits on a Camel.'

The pharmacist fainted.

An old lady dies and goes to heaven.
She's chatting it up with St. Peter at the Pearly Gates
when all of a sudden she hears
the most awful, blood curdling screams.

Don't worry about that,' says St. Peter,
'It's only someone having the holes drilled into her shoulder blades for the wings.'

The old lady looks a little uncomfortable but carries on with the conversation.
A few minutes later, there are more blood curdling screams. 'Oh my Goodness,' says the old lady, 'now what is happening?'

'Not to worry,' says St. Peter,
'She's just having her head drilled to fit the

'I can't do this,' says the old lady, 'I'm going to

'You can't go to that nasty place,' says St. Peter.
'You'll be raped and taken advantage of.'

'Maybe so,' says the old lady, but I've already got the holes for that.'

We all like to think that we have got the worst neighbors in the world. But, I assure you that compared to the neighbors you will see in the pictures below, you definitely haven't got the worst of the lot. How people can continue to live around people like these is anybody's guess. But, there is little doubt, that they do provide a source of amusement.
Wacky Neighbors 1
From neighbors dressed in Goth attire and carrying scythes to those wearing masks and capes of the superheroes, the variety here is vast. Then there are those who choose to wear close to nothing at all, whether it is appropriate or not. There are some amusing ones like the guy who is definitely saving on his electricity bill by pointing to well lit house on his side during the festive season. The other really funny one is the guy who has drawn the image of a car on the snow that has completely covered his vehicle.
Wacky Neighbors 2
Wacky Neighbors 3
Wacky Neighbors 5
Wacky Neighbors 6
Wacky Neighbors 7
Wacky Neighbors 8
Wacky Neighbors 9
Wacky Neighbors 10
Wacky Neighbors 11
Wacky Neighbors 12
Wacky Neighbors 13
Wacky Neighbors 14
Wacky Neighbors 15
Wacky Neighbors 16
Wacky Neighbors 17
Wacky Neighbors 18
Wacky Neighbors 19
Wacky Neighbors 20

A positive attitude may not solve all your problems, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.

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Is there any evidence that Christine intends to impose her purported past or present views about sex (or diet or smoking or anything else) on people through State power?  The way you Obama regime fascists intend to do so?

Or is this just more desperate Democratic flatulence?

On Wed, Sep 8, 2010 at 6:40 PM, Greg Dempsey <> wrote:

Christine O'Donnell, a candidate for the U.S. Senate, addresses  supporters during a Tea Party Express news conference in support of her  election bid, Tuesday, Sept. 7, 2010, in Wilmington, Del. (AP Photo/Rob  Carr)

In a year when Tea Party candidates with radical positions
have been staging upset victories in Republican primaries,
Christine O'Donnell (above) is one of those who, as
MSNBC's Rachel Maddow put it on Tuesday, "simply
freak out other Republicans."
O'Donnell's views appear to be particularly extreme, even
by Tea Party standards.
In 1998, she told an MTV interviewer that masturbation is
the same as adultery because "the Bible says that lust in
your heart is committing adultery. So you can't masturbate
without lust."
In an article written about the same time, the fiercely
Catholic O'Donnell declared, "When a married person
uses pornography, or is unfaithful, it compromises not
just his (or her) purity, but also compromises the spouse's
As a church, we need to teach a higher standard than
abstinence." - Raw Story

Video at


Hi Team!

*? 2 ALL:


MASTURBATION IS THE SAME AS ADULTERY -odonnell2 748456 Tea Party candidate: Masturbation is the same as  adultery

"No wonder she wouldn't shake my hand,"
says Edgar "Choch" Mañana, political
analyst for Wilmington's News Journal.

David Edwards and Muriel Kane report:

"O'Donnell's character has also become an issue in the campaign. She recently told the Weekly Standard that she doesn't give out the location of her house because it was broken into and vandalized during the 2008 campaign -- even though there is no police report of any such incident.

"'They're following me,' O'Donnell claimed. 'They follow me home at night. I make sure that I come back to the townhouse and then we have our team come out and check all the bushes and check all the cars to make sure that—they follow me....They knock on the door at all hours of the night. They're hiding in the bushes when I'm at candidate forums.'"


 (above): The Dream, by Pablo Picasso

Tea Party candidate: Masturbation is the same as adultery - what are your comments?

Greg Dempsey
Voice of the People
Tea Party candidate: Masturbation is the same as adultery

By David Edwards and Muriel Kane
Wednesday, September 8th, 2010 -- 12:38 pm



Christine O'Donnell has recently run into further trouble for claiming that when she was the Republican candidate against Joe Biden in 2008 -- losing by 65% to 35% -- she actually won two out of the three counties in Delaware.

A conservative radio host asked her to explain what she'd meant by that remark, and O'Donnell's immediate response was, "I don't think I ever said [that]."

When confronted with audio, she went on to suggest, "What that probably was, you're on the campaign trail a lot. I mean tied. ... You have a tracker following you to trip up."

"You didn't tie him either," the interviewer insisted, at which O'Donnell exclaimed, "Oh, absolutely I did!"

"No, she didn't," Maddow commented. "She really didn't."

Maddow was joined by Talking Points Memo reporter Christina Bellantoni, who has been focusing on the O'Donnell candidacy. Bellantoni noted that in addition to the other controversies, there have been questions raised about O'Donnell's finances and whether money she is raising for her current campaign is being used to pay off campaign debt from 2008.

Bellantoni concluded, however, by pointing out that although Mike Castle is a moderate Republican who has succeeded in Delaware because of his ability to appeal to independents, his victory in this year's primary is not assured.

"There could be as few as 50,000 [Republican] voters coming out on Tuesday," Bellantoni observed. "Definitely, anything can happen."

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