Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Strange that these people think the way they dress should not affect
anything because it is their right to dress as they wish. Make sense to

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The Return of the Neocons’ Prodigal Son

The Return of the Neocons' Prodigal Son
Anders Behring Breivik and the Axis of Hate
by Justin Raimondo, July 27, 2011

Suggestions that the "counter-jihadist" ideology spread by such websites as, run by neocon David Horowitz, and the affiliated "Jihad Watch," inspired – and provoked – the Norway killer Anders Behring Breivik have been met with cries of outrage by the neoconservative Right. This is hardly surprising: confronted with the sight of someone who put their hateful and inherently violent ideology into practice, what else are they supposed to do? There is, however, a superficially reasonable case to be made against drawing any larger lesson from the Norwegian tragedy. As Gene Healy, a vice president of the Cato Institute, put it:

"In general, invoking the ideological meanderings of psychopaths is a stalking horse for narrowing permissible dissent. Former New York Times columnist Frank Rich provided a classic in the genre with his February 2010 piece 'The Axis of the Obsessed and Deranged,' in which he railed against the dangerous climate of anti-government rhetoric and warned that a 'tax protester' who flew a plane into an Internal Revenue Service building in February may be a dark harbinger of Tea Party terrorism to come. (No such luck, Frank.)

"But blaming Sarah Palin for Jared Loughner, or Al Gore for the Unabomber makes about as much sense as blaming Martin Scorsese and Jodie Foster for inciting John Hinckley. There's little to be learned from the acts of 'the obsessed and deranged.' But these incidents ought to teach us not to use tragedy to score partisan points."

All of which is true – up to a point. This is generally true, but in the case of Breivik, however, what Healy misses is the specific content of the ideas expounded in the killer's online manifesto [.pdf], and the video which summarizes his stance. For what Breivik and the counter-jihadists are saying is that Islam is at war with the West – and that a "culture of appeasement" prevalent on our side of the barricades is delivering us to the Enemy. If you go through the material published by Robert Spencer, who is quoted in some 64 instances by Breivik, one central idea leaps out at you: we are at war with the one billion Muslims on the planet Earth. Not that we should be at war, or will be at war – the battle, in Spencer's view, has already commenced, not on account of anything we in the West have done, but because Islamic doctrine is inherently violent and expansionist. Likewise, Pamela Geller, his collaborator in "Stop the Islamization of America" – and its European affiliate, which Breivik supported – denies the very existence of moderates in the Muslim camp. David Swindle, who writes for Horowitz's website, describes the internal debate among counter-jihadists at one of their West Coast retreats:

"Breakfast begin [sic] with a debate between Robert Spencer and Dr. Zuhdi Jasser on the prospects for reform within Islam. Andrew McCarthy moderated and begin the talk by explaining that he still debates amongst himself over whether we're at war with Islam or Islamism. This is a healthy debate to have and the position I find myself in at the moment. I'll dissect Spencer and Jasser's engaging back and forth once we have the video posted but in the mean time my position is basically that I embrace Spencer's intellectual skepticism about the challenges reform faces but Jasser's optimism and spirituality about the necessity of the project still wins me over."

Even the hardcore ideologues within the Horowitzian camp find the blanket condemnation of an entire religion a bit hard to take. For if all Muslims are the Enemy, then Breivik's agenda – mass deportations and/or mass murder – takes on an aura of legitimacy.

Spencer seems to realize this, which is why he has been backtracking and fuming over the sudden attention to his "work":

" The hapless Adam Serwer in the Washington Post lies outright when he says that 'most of Geller and Spencer's blogging consists of attempts to tar all Muslims with the responsibility for terrorism….assigning collective blame for an act of terror through guilt-by-association.' In ten books, hundreds of articles, and over 25,000 blog posts, I have never "attempted to tar all Muslims with the responsibility for terrorism," and challenge Serwer to prove his claim."

Horowitz "defends" Spencer by writing:

"Robert Spencer has never supported a terrorist act. His crime in the eyes of the left is to have told the truth about Islamic fanatics beginning with the Islamic prophet who called for the extermination of the Jews and said in his farewell speech that he was called to fight until all men say that there is no God but allah. ( see Bruce Thornton's article today's Frontpage)."

While not coming right out and saying all Muslims should be deported and/or killed, Spencer – and Horowitz – believe Muhammad's followers pose a deadly and imminent physical threat. Oh, and by the way, go read another Islam-is-evil rant, which supposedly proves Horowitz's point. These people condemn themselves out of their own mouths.

Spencer is a fake-"scholar" whose innumerable polemics are all about the same thing: the intractable evil and danger posed by Islam. He believes there is a conspiracy to impose Sharia law on America, and annex the United States to a "global caliphate." This is the stuff of pure fantasy, and yet anyone who takes it seriously and accepts its premises has to believe that the Muslim world must be challenged militarily – which is precisely what neoconservatives have been urging since well before the 9/11 terrorist attacks. And they succeeded in their mission, to a large degree: today we are embarked on a worldwide crusade which involves the invasion and occupation of a great deal of the Middle East. Breivik and his collaborators – if any – are simply taking it one step further, and in that they are more consistent than their neocon brethren, who prefer to have other people fight their wars of choice.

The neoconservative agenda [.pdf] is about one thing and one thing only: the desirability and necessity of a war to the death against the Muslim Enemy. Their relationship with Breivik is identical to the links between the "theoreticians" of yesterday's New Left – Herbert Marcuse, Franz Fanon, etc. – and the activist rank-and-file, the college professors and the kids. Spencer is the theory: Breivik is the practice.

A screed posted on Horowitz's website defends Spencer as being a mere "researcher" whose job it is to "monitor" the Muslim Threat. The pose of impartiality is supremely unconvincing. Spencer is a "researcher" in the same sense as Breivik: both start out with a foregone conclusion and then "research" assiduously to rationalize their preexisting agenda.

Breivik's hate, expressed in terms of violence, is repulsive and therefore "fringe" – and yet Spencer and his ilk are the "respectable" proponents of the same basic ideology. Breivik was consigned to the margins, a member of a small sect – the "Knights Templar Europe" – which may very well have consisted of one member, himself. Spencer, on the other hand, has achieved a measure of quasi-respectability – or, at least, respectable enough to be included in a " training session" for military intelligence and law enforcement agencies.

Do we really want the man who inspired the worst mass murder in recent memory "training" our military and instructing our police in the intricacies of "Jihad in America"? That is just asking for trouble.

I have to add that there is one person who accurately foresaw this coming, and it is none other than my old adversary Charles Johnson, of the "little green footballs" website. Johnson is a former counter-jihadist who balked when his former buddies, like Geller, began palling around with the English Defense League and their continental co-thinkers around the "Gates of Vienna" and Brussels Journal sites. Johnson warned, more than once, that this could lead to nothing but bad-and-crazy, and raised the alarm: unfortunately, no one listened. While I have absolutely nothing in common politically with Johnson – indeed, quite the opposite – I have to give him credit for his remarkable prescience in calling out the dangerous transatlantic alliance between our homegrown haters and the Euro-crazies of Breivik's sort.

Breivik, Spencer, and the burgeoning anti-Muslim mini-industry that sprang up after 9/11 constitute an Axis of Hate, one that inevitably grew out of the "axis of evil" rhetoric employed by the Bush administration and their neoconservative Rasputins to justify the invasion of Iraq and Afghanistan. For over a decade, the West has been awash in a sea of propaganda targeting the Muslim world as a " swamp" which has to be "drained" for the good of humankind. Is it any wonder that some took seriously the comparison of Muslims to mosquitoes and embarked on an eradication campaign?

Which brings us to the oddest aspect of this tragedy: instead of turning his murderous hatred on the congregants of a mosque, Breivik slaughtered defenseless children attending a Norwegian Labor Party youth camp – all native Norwegians, and not a likely venue in which to find Muslims. The camp, held yearly, is a rite of passage for the children of the ruling Norwegian Labor Party elite – and this reflects another measure of the influence Breivik's American co-thinkers had on him. Central to the analysis offered by Spencer, and the Islamo-haters in general, is the idea that the West is asleep, and their job is to awaken it to the imminent danger posed by Islam. And this isn't a benign sleep, in their view, or a natural one: the public has been liberally dosed with the poison of "multiculturalism" by the "elites," who have engendered a "culture of appeasement." This sort of language, echoed in Breivik's "European Declaration of Independence," is a common theme in counter-jihadist circles. In an interview with Melanie Phillips, author of Londonistan, Frontpage's Jamie Glazov asks:

"Glazov: Describe for us Britain's culture of appeasement. What do you think engendered it?

"Phillips: Various factors. First, the kind of moral inversion and cultural slide I've just been talking about. Next, sheer funk. Then there's Britain's deep reluctance – which it shares with the US – to get stuck into issues of religion. It's a kind of fastidiousness that religion represents private space into which a liberal society should not intrude –which is fine, all other things being equal, but which of course here they are not.…

"Finally, don't forget that before a certain Winston Churchill came along and inspired the 'bulldog breed' who stoically endured the Blitz and saw off Hitler, Britain in the 1930s was cheering to the echo Neville Chamberlain's 'peace in our time'. There is an insularity to the British that leads them to think that, provided they don't upset anyone beyond their island fastness, nasty people in far-away places will leave them alone. And besides, the British ruling class have always done appeasement. Think of their betrayal of the Jews and kowtowing to the Arabs in Mandatory Palestine."

Besides an admiration for Winston Churchill, Phillips and Breivik share the same obsession with enforcing cultural purity and blaming decadent liberal elites for a loss of national identity:

"Multiculturalism has turned Britain's values inside out – and the root cause of the problem is the deconstruction of Britain's identity. For decades, the British elite has been consumed by loathing of its national identity and values which it decided were racist, authoritarian and generally disagreeable. Much of that was due to our old friend, post-colonial guilt. The elite was therefore vulnerable to the predations of the left, which had signed up to Gramsci's insight that a society could be suborned by replacing its normative values by the mores of those who transgressed them or were on society's margins."

Breivik, too, targets Gramsci and the Frankfurt School as the conspiratorial bogeymen behind the Western elite conspiracy to eradicate traditional culture and – quite improbably – raise the crescent flag over "Londonistan." So the main enemy, it turns out, isn't Muslims at all – it's the "elites," as Phillips (and Breivik) characterize them, our own leaders who are betraying us. That's why Breivik turned his gun on the youth camp at Utoya island: he was eliminating future progenitors of the "culture of appeasement," which Phillips describes with such gusto in her interview with Glazov, describing it as the idea that:

"All cultures were equal to each other and which thus provided minorities with an enormous weapon with which to force the majority to give in to their demands. One of the consequences of this was moral inversion, which holds that since minorities are weak they must always be victims of the majority because it is strong. So even when minorities behave badly, it's always the majority's fault. Translate that onto the world stage, and you arrive at the view that even when third world people commit terrorist outrages against the west it must be the west which is to blame. That's why multicultural Britain said, after 9/11, that America 'had it coming to them' – and why, after the London bombings last July, it said the reason British Muslim boys had blown up the London transit system was because of Britain's support for the US in Iraq."

As one of Britain's few but loudmouthed neocons – they actually have a Henry Jackson Society over there! – Phillips couldn't help putting a foreign policy gloss on her point, because that, indeed, is the point. To the counter-jihadists, such as Phillips – and the David Horowitz types in this country – the goal is to provide enough ideological fuel to keep the flagging "war on terrorism" going. With a war-weary public, and even many Republicans, calling for US withdrawal from Afghanistan, and cuts in the military budget, the War Party is in a panic. They are going into overdrive pushing this "stop the Islamization of the West" campaign as a counterweight to the overwhelming desire of Americans to attend to our own business right here at home.

As the temporary madness imbued by the 9/11 terrorist attacks wore off, a systematic campaign of anti-Muslim provocations was launched, starting with the Muhammad cartoons and ending in the growth of anti-Muslim gangs like the English Defense League. One could attribute this to spontaneous forces acting without direction, but when it comes to the intrigues of nations, I can't help but think of what Ayn Rand said in, I believe, The Fountainhead: Don't bother to examine a folly, ask yourself only what it accomplishes.

Who benefits from a wave of anti-Muslim hysteria and terrorism carried out by previously unknown groups such as Breivik's "Knights Templar Europe"? This is the first but not the last question one has to ask, and other questions naturally follow, such as: how did Breivik manage to finance his terrorist operation, which was begun, full-time, starting in at least 2009? Aside from his own boasting about having started several successful companies, we don't really know how Breivik made a living through all the years of preparation for his day of terror, except what's on the public record: his Facebook page, and official records, some of which are coming to light. We know he is the sole director of Breivik Geofarm, a business with 790 employees engaged in growing vegetables. I see no evidence of his having seriously worked for a living, although he did get a degree in management. But what was he managing – and who were the investors? There are also rumors he gave a lot of money to the counter-jihadist movement. Where did it come from?

Aside from these mysteries, however, another point needs to be made, and that is the key link between the theorists of the counter-jihadist movement, such as Phillips, Horowitz, et al., and its practitioners, or street-level activists, such as Breivik. In her Frontpage interview, Phillips is asked what inspired her to write Londonistan. Her answer unlocks the mystery of why Breivik chose to slaughter Norwegian children, whose declining birth rate he decries in his magnum opus, and in particular the children of Norway's political elite:

"I was just appalled by the fact that, not only had Britain become the key European hub of Islamist extremism and terrorism during the 1990s under the noses of the British authorities, but even after both 9/11 and last year's suicide bombings in London the British political and security establishment is still appeasing Islamist extremism, and remains in a state of denial about the threat to the west. After the London bombings, when home-grown British Muslim boys set out to murder as many of their fellow British citizens as possible, a senior London police officer went on TV and said that the words Islam and terrorism did not go together. If a threat is so badly misunderstood in this way, it will not be defeated."

If the British – or Norwegian – political and security establishment has, in effect, gone over to the enemy, then Breivik's actions – in the context of this implacable Spencerian war between Islam and West – are entirely justified. If the security and political establishment won't defend the West against the Muslim Threat, then the Knights Templar Europe surely must. Given Phillips' thesis that the authorities had gone over to the enemy, Breivik could depict himself as a Crusader out to save the West. Along with Phillips, Breivik believes that Western elites aren't merely inadequate – they're treasonous Quislings.

Let American neocons try to scramble out of taking responsibility for their European offspring all they want, for all the good it will do them. The family resemblance is too strong to be denied.

And please don't give me any guff about "guilt by association." The neocons have been playing that game for years: indeed, they may have invented it. They can dish it out, but they sure can't take it – well, isn't that tough?

The neocons should embrace their Prodigal Son, who is at last returning home, and the proof of parentage is right there in front of our eyes: in Breivik's by now very public utterances, of which we have probably not heard the last. I'm counting the moments until he starts quoting Robert Spencer at his trial.

Immigration Chaos

Immigration Chaos
by Fergus Hodgson, July 27, 2011

The presence of illegal immigrants in the United States continues to generate ineffectual political initiatives, from employment verification mandates to referendums against in-state tuition access.

These fail to resolve the underlying causes for the presence of illegals, such as the arbitrary (see the immigration lottery), expensive, and humiliating immigration process (and I speak from experience). They also tend to ignore what happens to the individuals caught in the bind ­ the supposed deportation process ­ as though they'll just disappear from America.

Last week, however, the Center for Immigration Studies released a lengthy report, "Deportation Basics: How Immigration Enforcement Works (Or Doesn't) in Real Life." This report is particularly revealing because CIS scholars tend to oppose "current, high levels of immigration," in favor of a "low-immigration, pro-immigrant" vision.

Despite the apparent low-immigration, pro-immigrant contradiction, CIS scholars deserve credit for at least addressing the touchy deportation subject. In doing so, they present the thinking of those who sincerely believe stricter enforcement of the prevailing laws is the way to go, and they are perhaps the most prominent organization with that perspective.

That perspective, though, is fraught with confusion and prejudices, and it begs for a rebuttal.

The author uses a pseudonym, "W.D. Reasoner," which seems unnecessary, but he notes that he is a retired government employee with many years of experience in immigration administration. Presumably, that allowed him to observe what he admits is a cumbersome and dysfunctional process of deportation.

That description leads to his and CIS's most important confusion. Despite the abject failure of federal officials to curb illegal immigration ­ about 11 million live here ­ even with multiple agencies on the job, he wants to divert more Justice Department resources to them. The call for expanded budgets goes to show how these agencies have an incentive to maintain the problem, not end it.

Reasoner notes at least 20 required forms to initiate an immigration charge, greater than one-year backlogs for hearings (which only 41 percent of defendants attend), and a scarcity of detention space. This fecklessness matches that of the E-Verify program, where even U.S. Customs and Immigration admits 54 percent of unauthorized workers receive approval for employment. Yet, he does not call for legislative changes, nor does he acknowledge that they are fighting a futile battle.

Reasoner also points to a "significant review and restructuring" of another agency, Immigration and Customs Enforcement. This has been going on for nearly two years, and its claim to success is the cancellation of many contracts, but total spending has continued to climb.

Reflective of the entire report, the term "alien," which legally refers to any non-citizen, appears throughout. Even jargon such as "alienage" arises ­ whatever that means. Offensive to many, "alien" dehumanizes immigrants and promotes a fallacious us-versus-them mentality that undergirds the report.

This collectivist mentality manifests itself with repeated calls for the dismissal of due process "trappings" in immigration disputes. Apparently, benefit of the doubt and presumption of innocence are less relevant when someone may be born outside of the country.

Additionally, the supposed adverse impacts of illegal immigrants on health and social service systems merit mention, while their cultural and economic contributions do not. Contrary to popular perception, illegal immigrants are not heavy users of welfare, and the majority pay income taxes. Cato Institute research also suggests that legal status would enable higher wages and greater tax contributions.

The irony is that what Reasoner describes as "thousands of productive hours" toward deportation are a waste of time, and they divert our attention from real problems. Already Puerto Ricans immigrate to and work in the United States without impediment. And any Cuban that arrives here receives permanent residence status within one year. Do we lose sleep at night over that reality?

Of course not; nor should we ­ just as we would not seek to impede someone moving from Massachusetts to New Hampshire. Far from being a plague, migration elevates human prosperity and helps to hold governments in check.

I remember a visit to Ellis Island, the place where so many people without documentation once found welcome in the United States. Sadly, millions of people now assume grave risks to immigrate illegally, and they testify to a legal route that no longer greets immigrants with open arms.

Payback is a real beeyotch

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Re: Fwd: fyi

This is why dems lose the senate next year.

On Jul 27, 10:46 am, Bruce Majors <> wrote:

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This policy and a couple of bucks will buy you a coffee - maybe

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Re: Norway and the War Against Islam

f the U.S. Empire withdrew from the Middle East by immediately
withdrawing all U.S. troops and bringing them home, by immediately
closing all U.S. military bases, and by immediately terminating all
U.S. foreign aid, anti-American terrorism emanating from that part of
the world would dissipate.
speculation noted

Jacob G. Hornberger is a wolf in sheep's clothing

On Jul 26, 9:01 pm, MJ <> wrote:
> Tuesday, July 26, 2011Norway and the War Against Islamby Jacob G. Hornberger
> Actually the killings in Norway by accused murderer Anders Behring Breivik are logical from the standpoint of those who have been claiming that the West is in a war against Islam. If we're really at war, as these people have been claiming ever since 9/11, then what's wrong with killing the enemy? Isn't that what war is all about? In war, doesn't one kill the enemy in order to win the war?
> Ever since the 9/11 attacks, The Future of Freedom Foundation has periodically received letters from people fearfully exclaiming that the Muslims are coming to get us and invade, conquer, and occupy the United States as part of their war on Western civilization and Christianity. They have told us that the Koran requires Muslims to wage war on the Christian West and that the ultimate goal of the Muslims, including through immigration, is the conquest of the United States, Europe, and the rest of the Western world.
> I have responded to these people by advising them not to go out and start shooting Muslims in their neighborhood. I have counseled them that if they did that, the state would arrest them and charge them with murder. Moreover, the judge would not permit them to defend against the murder charge by claiming that they were simply killing the enemy during wartime. They would be viewed simply as murderers, not as enemy combatants in war.
> Fortunately, those who have long made this claim here in the United States have not followed through with their convictions by going out and defending the country during "wartime" by killing Muslims.
> In fact, as I have long pointed out, the entire "we're at war against Islam" screed has really been nothing more than a means by which such claimants can avoid confronting the wrongdoing of their own government the U.S. government in the Middle East, wrongdoing that has given rise to the anger and rage that has resulted in the threat of terrorist retaliation from that part of the world.
> Indeed, one or the most amusing aspects to this controversy is that the "we're at war with Islam" people never acknowledge that it is their government the U.S. government that is itself a strong supporter of Islamic regimes. Consider Iraq, where the U.S. invasion succeeded in installing a government that is required by Iraqi constitutional law to operate under Islamic principles. For some 10 years, U.S. troops have been killing and dying to protect this U.S.-supported Islamic regime from being overthrown, while the "we're at war with Islam" crowd has never ceased exhorting us to support the troops in Iraq who are "defending our rights and freedoms."
> Or consider Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Egypt, Kuwait, Jordan, and other predominantly Muslim countries whose (non-democratic) governments are recipients of billions of dollars in U.S. foreign aid. Isn't it ironic that the "we're at war with Islam" crowd never criticizes their own government for "aiding and abetting the enemy during wartime"?
> In fact, the new official Islamic threat didn't really materialize until the advocates of big government needed a new official enemy to justify the ever-growing expenditures and worldwide domination of the U.S. military and military-industrial complex at the end of the Cold War.
> After all, throughout the Cold War was the "we're at war against Islam" crowd making the same claims about Islam that they've been making for the past 10 years? Nope. During that time, the official big-government boogeyman was the communists, who were coming to get us, invade the United States, occupy our country, and take over the IRS, the public schools, and the Interstate Highway System.
> In fact, when the U.S. government was openly supporting Islamic extremists when it was the Soviet Union, rather than the United States, occupying Afghanistan, the "we're at war against Islam" crowd was fully supportive.
> But once the Soviet Union disappeared, a new official boogeyman obviously became necessary. After all, how could we justify the enormous, ever-growing Cold War budget for the military and the military-industrial complex if we didn't have a new official enemy?
> Throughout the 1990s, Saddam Hussein served that function. While he had been a partner and ally of the U.S. government during the 1980s, U.S. officials quickly turned on him and converted him into the "new Hitler" who was bent on nuking and invading the United States. Thus, throughout the 1990s, Saddam, not Islam, was the official boogeyman.
> But then came 9/11. That event provided the advocates of big government with a new official boogeyman -- terrorism, which actually was even better than communism given that U.S. interventions, support of dictatorships, foreign aid, sanctions, embargoes, coups, bases, no-fly zones, invasions, and occupations in the Middle East and elsewhere would ensure a perpetual supply of anti-American terrorists. The Cold War lasted only 45 years. But the war on terrorism has the potential to last forever, thereby ensuring the continuation of big government into perpetuity.
> Of course, it's all a means to avoid confronting the role of U.S. foreign policy in producing the anger and rage that results in the threat of terrorist retaliation, which U.S. officials then use to expand their power and domination over the American people. If people can convince themselves that the problem is that the Muslims are coming to get us, then they're able to reconcile in their minds that everything the U.S. Empire has done to people in the Middle East is okay because it's all done to "defend us," as in "Let us pray for the troops who are in Iraq and Afghanistan defending our rights and freedoms."
> Recall the famous debate exchange between Ron Paul and Rudy Guliani. Paul pointed out that the terrorists came here to kill us on 9/11 because our government had been over there killing them prior to 9/11. Guliani was outraged that anyone could possibly criticize the U.S. government and its foreign policy.
> For all too many Americans, the U.S. government is their god, their parent, their provider, their sustainer, their protector. In their minds, the government is incapable of wrongdoing. Thus, they come up with wild-eyed rationalizations to justify the wrongdoing, such as "the Muslims are waging war against us and are coming to get us and so anything our government does to them is okay."
> If the U.S. Empire withdrew from the Middle East by immediately withdrawing all U.S. troops and bringing them home, by immediately closing all U.S. military bases, and by immediately terminating all U.S. foreign aid, anti-American terrorism emanating from that part of the world would dissipate.
> of That of course would leave the advocates of big government without an official enemy once again, including communism, terrorism, and Islam. But hey, there's always the drug war, which has succeeded in providing boogeymen for some 40 years.

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a global force for good?

they have forgotten who they work for

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Re: Fwd: fyi

until we prevent lobbyists from bribing congress they will remain

On Jul 27, 9:46 am, Bruce Majors <> wrote:

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did you know ...

that the US government killed JFK, MLK and MalcomX?

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Re: **JP** Who Really Zaid Hamid Is! [1 Attachment]

i think it is time that you stop spreading this stupid indian propaganda. We have seen enough of it and likes of it. Whoever stands for Pakistan and for the values of Pakistan is pushed around by fools who play tools in the hands of enemies that tremble in their pants when they see Pakistan uniting and getting stronger. So, take some advise, and stand for the country rather than being a person without any thoughts and acting as propaganda agents of the enemies...nothing will happen to anyone but you will stand with Mir Jaffar and Mir Sadiq's....

From: Ali Akbar <>
Sent: Tue, July 26, 2011 7:59:43 AM
Subject: Re: **JP** Who Really Zaid Hamid Is! [1 Attachment]

As salam o alaikum,

I have sent an email regarding "Who Really Zaid Hamid Is!".

Some users said that Zaid Hamid is a genuine Muslim and all this email is a propaganda.

The actual issue is "Zaid Hamid got caught on audio clip where Yusuf Ali (Kazzab) announcing that he is prophet (Naozobillah) and then he introduced Zaid Zaman as his Sahabi". The audio clip (video) is added on our blog.

We questioned about this issue and asked and still asking Zaid Hamid that it was he who was introduced by Yusuf Ali (Kazzab) in this audio clip? He never replied till I am writing this email.

Second issue is "Zaid Hamid blamed 2 Ulema and 1 scholar".

He blamed Dr. Israr Ahmed that Dr. Israr Ahmed was friend of Yusuf Ali (Kazzab) and Dr. Israr Ahmed always supported Yusuf Ali (Kazzab) but actually Dr. Israr Ahmed announced that Yusuf Ali (Kazzab) was liar and we added the video of Dr. Israr Ahmed and Zaid Hamid both.

Zaid Hamid blamed Moulana Ashrafi that he was friend of Yusuf Ali (Kazzab) and Moulana Ashrafi was defending Yusuf Ali (Kazzab). But it was opposite, we have added videos from Zaid Hamid and Moulana Ashrafi both.

Zaid Hamid then blamed Mufti Naeemi and Mufti Naeemi also criticized Zaid Hamid. We have added both videos.

You can view these videos at Please watch all the videos.

Guys please watch these videos you will get Zaid Hamid lies InshAllah! Please note hmmm.. nothing is personal :)


On Sat, Jul 23, 2011 at 3:43 PM, Shoaib Rehman <> wrote:
u should also see this
u have no right to criticize him...

On Sun, Jul 24, 2011 at 12:18 AM, Join Pakistan <> wrote:

Who Really Zaid Hamid Is!

I am writing this email to send all of you a pdf document of 11 pages. In this document some facts are mentioned about Mr. Zaid Hamid who is known as Defence Analyst.

I have a request to all of you that do read this document it is really very important one.

The document (pdf) is attached. The size of the document (pdf) is 601KB. Please download it from attachments.

With Best Wishes.


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Re: Fwd: [I-S] Rachel Maddow, MSNBC sued for defamation

xians, gays, and those who report on them are the least of America's

On Jul 27, 8:34 am, Bruce Majors <> wrote:
> I want to sue her too:
> ==============================
> Rachel Maddow, MSNBC sued for defamation * 'Left-wing television
> commentators must be made to respect ... the law' *
> ------------------------------
> Posted: July 26, 2011
> 10:02 pm Eastern
>  By Bob Unruh
>  © 2011 WND
> Bradlee Dean
> A lawsuit seeking in excess of $50 million has been prepared against MSNBC
> and its talk-show entertainer Rachel Maddow over statements she made about a
> Minnesota-based ministry.
> Word of the development comes in an announcement from officials with the
> YouCanRunButYouCannotHideInternational<>ministry
> run by former rock artist Bradlee Dean.
> The attorney handling the case is Larry Klayman, the founder of Judicial
> Watch and now of Freedom Watch, <> who said
> money is not the issue.
> "This case is filed as a matter of principle," he said. "We need more
> Bradlee Deans in the world and hateful left wing television commentators
> must be made to respect not only his mission but the law."
> *How low can the media go? Meet 'The Anti-Journalists.' Not only do they
> refuse to report the truth – they attack you if you
> do<>
> *
> The team announced a news conference tomorrow at the Midtown Executive Club
> in New York to respond to reporters' questions about the dispute.
> Dean, a renowned hard metal rocker who came to Christ after suffering a hard
> life as a young boy, has dedicated his life to his ministry's mission,
> officials said.
> He once made a statement on the radio criticizing his fellow Christians for
> not taking a stronger stand about the "gay" rights lobby promoting
> homosexuality in the schools. According to the ministry announcement, he
> made a strong reference to Muslims taking the issue more seriously in the
> context of Shariah law, but did not condone their practices. It was
> Bradlee's intent to focus attention on the issue, not to advocate harm to
> anyone.
> <[CACHEBUSTER]&mpvc=>
> Despite the very clear disclaimer by Dean on his ministries website and
> elsewhere regarding the false accusation that he was calling for the
> execution of homosexuals, according to the announcement, "MSNBC's Rachel
> Maddow and others seized on and accused Dean on her show of supporting the
> killing of homosexuals, as is the practice in some radical Islamic
> countries. This seriously has harmed Dean and the ministry, who pride
> themselves on respect and love for all people."
> The ministry announcement said, "In an interview earlier this year, MSNBC's
> president Phil Griffin admitted that the network, to boost its ratings,
> caters to the so-called 'progressive left.'This explains the malicious
> attacks on Bradlee Dean and his ministry, which are being used to harm the
> presidential campaign of Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, who is a
> conservative Christian."
> The organization explained in the past, Dean and his ministry have been
> complemented by presidential candidate Michele Bachmann for their work in
> promoting values for the nation's youth.
> "The left wing media's effort to defame Dean is an obvious way to try to
> harm Bachmann's presidential prospects," the group said.
> An earlier report from the ministry said it was Maddow who featured on her
> program a quote from Dean, "The Muslims are calling for the execution of
> homosexuals in America. This was just released yesterday and it shows you
> that they themselves are upholding the laws that are even in the Bible of
> the Judeo-Christian God. But they seem to be more moral than even the
> American Christians do because these people are livid about enforcing their
> laws. They know homosexuality's an abomination. If America won't enforce the
> laws, God will raise up a foreign enemy to do just that."
> But that was an edited version of Dean's original message, which was a
> benign warning to the homosexual community that the Bible calls the behavior
> a sin and there are consequences for sin, so they should "flee" from that.
> Dean explains he was only trying to guilt the Christian community to take
> the radical leftist homosexual agenda more seriously.
> According to Dean's ministry, his actual statement was:
> Muslims are calling for the execution for homosexuals in America, this was
> just released yesterday and it shows you that they themselves are upholding
> the laws that are even in the Bible, the Judeo Christian God. They seem to
> be more moral than even the American Christians do. Because these people are
> livid about enforcing their laws, they know homosexuality is an abomination.
> And I continually reach out to the homosexual communities on this radio
> show, and I warn them, which ones love? Here you have Obama condemning it
> behind the backs of the homosexuals but to their faces he's promoting it. I
> say this to my gay friends out there the ones that continuously nitpick
> everything I say. Hollywood is promoting immorality and the God of the
> Heavens in Jesus names is warning you to flee from the wrath to come, yet
> you have Muslims calling for your execution. If America won't enforce the
> laws, God will raise up a foreign enemy to do just that's what you're seeing
> in America today. Read Leviticus 26 America.
> Klayman told WND that the original misapplication of the comments came
> through writer Andy Birkey of the Minnesota
> Independent,<>where
> he headlined a story "GOP-linked punk rock ministry says executing
> gays is 'moral'."
> The ministry wrote to the newspaper to correct the impression and Birkey
> noted Dean's statement
> that,<>"We
> have specifically rejected, as all Christians do, the Islamic
> doctrine,
> and actual practice, of executing homosexuals. But some have claimed, in
> effect, that by merely mentioning the execution of homosexuals (as a
> criminal practice of Islam), on our radio broadcast, we have suggested it
> for consideration. Obviously this is absurd. The whole point was to contrast
> the Islamic position with the Christian position. This may not have been as
> clear as we would have otherwise planned it to be. Live radio is not
> scripted. But everyone who knows us knows that this is our position because
> we have stated it consistently for years…"
> But since the original statement, the Independent report, and its followup,
> Klayman noted, the original accusation has spread. The Minneapolis
> Star-Tribune <>explained
> Dean's comments were "read as advocating executions for gay
> people," KARE Television<>commented
> on his "controversial statements about gay persons," and on the
> City Pages <>said
> Dean "has praised religious extremists who execute suspected
> homosexuals."
> ABC jumped into the fray with the blog comment that Dean "has suggested
> homosexuals be executed."<>
> Activist sites from as
> Rightwingwatch<>took
> it even further, saying that Dean statements include "that Muslim
> nations that execute gays are more moral than American Christians."
> State Democrat-Farmer-Labor Party Rep. Karen Clark
> <>accused
> Dean of saying that "extremists who call for the execution of American gays
> are morally justified."
> A WND request to Maddow's program for a comment did not generate a response.
> You Can Run But You Cannot Hide International
> <> was founded by Dean,
> and it has reached more than 500,000 young people with a message of truth
> and hope across the country. His message focuses on basic constitutional
> issues. He's also spoken at churches, festivals, prisons, detention centers
> and on radio and television programs.
> Dean also is drummer for Junkyard Prophet, which has sold over 40,000 albums
> in the Minneapolis area alone. Bradlee is endorsed by world-class companies
> such as Sonor, Buttkickers, Beatnik (including his own signature drum pad),
> Hornet Drumsticks (including his own signature sticks), and Soultone
> Cymbals.
> The antagonism against Dean heated up again in just the last few weeks after
> he, by invitation, delivered a prayer to open the House session at the
> Minnesota Legislature.
> The Associated Press accused Dean of making "derogatory remarks about gay
> people," though Dean's prayer made no reference to homosexuality.
> The AP explained how the House in Minnesota instructs ministers on the
> content of their prayers, saying they must be "ecumenical" as well as
> "interfaith."
> Dean acknowledged that his prayer was not on behalf of any denomination, but
> instead was on behalf of Christians. "The head of the denomination is Jesus
> as every president up until 2008 has acknowledged," he said.
> Finally Dean concluded by stating he believes he is being unfairly used as a
> scapegoat by elements of the radical leftist gay community, such as Rachel
> Maddow, to harm the presidential campaign of Michele Bachmann.
> Read more: Rachel Maddow, MSNBC sued for
> defamation<>
>  --
> Warm Regards
>  ___________________ ~ ~
> (_____(*)___________} } }
>  072611bradlee.jpg
> 82KViewDownload

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Fwd: You're Invited: "A Transatlantic Toast to Liberty" Happy Hour July 28

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You are Invited

America's Future Foundation, Young Britons Foundation, and the French Tocqueville Fellowship present 

"A Transatlantic Toast to Liberty" Happy Hour
with special guest Iain Murray
Vice President, CEI
Author of the brand-new Stealing You Blind:  How Government Fat Cats Are Getting Rich Off of You

Thursday, July 28, 2011
6:30 pm - 8:30 pm

1319 Connecticut Ave NW
Washington, D.C. 20036

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Meet liberty-minded colleagues from Britain and France during their annual visit

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Young Britons Foundation is the leading organization promoting the ideas of liberty to students and young people in the UK.  Each summer, it brings a delegation of its student leaders to the U.S.  The French Tocqueville Fellowship also brings a delegation that allows French conservative and classical liberal young people the opportunity to meet and network with their American partner organizations.  Come and make a transatlantic toast to liberty!  
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William N. Grigg:
The proposed Balanced Budget Amendment would be a "straitjacket on Congress," and therefore a "solution" to the debt crisis, some Republican slogan-spewer said on the Mark Levin program today.

Can he, or anyone else, name one thing forbidden by the Constitution that Congress refrains from doing, *because* it is thus forbidden?

Fwd: [I-S] Rachel Maddow, MSNBC sued for defamation

Rachel Maddow, MSNBC sued for defamation

'Left-wing television commentators must be made to respect ... the law'

Posted: July 26, 2011
10:02 pm Eastern

By Bob Unruh
© 2011 WND

Bradlee Dean

A lawsuit seeking in excess of $50 million has been prepared against MSNBC and its talk-show entertainer Rachel Maddow over statements she made about a Minnesota-based ministry.

Word of the development comes in an announcement from officials with the YouCanRunButYouCannotHideInternational ministry run by former rock artist Bradlee Dean.

The attorney handling the case is Larry Klayman, the founder of Judicial Watch and now of Freedom Watch, who said money is not the issue.

"This case is filed as a matter of principle," he said. "We need more Bradlee Deans in the world and hateful left wing television commentators must be made to respect not only his mission but the law."

How low can the media go? Meet 'The Anti-Journalists.' Not only do they refuse to report the truth – they attack you if you do

The team announced a news conference tomorrow at the Midtown Executive Club in New York to respond to reporters' questions about the dispute.

Dean, a renowned hard metal rocker who came to Christ after suffering a hard life as a young boy, has dedicated his life to his ministry's mission, officials said.

He once made a statement on the radio criticizing his fellow Christians for not taking a stronger stand about the "gay" rights lobby promoting homosexuality in the schools. According to the ministry announcement, he made a strong reference to Muslims taking the issue more seriously in the context of Shariah law, but did not condone their practices. It was Bradlee's intent to focus attention on the issue, not to advocate harm to anyone.


Despite the very clear disclaimer by Dean on his ministries website and elsewhere regarding the false accusation that he was calling for the execution of homosexuals, according to the announcement, "MSNBC's Rachel Maddow and others seized on and accused Dean on her show of supporting the killing of homosexuals, as is the practice in some radical Islamic countries. This seriously has harmed Dean and the ministry, who pride themselves on respect and love for all people."

The ministry announcement said, "In an interview earlier this year, MSNBC's president Phil Griffin admitted that the network, to boost its ratings, caters to the so-called 'progressive left.'This explains the malicious attacks on Bradlee Dean and his ministry, which are being used to harm the presidential campaign of Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, who is a conservative Christian."

The organization explained in the past, Dean and his ministry have been complemented by presidential candidate Michele Bachmann for their work in promoting values for the nation's youth.

"The left wing media's effort to defame Dean is an obvious way to try to harm Bachmann's presidential prospects," the group said.

An earlier report from the ministry said it was Maddow who featured on her program a quote from Dean, "The Muslims are calling for the execution of homosexuals in America. This was just released yesterday and it shows you that they themselves are upholding the laws that are even in the Bible of the Judeo-Christian God. But they seem to be more moral than even the American Christians do because these people are livid about enforcing their laws. They know homosexuality's an abomination. If America won't enforce the laws, God will raise up a foreign enemy to do just that."

But that was an edited version of Dean's original message, which was a benign warning to the homosexual community that the Bible calls the behavior a sin and there are consequences for sin, so they should "flee" from that. Dean explains he was only trying to guilt the Christian community to take  the radical leftist homosexual agenda more seriously.

According to Dean's ministry, his actual statement was:

Muslims are calling for the execution for homosexuals in America, this was just released yesterday and it shows you that they themselves are upholding the laws that are even in the Bible, the Judeo Christian God. They seem to be more moral than even the American Christians do. Because these people are livid about enforcing their laws, they know homosexuality is an abomination. And I continually reach out to the homosexual communities on this radio show, and I warn them, which ones love? Here you have Obama condemning it behind the backs of the homosexuals but to their faces he's promoting it. I say this to my gay friends out there the ones that continuously nitpick everything I say. Hollywood is promoting immorality and the God of the Heavens in Jesus names is warning you to flee from the wrath to come, yet you have Muslims calling for your execution. If America won't enforce the laws, God will raise up a foreign enemy to do just that's what you're seeing in America today. Read Leviticus 26 America.

Klayman told WND that the original misapplication of the comments came through writer Andy Birkey of the Minnesota Independent, where he headlined a story "GOP-linked punk rock ministry says executing gays is 'moral'."

The ministry wrote to the newspaper to correct the impression and Birkey noted Dean's statement that, "We have specifically rejected, as all Christians do, the Islamic doctrine, and actual practice, of executing homosexuals. But some have claimed, in effect, that by merely mentioning the execution of homosexuals (as a criminal practice of Islam), on our radio broadcast, we have suggested it for consideration. Obviously this is absurd. The whole point was to contrast the Islamic position with the Christian position. This may not have been as clear as we would have otherwise planned it to be. Live radio is not scripted. But everyone who knows us knows that this is our position because we have stated it consistently for years…"

But since the original statement, the Independent report, and its followup, Klayman noted, the original accusation has spread. The Minneapolis Star-Tribune explained Dean's comments were "read as advocating executions for gay people," KARE Television commented on his "controversial statements about gay persons," and on the City Pages said Dean "has praised religious extremists who execute suspected homosexuals."

ABC jumped into the fray with the blog comment that Dean "has suggested homosexuals be executed."

Activist sites from as Rightwingwatch took it even further, saying that Dean statements include "that Muslim nations that execute gays are more moral than American Christians."

State Democrat-Farmer-Labor Party Rep. Karen Clark accused Dean of saying that "extremists who call for the execution of American gays are morally justified."

A WND request to Maddow's program for a comment did not generate a response.

You Can Run But You Cannot Hide International was founded by Dean, and it has reached more than 500,000 young people with a message of truth and hope across the country. His message focuses on basic constitutional issues. He's also spoken at churches, festivals, prisons, detention centers and on radio and television programs.

Dean also is drummer for Junkyard Prophet, which has sold over 40,000 albums in the Minneapolis area alone. Bradlee is endorsed by world-class companies such as Sonor, Buttkickers, Beatnik (including his own signature drum pad), Hornet Drumsticks (including his own signature sticks), and Soultone Cymbals.

The antagonism against Dean heated up again in just the last few weeks after he, by invitation, delivered a prayer to open the House session at the Minnesota Legislature.

The Associated Press accused Dean of making "derogatory remarks about gay people," though Dean's prayer made no reference to homosexuality.

The AP explained how the House in Minnesota instructs ministers on the content of their prayers, saying they must be "ecumenical" as well as "interfaith."

Dean acknowledged that his prayer was not on behalf of any denomination, but instead was on behalf of Christians. "The head of the denomination is Jesus as every president up until 2008 has acknowledged," he said.

Finally Dean concluded by stating he believes he is being unfairly used as a scapegoat by elements of the radical leftist gay community, such as Rachel Maddow, to harm the presidential campaign of Michele Bachmann.

Read more: Rachel Maddow, MSNBC sued for defamation

--   Warm Regards  DOC   ___________________ ~ ~ (_____(*)___________} } }

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RE: **JP** Pak Army recoverd an Indian flag from "Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan".

Pak Army Zindabaad...
aur jo log Pak Army per tanked kertay hien, wo khud apnay girebaan mien jhank ker dekhine, wo khud Ghaddar hien... jo is mulak k dushman hien...
Ye Pak Army hee hay jis k Khauf sa Inidan aur Israili Pak per direct attack kerna sa dartay hien... aur ghatya hathkanday istemaal ker raha hien, aur hmaray pithu aur bikau leaders unka kaam asaan ker rahay hein
Shame on the the people who raised fingers on Pak Army, 

Pakistan Zindabaad

Subject: Re: **JP** Pak Army recoverd an Indian flag from "Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan".
Date: Tue, 26 Jul 2011 12:33:17 +0500

Kia faida aisi Army ka jo apne mafad ki khatir marshallah nafiz karti hey magar jab qom/awam ko zaroorat hoti hey to khamosh tamashai banjati hey and awam ko marne deti hey, is waqt tamam currupt log hakoomat may hain and woh mulq & qoam ki dolat ko loot rahe hain, kia jis tarha Butto ko phansi di the istarha in tamam logon ko aik sath arrest kar ke  inse looti hoi dolat wapis nahi lesakti and kia in zalimon ko phansi nahi desakti ? Agar nahi to lanat hey aisi army per jo in ghareeb awam ki mehnat and khoon pasine ki kamai se apne ikhrajat pure karti hey and murdar army ki tarha sir tamashai bani hoi hey and mulq ke andar and bahir ke logon ko masoom awam ka qatle aam karne de rahi hey.
----- Original Message -----
From: Saleh
Sent: Tuesday, July 26, 2011 9:15 AM
Subject: Re: **JP** Pak Army recoverd an Indian flag from "Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan".

Our military is best in the world and the only hurdle in front of all the dajjali forces....we are with our jawans and with our soldiers, the best in the world!!

From: Ahmed Raza <>
To: "" <>; "" <>; Always 2 <>; "" <>
Sent: Mon, July 25, 2011 2:07:45 AM
Subject: Re: **JP** Pak Army recoverd an Indian flag from "Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan".

This is not beliveable.  Pak army is US Army,, understand

From: Shoaib Rehman <>
To:; Always 2 <>;;
Sent: Friday, July 22, 2011 10:23 AM
Subject: **JP** Pak Army recoverd an Indian flag from "Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan".

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