Sunday, September 23, 2012

Obama Senior Adviser, Baghdad Bob Gibbs, Stutters Trying To Explain Why Obama Will Meet The View But Not World Leaders (Video)

Scotty Starnes posted: "[youtube=] Obama refused to meet with Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu but found the time to go on The View, David Letterman and to attend a fundraiser with a drug dealer turned rappe"
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New post on Scotty Starnes's Blog

Obama Senior Adviser, Baghdad Bob Gibbs, Stutters Trying To Explain Why Obama Will Meet The View But Not World Leaders (Video)

by Scotty Starnes

Obama refused to meet with Israel Prime Minister Netanyahu but found the time to go on The View, David Letterman and to attend a fundraiser with a drug dealer turned rapper, Jay-Z. The priorities of a failed president.

H/T to Tony


Scotty Starnes | September 23, 2012 at 12:53 PM | Tags: David Letterman, Jay-Z, President Obama, Robert Gibbs, The View | Categories: Political Issues | URL:

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**JP** آرآئی یو جے (دستور) کا متنازعہ فلم کے خلاف احتجاجی مظاہرہ

مختلف سیاسی ،مذہبی ، ادبی اور صحافتی تنظیموں نے
گستاخانہ اور شرانگیز فلم کی شدید الفاظ میں مذمت کرتے ہوئے مطالبہ کیاہے
امریکہ امت مسلمہ کے جذبات کی قدر کرتے ہوئے متنازعہ فلم پر پابندی عائد
گستاخانہ فلم بنانیوالوں کو سرعام پھانسی پرلٹکایا جائے۔ شانِ رسالت ﷺ
بننے والی فلم بین المذاہب ہم آہنگی کیخلاف سازش ہے ۔ اسلام دیگر مذاہب
احترام کادرس دیتا ہے ،لیکن کوئی بھی مسلمان اپنے پیارے نبی ﷺ کی شان
گستاخی برداشت نہیں کرسکتا۔پاکستان حکمرانوں نے تو غیرت دکھائی ہے دیگر
ممالک بھی کچھ غیرت کھائیں ان خیالات کا اظہار راولپنڈی اسلام آباد یونین
جرنلسٹس (دستور) کے زیر اہتمام متنازعہ فلم کے خلاف احتجاجی مظاہرے سے
اسلام کے سربراہ علامہ حیدر علوی ، پی ایف یوجے (دستور) کے سیکرٹری جنرل
قادری ،آر آئی یوجے (دستور) کے صدر خاورنواز راجہ،انجمن غلامان مصطفی کے
چئیرمین حاجی چوہدی علیم ،پیپلزلائیرفورم کے رہنما اسد عباسی
وزیر حکومت آزادکشمیر حافظ احمد رضا قادری ،سئینر صحافی،ملک اعجاز
علی شیر ،مفتی عمر فاروق،احمد رشید ساگر،عمران بلوچ،ڈاکٹرزاہد اعوان،یونس
،احسان بخاری اقبال سکندر،تیمور،جماعت
الاعوہ کے رہنما قاری آصف، پیپلزپارٹی ضلع کے سیکرٹری اطلاعات محمد
شاہد ،راجہ
عمر ساجد،پی وائی او کے رہنما حسن شاہ،محمد علی منہاس،ممتاز
عباسی ،چوہدری
یاسین انجم،حلقہ ارباب زوق راولپنڈی کے رہنما راجہ احمد رضا،جلیل
عالی ،فرحین
چوہدری،ارشد ملک ،آصف مغل، اوردیگر نے خطاب کرتے ہوئے کیا مقررین نے
کہاکہ ۔
اقوام متحدہ حضرت آدم علیہ السلام سے لے کر نبی آخر الزماں حضرت محمد
صلی اللہ علیہ وآلہ وسلم کی ناموس کے تحفظ کے لیے قانون سازی کرے۔جب تک
دنیا میں اسلام دشمن فلم پر پابندی نہیں لگائی جاتی پر امن احتجاج جاری
رکھاجائے گا مسلم ممالک کے حکمران امریکہ کی غلامی کا گیت گانے کی بجائے
رسالت کے تحفظ اور یہود و نصاریٰ کی ہرزہ سرائی کے خلاف آواز بلند کریں،
طور پر امریکہ سے سفارتی تعلقات ختم ،امریکی سفیر کوملک بدراورگستاخ
ممالک کی
مصنوعات اور اسکے حواری مما لک کا مکمل با ئیکا ٹ کیاجائے۔ توہین آمیز
فلم کے
تمام کرداروں کے خلاف عالمی عدالت میں مقدمہ چلایا جائے انھوں نے کہاکہ
آمیزفلم سے مسلمانوں کی غیرت کوللکاراگیا ہے ، گستاخانہ فلم بنانے والے
فلمسازکو سرعام پھانسی پرلٹکایاجائے تاکہ آئندہ کسی ملعون کو ایسی ناپاک
کرنے کی ہمت نہ ہو۔ انہوں نے اپنے ہم وطنوں سے اپیل کی کہ احتجاج
لیکن اپنی ہی املاک کو نقصان نہ پہنچائیں۔ *

- From -
Khawar Nawaz Raja
Rawalpindi Islamabad Union of journalist
Senior Staff Reporter
Daily Ausaf Islamabad
Call No;0321/0300/ 9818344



- From -
Khawar Nawaz Raja
Rawalpindi Islamabad Union of journalist
Senior Staff Reporter
Daily Ausaf Islamabad
Call No;0321/0300/ 9818344

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Women can finally drive in the Middle East


Women in Saudi Arabia and other Middle Eastern areas are now permitted to drive for the first time.

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We Pledge Allegiance to the Narcissist of the United States, Barack Obama (Video)

Scotty Starnes posted: "[youtube=] Granny Jan's video response to the cult-like behavior of Hollywood morons pledging allegiance to their cult hero, Barack Hussein Obama."
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New post on Scotty Starnes's Blog

We Pledge Allegiance to the Narcissist of the United States, Barack Obama (Video)

by Scotty Starnes

Granny Jan's video response to the cult-like behavior of Hollywood morons pledging allegiance to their cult hero, Barack Hussein Obama.

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Should Christians Start Protesting and Rioting Like the Muslims Do?

Bulldozers and mosques go will together.

Harold posted: "Godfather Politics9/22/2012 Have you noticed that ever since Barack Obama took office as President, that the only people he pays attention to, besides ethnic and lower class, are those that protest and riot every chance they get? The gay rights grou"
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New post on ACGR's "News with Attitude"

Should Christians Start Protesting and Rioting Like the Muslims Do?

by Harold

Godfather Politics 9/22/2012 Have you noticed that ever since Barack Obama took office as President, that the only people he pays attention to, besides ethnic and lower class, are those that protest and riot every chance they get? The gay rights groups across the nation held one protest after another.  They filed one lawsuit after [...]

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Your Communist Commander in Chief


Your Communist Commander in Chief.   Watch the Video!


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Romney only paid a 14% tax rate!!!

John Kerry - 13.1%

With double the assets

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Have you ever been to a Muslim hospital, heard a Muslim orchestra, seen a Muslim band march in a parade, witnessed a Muslim charity, shaken hands with a Muslim Girl Scout,
seen a Muslim Candy St riper , or seen a Muslim do anything that contributes positively to the American way of life ????

The answer is no, you did not. Just ask yourself WHY ???

Barack Obama, during his Cairo speech, said: "I know, too, that Islam has always been a part of America's history."


Dear Mr. Obama:

Were those Muslims that were in America when the Pilgrims first landed? Funny, I thought they were Native American Indians.

Were those Muslims that celebrated the first Thanksgiving day? Sorry again, those were Pilgrims and Native American Indians.

Can you show me one Muslim signature on the United States Constitution?

Declaration of Independence?

Bill of Rights?

Didn't think so.

Did Muslims fight for this country's freedom from England? No.

Did Muslims fight during the Civil War to free the slaves in America ? No, they did
not. In fact, Muslims to this day are still the largest traffickers in human
slavery... Your own half-brother, a devout Muslim, still advocates slavery himself, even though Muslims of Arabic descent refer to black Muslims as "pug nosed slaves." Says a lot of what the Muslim world really thinks of your family's "rich Islamic heritage," doesn't it Mr. Obama?

Where were Muslims during the Civil Rights era of this country? Not present.

There are no pictures or media accounts of Muslims walking side by side with Martin Luther King, Jr. or helping to advance the cause of Civil Rights.

Where were Muslims during this country's Woman's Suffrage era? Again, not present.

In fact, devout Muslims demand that women are subservient to men in the Islamic culture. So much so, that often they are beaten for not wearing the 'hajib' or for talking to a man who is not a direct family member or their husband.

Yep, the Muslims are all for women's rights, aren't they?

Where were Muslims during World War II? They were aligned with Adolf Hitler. The Muslim
grand mufti himself met with Adolf Hitler, reviewed the troops and accepted support from the Nazi's in killing Jews.

Finally, Mr. Obama, where were Muslims on Sept. 11th, 2001? If they weren't flying planes into the World Trade Center , the Pentagon or a field in Pennsylvania killing nearly 3,000 people on our own soil, they were rejoicing in the Middle East. No one can dispute the pictures shown from all parts of the Muslim world celebrating on CNN, Fox News, MSNBC and other cable news networks that day. Strangely, the very "moderate" Muslims who's asses you bent over backwards to kiss in Cairo, Egypt on June 4th were stone cold silent post 9-11. To many Americans, their silence has meant approval for the acts of that day.

And THAT, Mr. Obama, is the "rich heritage" Muslims have here in America ..

Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot to mention the Barbary Pirates. They were Muslim.

And now we can add November 5, 2009 - the slaughter of American soldiers at Fort Hood by a Muslim major who is a doctor and a psychiatrist who was supposed to be counseling
soldiers returning from battle in Iraq and Afghanistan ..

That, Mr. Obama is the "Muslim heritage" in America




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Dinesh D'Souza's movie on Obama: 2016 is now on YouTube





































































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Iran: In Support Of Plain Ol's Theories; "Iran No Threat To The West"

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Cybersecurity Executive Order Almost Complete

Harold posted: "Infowars.com9/22/2012Obama plans to violate the Constitution again and issue yet another executive order. [youtube=]"
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New post on ACGR's "News with Attitude"

Cybersecurity Executive Order Almost Complete

by Harold 9/22/2012 Obama plans to violate the Constitution again and issue yet another executive order.

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Mad Mullah Gets The Crap Beat Out Of Him !

burkasrugly posted: "Fellow infidels, Another masterpiece by the Scarlet Pimpernel - Mad Mullah Gets The Crap Beat Out Of Him! (By Two Teenaged Girls) An Iranian cleric was beaten up by two teen girls in Shahmirzaad, Iran. According to the Imam he was walking to t"
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New post on actjonesboroar

Mad Mullah Gets The Crap Beat Out Of Him !

by burkasrugly

Fellow infidels,

Another masterpiece by the Scarlet Pimpernel -

Mad Mullah Gets The Crap Beat Out Of Him!

(By Two Teenaged Girls)

An Iranian cleric was beaten up by two teen girls in Shahmirzaad, Iran. According to the Imam he was walking to the mosque when he encountered the two young ladies dressed "inappropriately" (That's Iranian speak for not wearing the required hijab). According to the Imam he politely (We all know how Muslim men treat women so politely) asked them to cover up.

According to the cleric, one of the girls told him off in no uncertain term. "She responded by telling me (the Imam) "to cover my eyes, which was very insulting to me". He once again "politely" repeated his request. This time both girls attacked the mad Mullah.

"She pushed me and I fell to the ground on my back" (Pity, pity, pity) From that point on, I don't know what happened. I was just feeling the kicks of the women who were beating me up and insulting me"

After this attack this girly man Imam had to be hospitalized for three days. (Is that the standard period of treatment for a severely wounded male ego to recover in Iran ?) He later called the attack "the worst day of my life." I bet it was.

What a wimp ! You are an Islamic misogynist, a whiner, a wuss and, worst of all a craven coward. I personally hope the dynamic duo kicked the dog poop out of you. They certainly tried to teach you lesson which you obviously do not have the intelligence to comprehend. You can dish it out, but evidently you can't take it.

In America, we have a crude but effective saying, "Payback is a b...h !Just wait till the Israeli Defense Force sends some of their chicks over to Iran. You won't be spending three days in the hospital, they will be having your funeral. Or may you will just go to the bottom of that well in Qom where the 12th Imam is hanging out.

Way to go girls ! Do you have the cell phone numbers of about a million more women like yourselves in the Muslim world ? Too bad you gals weren't around in the days of Mohammed. We might still have the testicles of Mohammed the monster preserved in alcohol.

Meanwhile, stay safe and nameless. Watch out for the Basij. Thanks for being the heroines of the Western World. I promise you we are coming to liberate you.

The Scarlet Pimpernel

burkasrugly | September 22, 2012 at 7:11 pm | Tags: Israeli Defense Force, Shahmirzaad | Categories: Radical Islam | URL:

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Re: What did Studely get for $43,000?

Her sub committee is:

The Subcommittee on Economic Development, Public Buildings and
Emergency Management is a subcommittee within the House Transportation
and Infrastructure Committee. The Subcommittee oversees many federal
real estate and economic development programs. The real estate
management arm of the Subcommittee, for example, oversees the Public
Buildings Service, which is responsible for the infrastructure and use
of the Capitol Grounds, the Smithsonian Institution, and the John F.
Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. The Subcommittee also manages
the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), and certain aspects of
the Department of Homeland Security.

On Sep 23, 6:21 am, THE ANNOINTED ONE <> wrote:
> Government Services
> As one of the four national real estate firms selected to represent
> the General Service Administration's with its 190 million-square-foot
> portfolio of leased space nationwide, Studley has distinctive
> experience navigating through the inherent complexities of
> representing the government.
> On Sep 23, 12:23 am, Bruce Majors <> wrote:
> > A request for assistance from new media, Internet researchers, and
> > clicktivists: my opponent, 11 term incumbent Eleanor Holmes Norton, raises
> > $200,000 to S450,000 each election to run unopposed, most of it from PACS
> > and the rest from government unions and developers and corporations.
> > Something from New York called the Studely Corporation gives her almost
> > $50,000 but it is unclear what they are. Care to research this?

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Re: What did Studely get for $43,000?,%20DC

Government Services
As one of the four national real estate firms selected to represent
the General Service Administration's with its 190 million-square-foot
portfolio of leased space nationwide, Studley has distinctive
experience navigating through the inherent complexities of
representing the government.

On Sep 23, 12:23 am, Bruce Majors <> wrote:
> A request for assistance from new media, Internet researchers, and
> clicktivists: my opponent, 11 term incumbent Eleanor Holmes Norton, raises
> $200,000 to S450,000 each election to run unopposed, most of it from PACS
> and the rest from government unions and developers and corporations.
> Something from New York called the Studely Corporation gives her almost
> $50,000 but it is unclear what they are. Care to research this?

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] The Scandal of Foreign Aid

fn:Sean Gabb
org:The Libertarian Alliance
adr:2 Lansdowne Row;;Suite 35;London;;W1J 6HL;England
tel;cell:07956 472 199

Sean Gabb, Director of the Libertarian Alliance, debating with Tom Levitt of Concern Worldwide (UK) on BBC Radio Ulster on the 23rd September 2012. He makes these points against foreign aid:

That, as the late Peter Bauer said, it takes money from poor people in rich countries and gives it to rich people in poor countries;
That it also gives large amounts of money to friends and clients of the British ruling class - see, for example, the revelation that £500m of the aid budget goes to well-paid consultants, including Adam Smith International;
That is is also largely given with strings attached, so that the recipients buy British goods - this being a roundabout subsidy to well-connected business interests in this country;
That it enables funds to be diverted in recipient countries to evil or just grandiose ends - for example, every pound spent on feeding the poor in some African countries is another pound he local rulers can spend on bullets; or the fact that British aid to India is about equal to the cost of the Indian space programme;
That where the money is not spent badly, it is often just stolen;
That, every penny of the £c13bn aid budget is borrowed, and the taxes to repay this will fall on the poor of future generations. It would be a good idea not to add to the national debt in the first place. But, if the money cannot be saved, it would be better if the money were spent on the poor in our own country.

Tom Levitt claims that these points were all fair until ten years ago. Since then, the scandals have all been ended, and the aid really is used to make lives better for people in poor countries. Sean replies that he was told all this on a BBC debate 12 years ago. It was a false claim then, and it is almost certainly a false claim now. He refers to the £500m of the aid budget diverted to friends and clients of the ruling class.

Further Note

Concern Worldwide (UK) is a registered charity. Its total income reported for the year ending the 31st December 2011 was £25,065,197. Of this £11,626,893 came from the taxpayers - £10,230,804 from the Department for International Development alone. Its "real" income as a charity - ie, money given by consenting adults - was £7,494,082.

Its wage bill was £1,667,471. Divide this between its 71 employees - 50 of them classified as in "marketing" - and we have an average salary of £23,485. I do not know the actual spread of salaries. But one person was listed as earning more than £60,000.

I make no further comment.

Sean Gabb
Director, The Libertarian Alliance (Carbon Positive since 1979)  Tel: 07956 472 199 Skype: seangabb

Postal Address: Suite 35,  2 Lansdowne Row, London W1J 6HL, England

Donate to the Libertarian Alliance

What would England and the world have been like in 1959 if there had been no Second World War? For one possible answer, read Sean Gabb'snovel The Churchill Memorandum. If you like Bulldog Drummond and Biggles and the early James Bond, this will be right up your street. Or look here to see other books by Sean Gabb, or here to see books by Richard Blake.

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Photos from Saturday's Nashville END THE FED Rally!

Subject: [libertarian-322] Photos from Saturday's Nashville END THE FED Rally!

Hi Everyone!  The bell was tolled *AND WE BROUGHT IT*
There were news crews...suit dudes...crayola signs... heroes... warriors...champions...
If you missed it because you didn't realize how cool 2PM in Nashville can be when you're
then I put together this lovely blog post
with all our candids, kodaks and had-to-of-been-there's,
so next time you won't forget where your body ought to be when your brain's on Freedom and your heart's on Revolution.
See you at our next event!
Miss Liberty!

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To learn more about April, visit his/her member profile
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Meetup, PO Box 4668 #37895 New York, New York 10163-4668 |

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