Sunday, November 14, 2010

Re: Start the Revolution! Government is out-of-touch with the People!

Cutting government down to size!

After the Democratic Party got wounded, but not killed, in the Nov. 2,
2010 midterm election, the liberal media keeps asking Republicans how
they expect they will be running things any better, beginning next
year. Amazingly, most Republicans talk about "creating jobs" as being
the number one issue Congress must address. *** I've got news for the
media and for the blockheads in government: Government involvement
does NOT create jobs; only government DISINVOLVEMENT will create jobs!

For too long, the majority of Americans seem to accept that government
must pull-the-strings of every aspect of American business and
societal interaction. The American Free Enterprise System isn't a
form of government. It's the GOVERNMENTLESS-well-functioning of an
entire economy! A very minimum of laws, and zero bureaucracies, are
required to have a well-functioning free enterprise system!

There is "bold" talk by some Republicans about having a 10% reduction
in the work force of the Federal Government. Wow! 10% won't even
return government to pre-Obama size. If I were our country's
Benevolent Dictator for a year, I would immediately inform every
agency or bureaucracy of government— except those responsible for
maintaining infrastructure—to trim the work force by 50% within 60
days; inform our military to bring home all overseas troops ASAP,
except, say, 10% needed as a defensive perimeter of the USA; Inform
all able-bodied citizens getting payments of any kind from government,
that those payments will stop within 90 days. Additionally, I would
strike down every law, except the Civil Rights Act and similar
fairness-to-all legislation, that has been passed since the prosperous
1950s; ban political parties; close down the un American US Senate;
close any news medium, also giving comments or assessments of the
news; ban the media from having access to the US Capital; order the
arrest, trial and hanging of all persons who have ever orchestrated
changing the USA into a socialist/communist nation. Also, I would
outlaw having lawyers be employees or board members of any business
other than a law firm; criminalize fraudulent business practices;
empower law abiding citizens over those employed by government; stop
public financed education at age 16; lower the minimum work age to 13;
give amnesty to 90% or more of those imprisoned for non-violent
crimes; send back 100% of illegal aliens; make it a capital crime of
treason for any public figure to tout socialism, or to foment group-
against-group dissension; close the IRS and install a 15% value-added
tax (excluding food, medicines and medical expenses) to cover all
government functions—local, state, and federal. And, very
importantly, I would inform China, and all others who have loaned the
USA money, that only the principal will be repaid, and at a speed that
is not detrimental to having the US economy recover.

After reading the above, many of you will be saying, "Damn!" And most
will be surprised to learn that making the above "tough-love"
corrections to our government won't make millions of people less well-
off. Instead, the vast majority of Americans will start being better
off within 90 days, due to the INCREASE in the prosperity of the
entire country!

While I was penning and polishing my New Constitution of the United
States of America, I had to keep asking myself how what I was writing
would be FAIR to the vast majority of Americans. *** Most Americans
will be better off by having the USA, again, become the greatest and
most prosperous industrial nation in the world! When that happens—as
will immediately be fostered by the ratification of my New Constitution
—there will be a 75% reduction in the number of Americans needing
government handouts for any purpose. A prosperous economy will,
again, enable most citizens to be self-sufficient. Those who, in
spite of everything, remain less fortunate, will discover that the
lucky HAVES will be more charitable once they aren't treated like
scum, simply because they know how to be successful. I would propose
that the successful pair up with, and mentor, the unsuccessful on
becoming self-sufficient. "Give people FISH, and they remain
dependent. But teach them HOW to fish, and they become self-

While the likes of Glenn Beck advocate stockpiling a year's worth of
food to combat the expected rise in food prices, I advocate making the
needed STRUCTURAL changes in our government(s) so that the USA economy
functions as FAIRLY as possible. This post itemizes maybe 10% of the
ways that my New Constitution STRENGTHENS the original document. I'm
certain the Founding Fathers would say "Amen!" to what I have done in
our nation's behalf, because I asked myself how they would feel at
every juncture!

I invite those of you who are interested to read my just-published,
socioeconomic genre book: 'The Shortest Distance; Harmony Through
Prosperity', which is available at Amazon and B & N. If you like what
have to I say, I hope you will leave a reader comment for others to

All across this great land, we must unite as INDIVIDUALS, because:
"United we stand; divided we fall!" May we all unite to SAVE the USA!

Respectfully submitted,

— John A. Armistead — Patriot

AKA NoEinstein on Google's sci.physics.

On Nov 4, 6:02 pm, NoEinstein <> wrote:
> There is little value in "winning" in the wasteful game of politics.
> At my own local polling place, which happens to be the main Black
> voting place in my small town, the turnout on 11/02/10 was very high
> among Blacks.  It is probable that those Blacks punched the "straight
> Democratic party" button.  Each individual, regardless of race, has
> the right to choose for whom they will vote.  But for Blacks, the
> issue wasn't about doing what is best for the USA—which I must add,
> ultimately, is what is best for each individual—but about voting, with
> unity, for the Black race against the World.  As in fighting a war,
> there is seen to be strength in banding together, without question, to
> try to gain advantage for one's group.
> Though Democrats suffered big losses, the biases which caused the
> obvious unity of the leftist Democrats, most of whom still "support"
> Obama, are alive and well.  Like a socialist CANCER, the disease has
> been slowed, but not stopped, from mortally wounding the USA.
> Democrats see themselves as only loosing at the half, in a game which
> still has one half to go.  As long as… "their candidate", Barack
> Obama, says he needs more time, Democrats have no problem waiting two
> more years.
> Rush Limbaugh was most eloquent on his radio show, yesterday, in
> describing the country-destroying effects of liberal objectives.  He
> asked: "Where in the Constitution does it say that those who are
> successful must be controlled by the unsuccessful?"  What Limbaugh
> should have said was: "The USA Constitution was, first and foremost,
> about having the maximum of individual Liberties and the Freedom of
> Self-determination.  That means that people get to succeed or fail by
> their own efforts and nobody else's.  The ultimate loss of freedom is
> to allow the successful to be robbed by the unsuccessful simply
> because the numbers of the unsuccessful are so high, and are getting
> higher.  As long as it is a crime to steal, in any wise, then it is a
> crime for a group like the Democratic Party to orchestrate the
> unconstitutional theft of hundreds of thousands of dollars from
> American families over the lives of those now living, or not yet
> born.  The Democratic Party is organized crime, plain and simple!  The
> leadership of that party is clearly guilty of plotting to destroy the
> USA, and that is high TREASON!"  Limbaugh should be making statements,
> not asking questions about the criminality so rampant in America.
> The usual post-election talk is about who will assume "leadership"
> positions during the coming term.  Here is what my New Constitution
> says:
> "The House shall judge its members on the appropriateness of their
> districts' boundaries and population thereof, and shall enumerate and
> fairly adjudge members' qualifications without discrimination due to
> sex, race, creed, nor political ideology.  The House makes the rules
> for its proceedings, punishes disorderly members, and with the assent
> of 60% can expel a member for a violation.  *** But no rule shall be
> made that concentrates power in any individual(s) beyond his or her
> one vote.  55% attendance is a quorum.  Those present may compel
> absent members to attend, or penalize non attendance.  Written, audio
> and video record shall be made of all House proceedings.  Master
> records shall not be destroyed, and copies shall be made readily
> available to any Citizen for a nominal fee."
> In a fair and democratic (not the party) Congress, there shall be no
> leaders with more power than any other member.  In effect, the
> "speaker" is chosen as a parliamentarian who is changed frequently,
> and gets to preside over proceedings without having any power beyond
> his or her one vote.  All of the former "rules" allowing the winning
> political party to have more power in committees or elsewhere are
> It is amazing that a liberal state like Nevada gets to elect a Senator
> like Harry Reid who has betrayed his country by favoring socialism.
> In the single day that it will take to ratify my New Constitution, the
> US Senate will be no more!  Its members aren't determined by
> principles of a Republic nor a Democracy.  So, they are an
> unconstitutional oligarchy, which is mainly responsible for the
> economic and social decline of the USA.   SC's Senator Jim DeMint said
> that the Republican Party is dead unless it emphasizes the ideals of
> the 'Tea Party'.  He's right.  And the Democratic Party is already…
> dead.
> Barack Obama, the anti-Christ, expects the Republican-controlled House
> to work with him.  If he weren't guilty of the highest, most
> TREASONOUS crimes against the USA, his "veto power" would have to be
> reckoned with.  Rather, that man is never more than minutes away from
> being arrested, tried and hanged for the economic damage that his
> socialist-communist objectives have done to this country.  Instead of
> having Republicans discussing how best to negate 'Obama Care', that
> unconstitutional law will immediately be struck down, upon the
> ratification of my New Constitution, for not having gotten 55% or more
> of the vote.  And if any other of his Laws got less than 60% of the
> vote, such will be subject to the one day, up-or-down vote of the
> House, alone.
> Obama can be arrested, tried and hanged for flagrant violations of the
> present Constitution.  Once that "figurehead" is out of the way, more
> of his core supporters should be willing to consider what Condoleezza
> Rice said on Bill O'Reilly's show: "I favor individuals over groups!"
> That simple sentence is the core principle of my New Constitution!  By
> fairly empowering all law-abiding individuals, there will be no need
> for lobbyists, nor for group leaders or wasted group efforts!  My New
> Constitution will, as well, punish businesses that aren't fair.
> Suddenly, the playing field is leveled, and all Americans will get
> equal opportunities to achieve success under our renewed free-
> enterprise, capitalist system.  And such will need little or no
> tweaking by Government.
> Suppose Blacks are asked: "Which would you prefer, going to a GOLD
> RUSH and working very hard for a one-in-twenty chance of super
> success; or standing on a street corner waiting for the next survival-
> level check from government to arrive?"  All block-voting Blacks are
> choosing to have state-controlled mediocrity.  So, there will be only
> WHITES panning for the gold, and only WHITES getting rich.  But that
> is how Blacks all across this country are choosing for things to be…
> If economic success was a game of basketball, Blacks would want to be
> spotted 20 points before entering the court.  Because everyone knows,
> Blacks can't compete in the real world.
> For the many Blacks and others whom I hope are offended by the last
> sentence, I invite you to read my just published book: 'The Shortest
> Distance; Harmony Through Prosperity', which is available at Amazon
> and B & N.
> We must unite as INDIVIDUALS, because: "United we stand; divided we
> fall!"  May we all unite to SAVE the USA!
> Respectfully submitted,
> — John A. Armistead —  Patriot
> AKA NoEinstein on Google's sci.physics.
> On Oct 25, 5:38 pm, NoEinstein <> wrote:
> > The USA is a nation of criminals and victims of crime.
> > Questions:
> > 1.)  Is stealing in excess of 100 dollars a felony?
> > 2.)  Is it a felony to knowing receive stolen property for personal
> > use?
> > 3.)  Is it a felony to aid and abet those who commit felonies?
> > 4.) Are known felons allowed to vote to lower the penalties for
> > committing felonies or for benefiting, personally, from felonies?
> > 5.)  Is the blatant or incremental overthrowing of our US
> > Representative Republic—which is the government type dictated by the
> > US Constitution—treason?
> > 6.)  Are those in public office immune from prosecution for their
> > crimes?
> > 7.)  Do average citizens in their own homes have the right to shoot
> > and kill those who are forcing entry into their homes for the purpose
> > of stealing from, and possibly harming, the citizens?
> > 8.)  Is organized crime a higher and more serious crime than simple
> > theft?
> > 9.)  Are any citizens of the USA bound by any laws which do not have
> > the approval of the majority of the citizens?
> > 10.)  Is it a felony to blackmail public officials to benefit an
> > individual or group?
> > 11.)  Is it a crime to use deadly force to protect the USA from being
> > overthrown by radicals?
> > 12.)  Do those who are employed by government owe their loyalty to
> > government, or to the people of the USA who pay their salaries?
> > 13.)  Is any felony excused, simply, because such is very common?
> > 14.)  Are those in government, who all SWORE to uphold and to protect
> > the US Constitution, guilty of treason for trying to over-throw the
> > Constitution or not adhere to its precepts?
> > 15.)  Should power in the USA be in the hands of the people, or in the
> > hands of the political party that happens to be in the majority?
> > 16.)  Is preserving our failed system of government more important
> > than making government be deferential to the people?
> > 17.)  Should the media be allowed to influence the outcome of
> > elections, while benefiting from the political ad money that results
> > from having most elections be cliffhangers?
> > 18.)  Is it right to allow those with seniority in government to have
> > more power?
> > 19.)  Is it right to favor those in public office whose main job for
> > most of their lives has been to be a career politician?
> > 20.)  If a carefully-crafted New Constitution can return the power to
> > the people, and do so fairly, should such a constitution be
> > considered?
> > There are clear right answers to each of the above questions.
> > "Taxation without representation is TYRANNY!"  Such is also
> > unconstitutional, criminal and treasonous!
> ...
> read more »- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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**JP** Re: Zionist Jews are the REAL anti-Semites


On Nov 13, 12:28 am, chaudry <> wrote:
> Thursday, November 11, 2010"When the wealthy Jews play, the nations and the rulers dance"Zionist Jews are the REAL anti-Semites
> "There is only one power which really counts. The power of political pressure. We Jews are the most powerful people on earth, because we have this power, and we know how to apply it." - Vladimir Jabotinsky, Jewish Daily Bulletin, July 27, 1935.Gilad Atzmon: The Anti-Semitic Side of Zionism
> If you are interested in Jewish political power and Zionist morbidity you must find the time to watch the first forty minutes of this incredible Israeli documentary. The film outlines what early Zionists thought of their Diaspora Jewish brothers, Jewish wealth, Jewish war mongering and Jewish power.
> I do not know much at all about the people behind this film, except that they belong to the Israeli Ultra Orthodox sector. The film is there to expose the inherent anti Jewish discrimination within the Zionist discourse.
> It is there to prove that Zionism is deeply anti-Semitic. The film is well made and very well researched, and the shocking quotes it outlines are all genuine. 
> In case you fail to realise the role of Jewish wealth, the impact of AIPAC, Lord Cash point Levy, the Conservative Friends of Israel, and other relentless Jewish lobbies, Benjamin Ze'ev Herzl (the founder of modern political Zionism) doesn't seem to mince his words. 
> "One of the finest things ever done by the mob was the crucifixion of Christ; intellectually it was a splendid gesture. But trust the mob to bungle. If I'd been in charge of executing Christ I'd have handled it differently. You see what I'd have done was to have him shipped to Rome and fed to the lions. They never could have made a saviour out of mince meat."Ben Hecht, in his book "A Jew in Love", expressing the Jewish hatred for Christ.
> Just five minutes into the documentary, Herzl is quoted as saying: "The wealthy Jews control the world…In their hands lies the fate of government and nations" (4:59)
> In his article "Deutche Tsytung newspaper" Hertzel writes: "The Jews make countries fight each other and when they want, make peace. But whatever happens, they get rich from this."
> In 1919, the Zionist socialist, Josef Haim Brenner, insisted that "Jewish national character has been at fault since time immemorial. We (Jews) have never been a creative people. We've always lived lives of gypsies and dogs." Brenner continues, "what do you expect from the anti Semites?" (25:10). To a certain extent they were right to hate us all. "The Jews," says Zionist Brenner, "are Gypsies, contagion, slop and decay, a rotten egg.. We are remotely humane… scum of mankind"
> "When the wealthy Jews play, the nations and the rulers dance." Founder of Zionism, Theodore Herzl
> Click here:
> The terrible, and for Jews unthinkable, truth about the State of Israel.
> Click here:
> Posted by Greg Bacon 

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Sony's New Gizmatchie

I'm easily amused, but I actually laughed at this:

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Leftovers and pro-regressives advertising among to the ultra-rich

So you go to this real estate website where people buy and sell private islands, and who do you see advertising there?

Reason?  CATO?  Campaign for Liberty?  The Free State Project?  

The Leftover group "People for the American Way."

What's up with that?

Little Hog Cay

Region BahamasCaribbean
Price US $1,950,000 
Status for sale 
Size25 acres

Little Hog Cay, Bahamas

Little Hog Cay, a private, 20-plus acre barrier island in the North Bahamas, is located in the Hog Cays within one mile of mainland Abaco. The island is offered as a crown lease. For the avid angler, Little Hog Cay is perfectly situated between the area's four best sportfishing destinations- Walker's Cay, Green Turtle Cay, Treasure Cay and Marsh Harbour.

Near the western sunset shore of the island, a 1,000-foot wide lagoon divides Little Hog Cay into two, connected by a gravel road. A studio home and beachfront guest cabana, complete with its own power shed, accompany two magnificent 75-meter white sand beaches on the island's west side. Practically undeveloped, the eastern side is approximately 20 acres in size and features the resplendent 220-meter East Beach of the lagoon, along with lush mangrove and high coral ridges.

Little Hog Cay boasts the only completely protected deep-water dockage in North Abaco. At low tide, the nearby waters of Abaco Sound descend to a depth of twelve feet or more, with fully-enclosed slipways at eight feet(channel and slipway complete, basin completed to depth, in February '08). In addition to the Manta Mooring System installed in Abaco Sound, shallow-draft vessels can anchor inside the lagoon itself, with six feet of depth at low tide.

A full-service marina and airstrip at Spanish Cay is just fifteen minutes from your island by boat. The island of Green Turtle Cay, also offering all amenities, is a fourty-minute boat ride from Little Hog Cay. Inquire immediately to learn more about this stunning, accessible Caribbean treasure.

A Crown lease is a convenient way of controlling island property in the Bahamas, and it is particularly advantageous to non-Bahamian owners.When the lease expires in 47 years it may be renewed.

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To: another idea would be to put everyone ON a federal entitlement INTO the military.  Then they would be paying for their support.  If after military service, they still NEED entitlements, the could do another hitch i guess.  WARNING:  that was not a SERIOUS option, just a thought.
Whether you love him or hate him ... 
~Limbaugh Nailed This One ~ 

By Rush Limbaugh: 

I think the vast differences in compensation between victims of the September 11 casualty and those who die serving our country in Uniform are profound. No one is really talking about it either, because you just don't criticize anything having to do with September 11. Well, I can't let the numbers pass by because it says something really disturbing about the entitlement mentality of this country. If you lost a family member in the September 11 attack, you're going to get an average of $1,185,000. The range is a minimum guarantee of $250,000, all the way up to $4.7 million..
If you are a surviving family member of an American soldier killed in action,
the first check you get is a $6,000 direct death benefit, half of which is taxable.
Next, you get $1,750 for burial costs. If you are the surviving spouse, you get $833 a month until you remarry. And there's a payment of $211 per month for each child under 18. When the child hits 18, those payments come to a screeching halt.
Keep in mind that some of the people who are getting an average of $1.185 million up to $4.7 million are complaining that it's not enoughTheir deaths were tragic, but for most, they were simply in the wrong place at the wrong time.  Soldiers put themselves in harms way FOR ALL OF US, and they and their families
know the dangers...
(Actually, soldiers are put in harms way by politicians and commanding officers.)
We also learned over the weekend that some of the victims from the Oklahoma City bombing have started an organization asking for the same deal that the September 11 families are getting. In addition to that, some of the families of those bombed in the embassies are now asking for compensation as well.
You see where this is going, don't you? Folks, this is part and parcel of over 50 years of entitlement politics in this country. It's just really sad. Every time a pay raise comes up for the military, they usually receive next to nothing of a raise. Now the green machine is in combat in the Middle East while their families have to survive on food stamps and live in low-rent housing.  Make sense?
However, our own US Congress voted themselves a raise. Many of you don't know that they only have to be in Congress one time to receive a pension that is more than $15,000 per month. And most are now equal to being millionaires plus. They do not receive Social Security on retirement because they didn't have to pay into the system. If some of the military people stay in for 20 years and get out as an E-7, they may receive a pension of $1,000 per month, and the very people who
placed them in harm's way receives a pension of $15,000 per month.

I would like to see our elected officials pick up a weapon and join ranks before they start cutting out benefits and lowering pay for our sons and daughters who are now
"When do we finally do something about this?"
If this doesn't seem fair to you, it's time to forward this to as many people as you can...
How many



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**JP** My dream - Allama Iqbal the visionary

Iqbal's message at a precise time, even his anniversary is well timed! (not a great english translation)

My Dream 

Yesterday night,
In dream I fright,
Saw an aglow,
Stands below.

I am anxious,
Heart says inefficacious,
The shadow is clear,
Iqbal came near. 

Holds my wrist,
Said, I am exist,
What you give to my land?
Which I give in your hand?

He takes me away,
A gloomy place and say,
How many lives were rewards?
For the land given by the lord.

I said, I don't know,
He replied oh wow,
Thousand bloods were driven,
How could you forgiven?

Where are my young eagles?
Who are born for struggles?
Who pull stars down from sky?
Who shelters on mountains and fly?

As I look over his eyes,
His face down and cries,
Did you read my verses?
In which you start rehearses.

I said no,
He replied so,
If you ever reads,
You found various seeds. 

Though if this land is spoiled?
Its mean you need great toiled.
O' my eagles its time to stand?
For the land which is your sand

**JP** Trapped in Mirrors

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**JP** FW: تم کیسی قوم ہو؟؟



تحریر: محمد بن مالک


تم کیسی قوم ہو؟؟!

نہ تمہارے فیصلے تمہارے ہاتھ میں ہیں

نہ تمہارے معاملے تمہارے اختیار میں ہیں

تم جو فصل اُگاتے ہو اُس کے حقوق کسی اور کے نام ہوتے ہیں

تم جو کپڑا بنتے ہو اس کی قیمت کسی اور کی جیب میں جاتی ہے

تم پسینہ بہاؤ، تو کسی اور کو اِس کا صلہ ملے

تم لہو ٹپکاؤ، تو کسی اور کو اِس کا خراج نصیب ہو

تمہاری جانوں کے نذرانے کسی اور کے دَر پر سجائے جاتے ہیں

تمہارے 'شہیدوں' کے لاشے استعمار کی چوکھٹ پر نیلام ہوتے ہیں

تمہاری محنت و قربانی سے کسی اور کے شب و روز سنورتے ہیں

کسی اور کی سرفرازی و سر بلندی کے لیے تمہیں سب رُسوائی جھیلنی ہوتی ہے

نا آسودہ تمہاری رُوحیں آرزوؤں کے صحراؤں میں بھٹکتی ہیں

تمہارے شکستہ ڈھانچوں کی خشت پر قصرِ استعمار کی تعمیر ہوتی ہے

تمہاری خواہشوں کی لحد پر فراعینِ وقت کی مملکت اُستُوار ہوتی ہے

تمہارے ضمیر کا رونا ہی کیا کہ تم ایک غلام قوم ہو

تمہاری غیرتوں کا سودا کیا معنی؟ کہ غلامی میں کیا سودے بازی!!

تم کیا جانو غیرت کا مفہوم!!!

"غیرت ہے بڑی چیز جہانِ تگ و دو میں!"....

دو صدیاں ' بحرِ غلامی' میں ڈبکیاں کھاتی قوم کیا جانے ضمیر کیا شے ہے!!

غلام کیا جانیں کہ ٓازاد قوموں کے ہاں 'عزت' اور' زندگی' میں کوئی فرق نہیں ہوا کرتا!

جس قوم کو عزت کے بغیر جینے کا ڈھنگ آتا ہو، اُس کا مقدر غلامی نہ ہو تو پھر کیا ہو؟!

'نگاہِ بندہ ٔ حُر' پھراِس قوم کو نصیب ہو تو کیسے ہو !؟

کسی 'مردِ آزاد' کا نورِ بصیرت اِسے عطا ہو تو کیونکر ہو!؟

تمہی تو ہو جس سے غلامی کے نئے دور کی تاریخ شروع ہوتی ہے

وہ دورِ غلامی، جس میں ہر 'فرد' اپنی من مانیوں میں آزاد ہوتا ہے۔ 'قوم' البتہ غلام رہتی ہے!!!

وہ دورِ غلامی جس میں ہر فکرِ خام کو آزادی ٔ افکار سے بہرہ یاب کرکے انسان سے حیوان بنایا جاتا ہے

تمہیں کیا خبر کہ مادر پدر آزادی ٔ افکار ہی تو دراصل 'قومی غلامی' کا پہلا باب ہے

عقیدے سے اُبھرنے والی قوم ، افکار کے سیلاب میں ڈوبی دنیا کے اندر فکر کی آزادی قبول کرلے تو اُس کی نئی غلامی دراصل یہیں سے شروع ہوتی ہے

تم عجیب قوم ہو!

تمہارا ہر فرد 'آزاد' ہے، لیکن تم پوری کی پوری غلام ہو!!

تمہارا کونسا مسئلہ "قومی مسئلہ" ہے؟؟؟

تمہاری قوم نے کبھی کسی معاملے پر اتفاق بھی کیا ہے؟؟؟

تمہارے ہاں کوئی ایسا معاملہ بھی پایا جاتا ہے جس پر پوری قوم کے اُٹھ کھڑے ہونے کا سوال پیدا ہو سکتا ہو؟؟؟

تمہارا کوئی مسئلہ ایسا بھی ہے جس میں بات محض بیانات، مذاکرات، مطالبات اور احتجاجوں تک پہنچ کر نیست و نابود نہ ہو جاتی ہو؟؟

تم کوئی قوم بھی ہو یا محض 'افراد' کا مجمع؟؟

یا زیادہ سے زیادہ گروپوں، تنظیموں، پارٹیوں، جماعتوں اور اداروں کا معجونِ مرکب!!؟؟

تم سبھی کچھ ہو بتاؤ تو 'اِک قوم' بھی ہو!

تمہارے جوانوں کے گبرو جسم سرِ بازار لہو میں سجتے رہیں

تمہارے بیٹوں کے دریدہ لاشے سرِ شام گھروں میں جاتے رہیں

تمہاری بیٹیوں کی چادریں سرِ عام نیلام ہوتی رہیں

تمہاری ماؤں کی بوڑھی آنکھیں ہر روز کسی کی راہ تکتی رہیں

تمہارے کم سنوں کو شب و روز کسی کا انتظار ہوتا رہے

تمہارے معمولات میں کوئی فرق نہیں آنا

تمہارے کارپردازوں کے 'کاروبار' میں کوئی تعطل واقع نہیں ہونا!

جب قوم محض 'افراد' یا پارٹیوں کا مجمع رہ جائے تو پھر کوئی مسئلہ قومی نہیں ہوتا!

پھر مسائل یا تو افراد کے ہوتے ہیں یا پارٹیوں کے

حکومت بھی ایک پارٹی ہی ہوتی ہے

وہ صرف 'حکومتی مسائل' اپنی صوابدید پر حل کرتی ہے

باقی جس کا جو بس چلتا ہے اُتنا ہی کر پاتا ہے

ایسے میں تمہاری حکومت تمہاری "عافیت" کا سودا کر آئے

اُسے پامال ہونے کے لیے دشمن کے حوالے کر آئے

تو یہ بھی بس ایک گھر یا ایک گروہ کا ہی مسئلہ ہے!

لوگ لاکھ احتجاج کر لیں اور مطالبات سے آسمان سر پر اُٹھا لیں

حکومت اور اُن کے آقاؤں کو پتہ ہے کہ اِنہوں نے اِس سے زیادہ کچھ نہیں کرنا

اِس کے بعد اِنہوں نے پچھلے تمام 'قومی' و 'دینی' مسائل کی طرح اِس پر بھی بالآخر ٹھنڈا پڑ جانا ہے!

وقت کی گرد نے آہستہ آہستہ اِس کو بھی دھند لا دینا ہے۔ 'قوم' کو آخر 'صبر' آجانا ہے!!

وہ بھی کیا سادہ دور تھا جب سٹلائیٹ تھا نہ ریڈیو، نہ فون، نہ موٹریں، نہ ہوائی جہاز، نہ انٹر نیٹ

کافروں کے ملک سے ایک مسلمان عورت دشمن کی ایک بد تمیزی پر پکار لگاتی ہے

"وا معتصماہ !!!!" کہاں ہے او معتصم!

ہزاروں میل دور بغداد میں مسلمانوں کے خلیفہ معتصم باللہ کو جونہی اِس پُکار کی خبر پہنچتی ہے، بے اختیار "لبیک یا اختاہ لبیک یا اختاہ" پکارتا ہوا اُٹھ کھڑا ہوتا ہے

ایک لشکرِ عظیم کے ساتھ کفار کے اُس ملک پر ایسی یلغار کرتا ہے کہ اُس کی اینٹ سے اینٹ بج جاتی ہے۔ تب تک خلیفہ گویا نہ کچھ کھاتا ہے نہ پیتا ہے نہ سوتا ہے

شہر فتح ہوتا ہے۔ تب خلیفۃ المسلمین اپنی مسلمان بہن کو بدلہ دلواتا ہے


یہ "وا معتصماہ" محض ایک واقعہ نہیں، مسلمانوں کی بارہ سو سالہ عظمت و سطوت ، غیرت و خودداری، سرفروشی و جانبازی اور سَر بلندی و سرفرازی کی تاریخ ہے

تھے تو آباءوہ تمہارے ہی مگر تم کیا ہو؟! ہاتھ پر ہاتھ دھرے منتظرِفردا ہو!!

اُف، وہ غیرت اب کہاں سے لائی جائے!

وہ ایمانی عزت کا مفہوم کیسے دوبارہ زندہ کیا جائے!

آہ، وہ تمام دنیا میں مسلمانوں کی جان و مال اور عزت و عصمت کی محافظ اور اُن کی "عافیت" کی ضامن خلافت ِ اسلامیہ ہمارے پاس نہیں

مسلمان اپنی ملت سے کٹ کر اپنی اپنی وطنیتوں میں گُم ہیں

مسلم تنظیموں اور جماعتوں کے درمیان مقاصد اور عمل میں کوئی قابلِ ذکر اشتراک اور یکجہتی نہیں پائی جاتی! ابھی وہ شاید یہ سوچنے پر ہی نہیں آئے کہ اُمّت کی سطح پر مل جُل کر کوئی مفید کام کس طرح کیا جا سکتا ہے!!

بہت سے داعی ابھی اِسی میں بھٹک رہے ہیں کہ انہیں دراصل کرنا کیا ہے!!

بہت سوں کے ہاں خلافت کے لیے مہدی کے انتظار سے بڑھ کر تسلّی بخش شے کوئی اور نہیں!

ہماری تحریکوں اور دینی رہنماؤں کی توقعات ہیں کہ اپنے دختر فروش حکمرانوں سے ختم ہونے کا نام نہیں لیتیں

ہمارے حکمران!! کہ اپنوں میں سے جس کے دوست ہوں اُسے پھر کسی دشمن کی ضرورت نہ رہے!!!

جس پر مہربان ہو جائیں اُس کی عاقبت پر سوالیہ نشان پڑ جائے!

سونے پہ ہاتھ رکھ دیں تو مٹی ہو جائے!!!

آخر کوئی حد ہے ان 'نیک اُمیدوں' کی، حسین تمناؤں کی، سنہرے خوابوں کی؟؟!!....

اِس طرح اگر گھر بیٹھ کے انتظار کیا جاتا رہے گا تو یہ انتظار قیامت تک کبھی ختم نہ ہوگا

یہاں کی دینی تحریکوں کو خود ہی کچھ کر دکھانا ہوگا

دین اور ملت ِ اسلامیہ کا درد رکھنے والے مسلمانوں کو ابھی اپنا کردار نبھانا ہوگا

اِس قوم کو حقیقتاًایک قوم میں تبدیل کرنے کے لیے....

تمام سرحدیں چیر کر مسلم قوم کو ایک جسد ِ واحد بنا دینے کے لیے....

وطنیتوں اور علاقائیتوں کے بتوں کو پاش پاش کر دینے کے لیے....

یوں.... خلافت ِ اسلامیہ بحال کرنے کی راہ ہموار کرنے کے لیے

تاکہ ایک طرف اسے اپنے عاقبت نا اندیش اور ضمیر فروش حکمرانوں سے چھٹکارا ملے

پھر کبھی کوئی اِس قوم پر مسلط ہو کر اِس کی "عافیت" کا سودا کرنے کا خیال بھی دِل میں نہ لا سکے

اور دوسری طرف عالمی بدمعاشوں کے منہ میں لگام ڈال کے انہیں اُن کی اوقات پہ رکھا جائے

اور وہ کسی زندہ قوم کی بیٹی کو اُس کے ملک سے اغواءکر کے اور برسوں محبوس رکھ کے انسانیت سوز سلوک کرنے کا سوچتے ہوئے بھی تھر تھر کانپیں

پھر اپنے ہی ملک کی اپنی عدالت میں اپنے گواہوں کی روشنی میں ایک کافر، حربی، معاند ملک کو کسی معصوم و مجبور "عافیہ" کو چھیاسی برس تک پس ِ زِنداں دھکیل دینے کا کوئی سوال ہی ہرگز ہر گز پیدا نہ ہو سکتا ہو!

اور اگر کبھی کسی گما شتہ ٔ ابلیس کو کوئی شیطانی کیڑا کلبلائے تو تاریخ ایک بار پھر دےکھے کہ محض ایک "وا معتصماہ" سے یہ مسلم قوم دنیا کا نقشہ کس طرح پلٹ کر رکھ دیتی ہے!!