Sunday, December 25, 2011

**JP** Daily Quran and Hadith

Assalamu'alaikum Wa Rahmatullah e Wa Barakatuhu,




Thanks & Best regards,
Imran Ilyas
Cell: 00971509483403

****People oppose things because they are ignorant of them****

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**JP** نوجوان ہمارا اثا ثہ

نوجوان ہمارا اثا ثہ
شمشیر حق۔۔۔۔محمد وجیہہ السماء
نوجوان کسی بھی قوم کے معما ر ہوتے ہیں انہی کے بل بوتے پر قومیں ترقی کی منازل طے کرتی ہیں اور انہی کے بل بوتے پر دوسری قومو ں سے اپنے حقوق کی جنگیں لڑتی ہیں اور انہی کی وجہ سے جنگوں میں کامیابی ہوتی ہے ان کے ہی دم پر انقلاب کے لئے راہیں ہموار ہوتی ہیں اورپوری دنیا میں آ ج کل کے سیاست دان بھی اپنے اقتدار کے لئے انہی کاسہارا استعمال کر نے کے لئے ان کو سا تھ ملانے کا اعلان کر تے نظر آ تے ہیں غرض یہ طفل مکتب کچھ نہ ہو تے ہو ئے بھی بہت کچھ ہیں اور سچ بھی یہی ہے کہ ان کی طاقت کو کوئی برداشت نہیں کرسکا شاید انہیں کے لئے بر صغیر پا ک وہند کے ممتازاور عظیم شاعر علامہ اقبا ل نے فرمایاتھاکہ
تو شاہین ہے پروا ز ہے کام تیرا
مگر آ ج اپنے شاہینوں کی طرف دیکھیں تو وہ کو ن سی اخلاقی پسماندگی ہے جوان میں موجودہ نہیں غنڈہ گردی یہ کرتے نظرآتے ہیں استاتذہ کو ڈرانے میں کمال مہارت یہ رکھتے ہیں سگریٹ چرس، ہیرون اور دوسری نشہ آ ور اشیا ء کا بے تحاشا یہ استعمال کر تے نظر آ تے ہیں اور ہمارے رائٹر ان کو ''معمار پاکستان'' کہتے نہیں تھکتے جب کہ یہی شاہین اپنی غیر اخلاقی حرکتوں کی و جہ سے خبروں کی زینت بنتے رہتے ہیں کبھی کسی حا دثے کی سرخی بن کر ابھر تے ہیں تو کبھی یو نیورسٹیوں میں مار کٹائی سے اپنا نام بڑاکر نے کی جدوجہد مسلسل میں مصروف عمل نظر آ تے ہیں اور کبھی یہ گرم خون سڑکوں پرگاڑیوں کے ساتھ غنڈہ گردی کر تے نظر آ تے ہیں اور اپنے والدین کا نام مٹی میں ملا نے میں مصروف ہو تے ہیں جیسے یہ گاڑیاں اور ان کے مالکان اور ورکرز ان کے آ با ؤ اجداد کے نوکر ہیں اور یہ سب چیز یں ان کے ذاتی خرید ہیں۔ یہ صرف اس وقت ہو تا ہے جب یہ بچے میٹرک سے پاس ہو کر نئے نئے ''کالج'' جا تے ہیں اور خود کو کوئی بڑا ''ڈان'' سمجھنا شروع کر دیتے ہیں جن کے ایک اشارے پر گاڑی رک جا تی ہے اور یہ نوابوں کی طرح اس میں سفر کر تے ہیں اور دوسر ے مسا فروں کو تکلیف دے کر اپنی مرضی کی جگہ پر گاڑی لے جاتے ہیں اور مسافر سوائے پر یشان ہو نے کے کچھ نہیں کر پاتے ۔جب کہ گاڑیوں میں سفر کی اجا زت صرف ان کو سہولت دینے کے لئے اور ان کے ذاتی اخراجا ت میں کسی حد تک کمی کے لئے سا بق حکومت وقت نے دی تھی اور پڑھائی سے ان میں سے اکثریت کو اتنا ہی پیار ہو تا ہے جتنا ایک گدھے کے مالک کو اس کی کمائی سے ہوتا ہے جب کہ اس کے برعکس بیرونی دنیا کے لوگ،حکومت اور خود طلباء اپنے لئے ایک روشن راہ متعین کر تے ہیں ایک زندگی کا مقصد بناتے ہیں اور اس کوپانے کے لئے سردھڑکی بازی لگاتے نظر آ تے ہیں ان میں سے کئی کامیاب ایسے بھی ہو ئے ہیں جن کے گھر میں کھا نے کے لئے کوئی چیز نہیں تھی اور پڑ ھنے کے لئے دیا بھی نہیں تھا مگر آ ج ان کی ایجا دات کی بدولت دنیا روشن چاند کی طرح جگمگا تی نظر آ تی ہے ان کی کامیا بی میں ایک طرف ان کی اپنی ذاتی محنت شامل ہو تی ہے تو دوسری طرف ان کی حکومت انکو وہ تمام سہولیات فراہم کر تی ہے جو ان کے لئے ضروری تصور کی جاتی ہیں اور اوپر سے ان کی خدمات کو سنہری حروف میں لکھا جا تا ہے ان کی خدمات پر ان کو ایوارڈسے نوازہ جاتا ہے ان کو ان کی محنت کا پورا ثمر دیا جاتا ہے اور ان کی قدر کیا جاتی ہے مگر اپنے ملک کی طرف دیکھ کے دکھ ہو تا ہے کہ یہ معمار پاکستا ن ایک طرف تو خود اپنے کل سے بے خبر نظرآ تے ہیں تو دوسری طرف ہزاروں لاکھوں پڑھے لکھے نوجوان جو اس امید سے پڑھتے رہے کہ کل کو ان کا مستقبل روشن ہو گا وہ کامیاب تصور کیئے جائیں گے گلیوں روڑوں اور پارکوں میں�آوارہ گردی کر تے نظر آ تے ہیں جس میں ا ن کا کو ئی قصور نہیں سمجھا جا سکتا کیو نکہ وہ تو پڑھ لکھ کر اپنے ملک کی ترقی میں اپنا کردار ادا کر نا چاہتے ہیں مگر نوکری نہیں ملتی اور جہاں سے کوئی امید نظرآ بھی جائے تو وہاں ''جیب گرم'' نہ کر نے کی وجہ سے یہ ہمیشہ کے لئے ملازمت کی امید لئے یا مر جاتے ہیں یا پھر جگہ جگہ سے ٹھوکریں کھا تے ہو ئے اور اندر ہی اندر ٹوٹتے ہوئے خود کومنشیات کا عادی بنا لتے ہیں جب کہ ا ب بھی وقت ہے ہم ان سے وہ امیدیں پوری کر سکتے ہیں جو ہماری قوم کو ان سے وابسطہ ہیں اپنے ملک کو کامیابی دلا سکتے ہیں جو ہمارے آ باؤ اجداد سوچتے ہو ئے منوں مٹی تلے جا کر سو گئے آ ج بھی ہم وہ پاکستان بنا سکتے ہیں جس کی سوچ 1947/1948ء میں قائداعظم اور ان کے رفقاء کار کو تھی آج بھی پاکستان کو ترقی کی راہ پر ڈالا جا سکتا ہے بس اس کے لئے ضروری اقدامات کر نے کی ضرورت ہے اورسب سے ضروری یہ ہے کہ ان معماروں کو ایک روشن مستقبل دینے کے لئے اقدامات کئے جائیں ان کو یہ باور کروایا جائے کہ ان کی حاصل کی گئی تعلیم کبھی ضا ئع نہیں ہو گی بلکہ اس سے یہ ملک اور حکومتیں بھرپور فائدہ اٹھا ئیں گی اور کوئی بھی تعلیم مکمل کرنے کے بعد بیروزگار نہیں ہو گا اور جو تعلیم پوری کر چکے ہیں ان کے لئے ملازمتوں کے مواقع پیدا کرنا ہو نگے اور ان نوجوانوں اور طفل مکتبوں پر یہ ذمہ داری ڈالی جا سکے گی کہ یہ معمار پاکستان اپنی پڑ ھائی پر تو جہ دے کر پا کستان اور اس کی عوام کے لئے کچھ کر سکیں ا س کا نام عا لمی سطح پر اونچا کریں اور اس کے ساتھ ہمارے والدین کا بھی فرض بنتا ہے کہ وہ اپنی نسل کو وہ تہذیب اپنی ثقافت اور اسلام کی تعلیمات دیں تا کہ وہ اچھا اور محب وطن پاکستانی بن سکیں کیو نکہ آ ج راقم کو یہ د یکھ کے دکھ ہو تا ہے کہ آج ہم بحیثیت قوم اپنے بڑوں کے افکار اور ان کے نظریات،و عقائد کو بری طرح فراموش کر چکے ہیں آ ج صرف خودی کی سربلندی اور ''صرف میں ہوں،میں ہوں' ' نے ان ساری اچھی باتوں کی جگہ لے لی ہے آ ج بھی ہم وہ قوم بن سکتے ہیں جو عالمی دنیا کے نزدیک صرف گروہوں میں بٹ چکی ہے اور اپنے کل سے بے خبر اپنے ہی ملک کو تباہی کے دھا نے پر لے جا رہی ہے اس کے لئے سب سے پہلے ہمیں اپنی نسل کو ایک اچھا سچا انسان بنا نا ہو گااور یہ بتا نا ہو گا یہ کہ یہ وقت کھیل کود کا نہیں اور نہ ہی وقت برباد کر نے کا ہے بلکہ یہ تو وہ وقت ہے جہاں ایک دوسرے بلکہ خود اپنے جسم سے آ گے جا نے کی جنگ ہے اور لوگوں کے ساتھ ساتھ قو موں میں خودی کو بہتر سے بہترین بنانے کی جنگ ہے اور وہی کامیاب ہو نگے جو زمانے کی چال چلیں گے ورنہ دوسرے اور پچھلے رہ جانے والے زمانے کی جوتیوں کی دھول میں خود کو گمراہ کر بیٹھیں گے اور ان کو یہ بھی بتا ناہو گا کہ یہ چیزیں جو تم استعمال کر تے ہو یہ تمھاری نہیں بلکہ یہ قومی اثا ثے ہیں اور ان کی حفاظت کر نا بھی ان پر اتنا اہم ہے جیسے انسان کے لئے کھانا اہم ہے اوروہ ان کو احتیا ط سے استعمال کر یں سماج دشمن عناصر جیسی حرکات کر نا بند کر دیں اور خود بھی یہ تہذیب سیکھیں کہ یہ ہماری ہی چیز یں ہیں اور ان کو ہم نے ہی بچا نا ہے اور سماج دشمن عناصر کا آلہ کار نہ بنیں اور اس کے بعد ایک محب و طن پاکستانی بنا نا ہو گا اوراس کے بعد اس گر م خون کو ایک سید ھی اور واضع لائن بنا کردینا ہو گی جوپاکستان کو عالمی سطح پر ایک مقام فراہم کر ے اور اس کی عز ت میں بھی اضا فہ کرے****
      * Muhammad Wajih Us Sama,Columnist*

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Re: This will make you smile

Thanks for sharing Travis!

On Sat, Dec 24, 2011 at 6:01 PM, Travis <> wrote:

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New post on Bare Naked Islam


by barenakedislam

Thought you would enjoy a double dose of Ahmed Claus this year! .

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barenakedislam | December 24, 2011 at 8:18 PM | Categories: Laughing at Islam | URL:

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Well, guys, it looks like it’s time to have another ‘Everybody Draw the Paedophile Prophet Muhammad Day’

New post on Bare Naked Islam

Well, guys, it looks like it's time to have another 'Everybody Draw the Paedophile Prophet Muhammad Day'

by barenakedislam

How many billions in taxpayer dollars are we giving these bastards every year?

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barenakedislam | December 24, 2011 at 8:00 PM | Categories: EnemyWithin-foreign | URL:

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CNN Poll: Ron Paul Most Popular Republican Amongst Non-Whites

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Top 10 Gifts to Give a Liberal


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“Wreck the halls with boughs of halal…”

New post on Bare Naked Islam

"Wreck the halls with boughs of halal…"

by barenakedislam

Direct from Bethlehem, the Israeli Zionist chorus is proud to perform a beloved Chrislam Carol for Eurabia and all our European Dhimmi friends. This is coming to you by satellite from Israel because the singing of Chrislam Carols in public has been banned by the Sharia Court of the Islamic Republic of Europe. You may [...]

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barenakedislam | December 23, 2011 at 2:43 AM | Categories: Uncategorized | URL:

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This will make you smile

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**JP** Fwd: His Master's Voice!!

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Syed Ilyas Ahmed <>
Date: Sat, 24 Dec 2011 19:41:14 +0500
Subject: His Master's Voice!!

Sent from my iPhone-ILYAS


> He is a rat and a joke of an "ambassador"!
> US Think Tank Paid $100,000 to Haqqani to Write Book Against Army
> Submitted by Aurangzeb on December 18, 2011 – 5:17 pm6 Comments
> 67Share
> ISLAMABAD: Smith Richardson Foundation, an American think tank, claims that it paid $100,000 to Husain Haqqani to write a book, which attacks the Pakistan army and the military-mosque alliance and its implications for US policies.
> Haqqani came up with a book within two years and the controversial memo reflects many of the thoughts stated in his book.
> The think tank also claims that it funded another $175000 to Carnegie Endowment for International Peace for developing a new US policy toward Pakistan in 2004 and Carnegie Endowment for International Peace hired Husain Haqqani for the purpose.
> Smith Richardson Foundation is an American think tank whose mission is 'to contribute to important public debates and to help address serious public policy challenges facing the United States.
> The Foundation seeks to help ensure the vitality of our social, economic, and governmental institutions. It also seeks to assist with the development of effective policies to compete internationally and to advance US interests and values abroad. This mission is embodied in our international and domestic grant programs.'
> The website of Smith Richardson Foundation shows under the link: username=&lg=1 that in 2003 a sum of $100,000 was given as grant to Carnegie Endowment for International Peace regarding 'Mosque-Military Alliance in Pakistan and Implications for US Policy'.
> The website describes the usage of grant as, "Husain Haqqani will research and write a book on the relationship between Pakistan's military and the country's radical Islamic forces and assess the implications of that relationship for US security."
> Interestingly Haqqani came up with a book in 2005 titled 'Pakistan between Mosque and Military' and he wrote in the concluding paragraphs of his book: "Washington must not ignore Pakistan's state sponsorship of Islamist militants, its pursuit of nuclear weapons and missiles at the expense of education and healthcare, and its refusal to democratize; each of these issues is directly linked to the future of Islamist radicalism."
> Smith Richardson Foundation's website further says that it granted $175,000 in 2004 to Carnegie Endowment for International Peace Developing and explained that 'Husain Haqqani will lead an effort to develop new ideas for US policy toward Pakistan.
> He will organize working groups of US and Pakistani experts and commission papers. He will write a blueprint for a US policy to encourage Pakistan to adopt a more moderate and democratic political system. The project's findings will appear in a series of monographs and a policy report.'
> It is worth mentioning here that Haqqani in the concluding paragraphs of his book has also written "The United States clearly has few good short term policy options in relation to Pakistan.
> American policy makers should endeavor to recognize the failings of their past policies and avoid repeating their mistakes. The United States has sought short-term gains from its relationship with Pakistan, inadvertently accentuating that country's problems in the process.
> Pakistan's civil and military elite, on the other hand, must understand how their three-part paradigm for state and nation building has led Pakistan from one disaster to the next. Pakistan was created in a hurry and without giving detailed thought to various aspects of nation and state building. Perhaps it is time to rectify that mistake by taking a long-term view. Both Pakistan's elite and their US benefactors would have to participate in transforming Pakistan into a functional, rather than ideological, state." Haqqani was tried to be contacted and an SMS was also sent on his number but no reply was given till filing of this report. A message was also sent on his verified twitter account but that was also not replied.

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With best regards
Mohammed Aslam
Phone:- 0302 823 2300

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Newt Gingrich in 2005: I support Greenspan's inflation

Newt Gingrich in 2005: I support Greenspan's inflation

Bill Buckley and National Review: Whites Are 'the Advanced Race'

Bill Buckley and National Review: Whites Are 'the Advanced Race'
Posted by Ryan W. McMaken on December 24, 2011 02:00 PM

I find it interesting that the remnants of the Buckleyite wing of the right wing are trying to read Ron Paul out of the movement for his alleged racism. Yes, much better to profess a belief in equality for all ethnic groups, and then proceed to favor policies like the drug war that overwhelmingly punish non-whites more than whites. And then there is the mass murder of various brown-skinned foreigners by Obama, which will no doubt continue under any successor to Obama who is not named Ron Paul.

The disciples of Buckley of course conveniently forget National Review's position on civil rights. Let us remember Buckley's comments on how the whites in the South have a right to government-enforced segregation because they are "the advanced race":

"The central question that emerges­and it is not a parliamentary question or a question that is answered by merely consulting a catalog of the rights of American citizens, born Equal­is whether the White community in the South is entitled to take such measures as are necessary to prevail, politically and culturally, in areas in which it does not predominate numerically? The sobering answer is Yes­the White community is so entitled because, for the time being, it is the advanced race."

Buckley and NR then go on to defend the use of government violence against anti-Jim Crow protests:

"National Review believes that the South's premises are correct. If the majority wills what is socially atavistic, then to thwart the majority may be, though undemocratic, enlightened. It is more important for any community, anywhere in the world, to affirm and live by civilized standards, than to bow to the demands of the numerical majority. Sometimes it becomes impossible to assert the will of a minority, in which case it must give way; and the society will regress; sometimes the numerical minority cannot prevail except by violence: then it must determine whether the prevalence of its will is worth the terrible price of violence"

Note how NR contrasts alleged "civilized standards" with opposition to the brutal use of government force, via Jim Crow, against tax-paying blacks strictly on the basis of race. In other words, voluntary free association among individuals is not the "civilized" choice. And, if need be, the white minority, which asserts segregation, is entitled to use violence to preserve its state-enforced prohibition on free association. Thus is the ideological patrimony of Rich Lowry and Ramesh Ponnuru and all the other scions of conservatism who now try to crush the libertarian Ron Paul who has always opposed such collectivist nonsense.

Later, Buckley said that Martin Luther King may have been to blame for his own assassination:

"the cretin who leveled his rifle at the head of Martin Luther King may have absorbed the talk, so freely available, about the supremacy of individual conscience, such talk as Martin Luther King, God rest his troubled and compassionate soul, had so widely and indiscriminately made."

­ (Found in Buckley's 1969 book The Jeweler's Eye)

Fwd: [I-S] Voters leaving Republican, Democratic parties in droves


Voters leaving Republican, Democratic parties in droves


By Richard Wolf, USA TODAY

Published: 12/22/2011 8:30:52 PM

WASHINGTON – More than 2.5 million voters have left the Democratic and Republican parties since the 2008 elections, while the number of independent voters continues to grow.

A USA TODAY analysis of state voter registration statistics shows registered Democrats declined in 25 of the 28 states that register voters by party. Republicans dipped in 21 states, while independents increased in 18 states.

The trend is acute in states that are key to next year's presidential race. In the eight swing states that register voters by party, Democrats' registration is down by 800,000 and Republicans' by 350,000. Independents have gained 325,000.

The pattern continues a decades-long trend that has seen a diminution in the power of political parties, giving rise to independents as Ross Perot and Ralph Nader and the popularity this year of libertarian Republican Ron Paul.

"The strident voices of both the left and the right have sort of soured people from saying willingly that they belong to one party or the other," says Doug Lewis, who represents state elections officials. "If both sides call each other scurrilous dogs, then the public believes that both sides are probably scurrilous dogs."

Registered Democrats still dominate the political playing field with more than 42 million voters, compared to 30 million Republicans and 24 million independents. But Democrats have lost the most — 1.7 million, or 3.9%, from 2008.

Democratic registration has fared worse than Republicans in Colorado, Florida, Iowa, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, North Carolina and Pennsylvania — the eight swing states with party registration. Republican losses are biggest in Nevada, New Hampshire and Pennsylvania.

The decline is due to a variety of factors. People move, people die, people revolt in disgust. Many are stripped from registration rolls by states seeking to remove inactive voters.

By contrast, the number of independents has grown for years and is up more than 400,000 since 2008, or 1.7%. States with big gains: Colorado, Florida, North Carolina — and Arizona, a possible target for President Obama in 2012.

The 2012 winner, says North Carolina elections director Gary Bartlett, will be "whoever is attractive to the unaffiliated voter."

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Hitchens Remembered


Christopher Hitchens Remembered

By Edward Hudgins

December 16, 2011 – I first met Christopher Hitchens in the early 2000s at the Americans for Tax Reform's weekly meeting of conservative and limited-government activists, which Hillary Clinton deemed the "vast right-wing conspiracy." Sitting next to him, I introduced myself as with the Objectivist Center (as our organization was then known). "Oh yes, that's the good one," he replied, or words to that effect, showing that he knew the difference between our group and another one that took the thinking of Ayn Rand more like religious dogma than rational philosophy.

Hitchens was at the meeting to talk about the case of Orlando Letelier, who had been the ambassador to the U.S. for Chilean Marxist President Salvador Allende. Allende died in a coup d'état in 1973 and Letelier was assassinated, along with an American assistant, in Washington, D.C., in 1976, no doubt by the Chilean right-wing military government's secret police. Hitchens believed that conservatives should be concerned about such unlawful acts, committed at the behest of a foreign government on American soil. But it was more than this narrow issue that brought him into the halls of the ideological right.
Moving From the Left

Hitchens, who passed away December 15 after a year-and-a-half battle with cancer, was an author, intellectual, polymath, and journalist who traveled to the worst war zones and trouble spots of the world to see things for himself. The subjects of his books spanned the spectrum from Thomas Jefferson to George Orwell to Henry Kissinger to Mother Teresa to the Clintons to the fallacies of religion.

He started as a Marxist but later abandoned dialectical materialism as the key for understanding the world and spurring revolution. He was too honest to treat Marxism as dogma: "There came a time when I could not protect myself, and indeed did not wish to protect myself, from the onslaught of reality."

Following the September 11, 2001, attacks on America as well as later attacks in London, Madrid, Bombay, and elsewhere, Hitchens expected his colleagues to see the dangers that Islamists posed to the values of liberty and an open society. But many on the left, rather than defending those values, offered knee-jerk denunciations of the West, epitomized by the malicious rantings of Noam Chomsky. Hitchens found himself being welcomed in right-wing circles.

In 2004 Hitchens accepted an invitation to speak at our Objectivist Center Capitol Hill conference on "What Are Western Values and Should We Return to Them?" While never glossing over the errors and crimes of any government or of imperialism, Hitchens spoke of the benefits of the British Raj in India, bringing railroads and technology to the subcontinent, for example, and abolishing wife-burning and other morally abhorrent practices. He didn't ask for a speaking fee, only cab fare to return home.

David Kelley, our organization's founder, asked Hitchens what he considered himself politically since he was now alienated from much of the left. A libertarian? Sort of, he replied. But his uncertainty was not simply a matter of not embracing laissez-faire capitalism. Hitchens was always seeking truth and perhaps he thought that labels might tie him to beliefs that he did not accept
Moral Sentiments

Hitchens is perhaps best known as one of the New Atheists. Indeed, he famously took on religious icon Mother Teresa. In his book The Missionary Position he showed that her goal was not to alleviate the suffering of the poor; rather, she saw suffering as something to be welcomed and wallowed in as part of God's will.
Hitchens with the author.

Hitchens with the author.

The title of Hitchens's book God Is Not Great: How Religion Poisons Everything certainly summarized his thinking, but it does not say it all. Hitchens argued that even without religion one can have fundamental moral values that are not simply a matter of your whim versus mine.

He was not a systematic moral theorist, falling instead into what might be called the "moral sentiments" school. He argued, for example, that the Children of Israel knew very well before God supposedly gave them the Ten Commandments that killing and stealing were wrong.

Evolutionary psychology today suggests that individuals indeed have hardwired "sentiments" or propensities. But these vary from one individual to another. So are all equally right? Aren't such differences the root of conflicts?

Hitchens was not an Ayn Rand fan, yet he would have benefited from better understanding her fundamental insights. Hitchens argued that we need not urge individuals to be "selfish" à la Rand since most individuals are inclined to such behavior anyway. But Rand understood that the path that will best lead to one's survival and flourishing must be discovered by rational inquiry and reflection, which were both favored by Hitchens.

Hitchens, by the way, did like Rand's essay "Requiem for Man," which denounced Pope Paul VI's stand on birth control. Hitchens wanted to include it in one of his compilations and complained to me that the Estate of Ayn Rand would not give him permission to republish the piece.
Free Inquiry

In spite of a lack of philosophical rigor, Hitchens did offer and defend positive values. He argued that what atheists, agnostics, and humanists "respect is free inquiry, openmindedness, and the pursuit of ideas for their own sake." That, he would argue, is how we attune ourselves to moral sentiments and, indeed, to all that is good in life. He stated that we "find that the serious ethical dilemmas are better handled by Shakespeare and Tolstoy and Schille
Hitchens, speaking at an Atlas Society event.

Hitchens, speaking at an Atlas Society event.
r and Dostoyevsky and George Eliot than in the mythical morality tales of the holy books. Literature, not scripture, sustains the mind and—since there is no other metaphor—also the soul."

Hitchens fought against religious ideas that fostered so much war and bloodshed throughout human history: "To … the plain horror of killing civilians in the name of some sacred wall or cave or rock, we can counterpose a leisurely or urgent walk from one side of the library or the gallery to another, or to lunch with an agreeable friend, in pursuit of truth and beauty."

Hitchens also denounced mindless desecration of those things of beauty produced by the religious, for example, the blowing up by the Taliban in Afghanistan "of one the world's greatest cultural artifacts—the twin Buddha statues at Bamiyan." When I saw Hitchens the week before he was diagonosed with cancer—he did not look well—he was discussing his autobiography Hitch 22 in the historic 6th Street synagogue in Washington, D.C.

And one-to-one, in keeping with his own values, Hitchens could be civil with those he disagreed with but whom he considered on some level to be honest and decent; I've seen him in such conversations at parties with members of the religious right.
The Continual Conversation

When I told my wife, who was reading Hitchens's last book, Arguably, of his passing, she said it felt like she had lost a friend. No doubt part of this sentiment was because she had read many of Hitchens's books, heard him speak on a number of occasions, and chatted with him at events.

And no doubt part of this sentiment was because when one reads a book, especially by an interesting and engaging writer like Hitchens, one is in a kind of conversation with a friend. One is attending to the writer's thoughts and insights and has a dialogue in one's own mind about the ideas expressed in those pages. And Hitchens expressed himself beautifully.

Machiavelli wrote of going to his study to read in the evening: "At the threshold, I take off my work-day clothes, filled with dust and mud, and don royal and curial garments. Worthily dressed, I enter into the ancient courts of the men of antiquity, where, warmly received, I feed on that which is my only food and which was meant for me."

Hitchens loved inquiry, learning, and an intellectual exchange. He was a man of the mind. He continued to produce his weekly columns until shortly before his passing. In his final piece for Vanity Fair he stated that "writing is not just my living and my livelihood but my very life." His life is over and we'll have no new writings on politics and cultural trends to come. I will truly miss these. But he left us with thoughts and reflections that can continue to give us joy and enlighten us.

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Gingrich out in Virginia

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From: Bearing Drift
Date: Saturday, December 24, 2011
Subject: Gingrich out in Virginia

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Gingrich falls short in Virginia  petition drive
Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich failed to qualify to appear on the Republican Party of Virginia's presidential nominating ballot for a primary vote which will be held March 6, 2012 - Super Tuesday.

After going through a validation process, the Speaker and now Virginia resident failed to obtain the necessary 10,000 signatures as required by the code of Virginia. 

Bearing Drift reports that more than 2,000 of Gingrich's signatures failed to have addresses - a requirement.

The only candidates who have qualified for the ballot are former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney and Congressman Ron Paul.  

Both Romney and Paul turned in close to 15,000 signatures.

The ballot requirement is that 10,000 signatures and 400 signatures per congressional district must be submitted.  The State Board of Elections recommends at least 15,000 and 700 per district.

Candidates could begin gathering signatures January 1, 2011.

Gingrich joins Texas Gov. Rick Perry, Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, former U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum, and former Utah Gov. Jon Huntsman as presidential candidates seeking the Republican nomination who will not appear on Virginia's ballot because they could not qualify.  

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**JP** Senior Manager Sales, Karachi AND Marketing Manager, Islamabad

Detailed JDs are given below:

Please send your resume to

Position No 1:

We are looking for candidates for the Senior Manager Sales position at
a Multinational Telecom Company.

Position: Senior Manager Sales
Location: Karachi
Sector: Telecom
Company type: Multinational Telecom Company
Salary: 150K to 260K + car and fuel -- may vary

Essential Requirements:
Must be located in Karachi
Recent or Past experience in Internet Service Provider (ISP) company
Recent experience in Corporate Sales 
Recent experience at Senior Manager/Manager level 
Experience of Managing Sales Teams
Key Job Responsibilities

-- Leading Sales team into consistent achievement of assigned monthly
/ yearly sales quota and sales activities (calls, meetings,
prospecting) targets.
-- Meeting individual Sales Targets
-- Create Sales plan and generate new revenue from MPLS and IPLC Sales
to Corporations and Sales to International Carrier Customers
-- Lead and Maintain relationships with existing large customers to
receive feedback and maintain maximum customer satisfaction.
-- Coordinate with Marketing to develop new promotional material
inline with market demands, provide market feedback to marketing and
provide support for various events, programs, promotions and new
-- Lead Sales team in arranging Annual / Semi annual and Quarterly
events such as Sales conferences, Customer Events, Sales Training,
National Sales meeting etc.
-- Explore new areas of revenue for company within the B2B Telecom market


-- A minimum of 8 years sales experience, selling to senior-level
decision makers with at least 3 years at a Key Managerial role at a
branded ISP and/or Telco.
-- Hands on sales experience with large network and credit and
references for closing large accounts in the B2B Telecom market
-- Excellent Team Leadership and Interpersonal skills, Effective
presentation skills.
-- Ability to take on pressure of handling a distributed sales team to
achieve targets given by senior management.
-- Good grooming and superior skills in English communication (both
verbal and written)
-- MBA from university or a reputable business school in Pakistan or
foreign university.
-- Prior Engineering Background in ISP, Engineering, and/or Telecom
would be a plus
-- In depth Understanding of MPLS and IPLC technologies a plus

Position No 2:

We are looking for candidates for the Manager Marketing position at a Multinational Telecom Company.

Position: Manager Marketing
Location: Islamabad
Sector: Telecom
Company type: Multinational Telecom Company
Salary: No Salary Information

Essential Requirements:
-- Recent experience in Telecom or FMCG company (that is a Multinational company or a similarly prestigious company)
-- Currently at Manager level -- or one-step above or below
-- Experience in Marketing -- in areas of marketing such as: strategy, planning, budgeting, pricing, marketing plan, and execution; as well as development of marketing material and working with agency, etc
-- MBA from LUMS Lahore/IBA Karachi (or prestigious foreign university) -- highly preferred

Scope of work:
-- Lead company's marketing efforts including strategy, planning,
budgeting, pricing, and execution of marketing programs.
-- Define marketing, product management, and pricing strategy.
-- Develop and write annual marketing plan and budget.
-- Recommend tariffs for all company services.
-- Create tools for sales team to help it achieve revenue target.
Monitor leads generated by marketing to see if they are being followed
up by sales.
-- Guide team with distribution of tasks between different assistant managers.
-- Guide team in areas such as market research, competitive analysis,
customer survey, market sizing, tariffs, etc.
-- Guide team with creation of different material including brochures,
presentations, product sheets, website content, press releases,
advertisements, newsletter, etc.
-- Guide team with agency selection and execution of different
marketing programs including events and advertising.
-- Review and revise all marketing material generated by the team.
-- Deliver presentations at seminars and conferences.
-- Evaluate the effectiveness of different marketing programs in terms
of lead generation and sales to focus marketing budget on more
effective marketing programs for next year.
-- Evaluate different bandwidth providers for partnerships and
capacity purchase/ swap.
-- Evaluate training needs of marketing staff and recommend training
courses for them to HR.

Skill Set

-- Strong interpersonal and written/verbal communication skills.
-- Computer Skills, good Listener and Professionalism.

Work Experience & Education

-- 5 to 6 years of relevant experience.
-- MBA or Master's degree.

Please send your resume to