Thursday, May 26, 2011

Re: Save America by kicking all political rituals in the ass!

You can spew all the fallacious matter you choose, but it remains that you are (hopelessly) confused.

Per AIS5C2:
Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.
Note that the CONSTITUTION provides the House the power to determine the Rules of its Proceedings. If that body deems Members with certain affiliations to have certain positions/duties, then such is within its purview.

The problem occurs when Rules are imposed OUTSIDE of the House itself. This does not make political parties unconstitutional, but instead the advantage providing laws unconstitutional.


Several major turning points mark the reversal of this [Constitutional enumerated powers] ethic.  The first was the passage in 1913 of the Sixteenth Amendment, which permitted a federal income tax.  This was the first major tax that was not levied on a proportional or uniform basis.  Hence, it allowed Congress a political free ride:  It could provide government benefits to many by imposing a disproportionately heavy tax burden on the wealthy.  ...  -- Stephen Moore, _Between Power and Liberty_

At 11:19 AM 5/26/2011, you wrote:
Dear Pigeon-Dung-for-a-Brain, MJ:  The SPIRIT of the Constitution
champions FAIRNESS and equality of the power of INDIVIDUALS to control
government.  The (they were only human) Founding Fathers knew that
there were rules needing to be made and laws passed to make this
country function.  But those naive Founding Fathers had no idea that
by giving Congress the 'power' to make its own rules, without any
controls over what those rules can be, that Congress would so willing
depart from the sacred SPIRIT of the Constitution that is: "Fair play
and democracy shall have supremacy in the USA!"  Having... "rules"
that give the power to 'the winning party', and not allocating power
to individuals equally, is a SUBVERSION of our sacred Representative
Congress, nor the President have the power to vote to take power away
from the People.  And Congress, nor the President have the authority
to do a God-damned THING that is socialist-communist or unfair!!!  My
New Constitution stipulates that no "rule" of Congress can concentrate
power in the hands of any individual or group beyond one-person-one-
vote.  Political parties, because they are unfair and use leverage NOT
granted by the Constitution are, and always have been
UNCONSTITUTIONAL!  You would be well advised NOT to question anything
I have done on behalf of the American People, because there is not a
Patriot on Earth with my intellect and my devotion to SAVING this
country!!!  — John A. Armistead —  Patriot
On May 25, 9:49 am, MJ <> wrote:
> Political parties are unconstitutional because they impose a power
> structure within Congress that gives the... "power" to the winning
> party, rather than having a parity of power on every single issue
> voted upon.

 You are (hopelessly) confused.
> Per AIS5C2:Each House may determine the Rules of its Proceedings, punish its Members for disorderly Behaviour, and, with the Concurrence of two thirds, expel a Member.Note that the CONSTITUTION provides the House the power to determine the Rules of its Proceedings. If that body deems Members with certain affiliations to have certain positions/duties, then such is within its purview.
> The problem occurs when Rules are imposed OUTSIDE of the House itself. This does not make political parties unconstitutional, but instead the advantage providing laws unconstitutional.
> Regard$,
> --MJ
> Several major turning points mark the reversal of this [Constitutional enumerated powers] ethic.  The first was the passage in 1913 of the Sixteenth Amendment, which permitted a federal income tax.  This was the first major tax that was not levied on a proportional or uniform basis.  Hence, it allowed Congress a political free ride:  It could provide government benefits to many by imposing a disproportionately heavy tax burden on the wealthy.  ...  -- Stephen Moore, _Between Power and Liberty_

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Re: Save America by kicking all political rituals in the ass!

Again, Constitutional is of or by the Constitution.
The Senate is constitutional -- by definition.
Until the removal of the check with Amendment 17 (not properly ratified per Article V), the Senate was the 'representative' of the States -- those entities forming the United States (plural).

Contrary to your insistence, the Constitution does not create this idea of mob rule to which you are so enamored and believe will *magically* correct ills.


Democracy: A government of the masses. Authority derived through mass meeting or any other form of direct expression. Results in mobocracy. Attitude toward property is communistic ... Attitude toward law is that the will of the majority shall regulate, whether it is based on deliberation or governed by passion, prejudice, or impulse, without restraint or regard to the consequences. Result is demagogism, license, agitation, discontent, anarchy.
-- U.S. Army training manual No. 2000-25 (1928-1932)

Dear MJ:  The Founding Fathers were BLACKMAILED into including a
senate, because small states feared being exploited by larger states.
The senate is an oligarchy that slaps-in-the-face our Representative
Republic.  Since principles of FAIRNESS are so evident throughout the
main body of the Constitution, then, the VICTOR in disputes has to be
the side favoring fair play and democracy! The mere fact that the
senate was included in the Constitution doesn't make that
constitutional!  Just because 'laws' are passed doesn't make those
constitutional, either.  The US Senate has been a drag of fair play
and democracy from day one!  For the record, the US Supreme Court,
wherein one justice has a power greater than Congress, or the People,
is UNCONSTITUTIONAL!!!  Learn, if you can, MJ.  So far you seem
committed to a lifetime of taking-over your flunked courses in how to
think.  — J. A. A. —
On May 25, 9:43 am, MJ <> wrote:
> The US Senate, which was originally selected by the legislatures of
> the several states, was an ill conceived OLIGARCHY.  Since there has
> never been a parity of the population served by each senator, that
> means the USA has two conflicting political systems, and the oligarchy
> is the one which isn't FAIR.  Giving undue power to smaller population
> states slaps REPUBLIC ideas in the face.  So, the US Senate is and
> always has been, unconstitutional.The Senate -- by definition -- cannot be unconstitutional.
> What you (continue) fail to grasp is that the Constitution is/was an agreement between Sovereign States. The Senate is THEIR representative body. Amendment 17 curtailed yet another check on Federal power.
> Regard$,
> --MJ
> The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation, and foreign commerce; with which last the power of taxation will, for the most part, be connected. The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which, in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives, liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement, and prosperity of the State. -- James Madison, Federalist Papers

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Re: Save America by kicking all political rituals in the ass!

  As has been explained time and time again, people seek to influence because influence can be mandated -- contrary to the Constitution.

 Absolutely not!  No person can have (or have others mandate) an
influence greater that our FAIR, Representative Republic will allow!
The political parties constantly try to get more power & influence
than one-person-one vote, and THAT is UNCONSTITUTIONAL! 

You have not proven my statement to be incorrect.
Here is the Constitution:
Do point to the Article, Section and Clause or Amendment where you imagine this one-person-one vote sham exists.

repeatedly written that the entire space-out primaries are
UNCONSTITUTIONAL, because they give the most power to the God-damned
people of IOWA! 

And *I* (and others) have repeatedly requested that you bolster this claim. You have not. You cannot. The reality that is the Constitution does not support your claim.
The Constitution provides the State Legislatures with the Power To choose Electors in whatever manner they desire. Those Electors, then, choose a Candidate.

Again, the problem is NOT the Parties nor their machinations per se, but that they have enacted unconstitutional legislation that have been put into law.

It, however, remains that people seek influence because influence can be mandated -- contrary to the Constitution.


(W)e ought to be asking ourselves why corporations and interests groups are willing to give politicians millions of dollars in the first place.  Obviously their motives are not altruistic.  Simply put, they do it because the stakes are so high.  They know government controls virtually every aspect of our economy and our lives, and that they must influence government to protect their interests. 

Our federal government, which was intended to operate as a very limited constitutional republic, has instead become a virtually socialist leviathan that redistributes trillions of dollars.  We can hardly be surprised when countless special interests fight for the money.  The only true solution to the campaign money problem is a return to a proper constitutional government that does not control the economy.  Big government and big campaign money go hand in hand.
-- Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas), "Texas Straight Talk," 2/4/02

Re: Save America by kicking all political rituals in the ass!

J. Ashley:  "One-person-one-vote" negates about 90% of what has been
done by government. 

Do explain/prove your claim.


"Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly and one by one."
-- Charles Mackay, in his 1852 book, Memoirs of Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds

Re: Save America by kicking all political rituals in the ass!

Government!  The Founding Fathers expected the SPIRIT of the document
to dictate what can be done more than an itemized section and sentence
for every conceivable issue. 

Do provide substantiation for this claim.


Our peculiar security is in the possession of a written Constitution.  Let us not make it a blank paper by construction. --Thomas Jefferson to W, Nicholas, 1803.

**JP** The City of Perfumes

) مدينة غراس الفرنسيه (مدينة العطــور

الفرنسية العطور. العطور بباريس ومناظر

إنهآعاصمة العالم )لصناعة العطور، هي مدينة صغيرة تدعى جراسGrasse ، بمقاطعة بروفانس Provence في جنوب فرنسا . وتمتد الحقول حولها أميالاً ، وهي مغطاة بالأزهار- منها اللافندر والياسمين وزهر البرتقال . وتقطف الأزهار ، وأحياناً الأوراق ، وتنقل إلى المصانع في جراس ، حيث تجري عليها عمليات استخلاص الزيوت ، التي تعطي الأزهار رائحتها المميزة .

أحد شوارع المدينة
وهذي المدينه مشهوره بالعطورات وفيها أكبر متحف عطور بالعالم..وأكبر مصانع العطور..وتتمشى على كيفك وتعبي من العطر اللي تبيه وتختار التركيز اللي تبيه بعد ويحطونه بالغرشه اللي تختارها ويعطونك كود مع العطر عشان اذا جيت مره ثانيه بتاخذ تعطيهم الكود بس بدال ماتروح تحوس وتتذكر أنا من أي واحد عبيت

الفرنسية العطور. العطور بباريس ومناظر

الفرنسية العطور. العطور بباريس ومناظر

الفرنسية العطور. العطور بباريس ومناظر

هذي المدينه مشهوره بالعطورات العالمية وفيها أكبر متحف عطور بالعالم..وأكبر مصانع العطور..تقدر تتمشى على كيفك وتعبي من العطر اللي يعجبك وتختار التركيز ..
ورح تلاقي رائحه العطور بكل مكان وبكل شارع بهالمدينة 

ويوجد فيها مطاعم على أسامي العطورات (مثل مطعم شانيل ) اوكريستيان ديور) وجميع الماركات العالمية... 
وأشهر مصنع للعطور في غراس 
:: fragonar :: 
الفرنسية العطور. العطور بباريس ومناظر

الفرنسية العطور. العطور بباريس ومناظر
صور من المصنع..

 العطور. العطور بباريس ومناظر

الفرنسية العطور. العطور بباريس ومناظر

الفرنسية العطور. العطور بباريس ومناظر

وفيهآ مصنع شانيل وديور وسان لوران وغيرهم من الماركات مصانعم الرئيسيه بغراس<<< يعني روح عندهم وخذ العطر فرش قبل ماينزل عندنا بسنتين 

وفيه عطورات ماتنزل عندنا بعد ..وتكون حصريه عندهم فقط
الفرنسية العطور. العطور بباريس ومناظر
صور للمتحف..

الفرنسية العطور. العطور بباريس ومناظر

الفرنسية  العطور. العطور بباريس ومناظر

الفرنسية العطور. العطور بباريس

...والمتحف له رسوم دخول تقريبآ 6 يورو للساعه ..
الفرنسية العطور. العطور بباريس ومناظر

الفرنسية العطور. العطور بباريس ومناظر

الفرنسية العطور. العطور بباريس ومناظر

الفرنسية العطور. العطور بباريس ومناظر

الفرنسية العطور. العطور بباريس ومناظر


الفرنسية العطور. العطور بباريس ومناظر

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**JP** اپنے آپ سے سوال کریں

thanks ali bhai for nice sharing

**JP** india - A Peaceful country


*امتحا نات کے لئے جنریٹر فراہم کئے جا ئیں۔عوامی حلقوں اور طلباء کی اپیل
*جن جن اداروں کے بچے امتحانات میں شامل ہو نے انھیں بھی اپنی اخلاقی ذمہ داری سمجھتے ہو ئے اس کا انتظام کر نا چاہیئے
*تمام یو نیو ورسٹیز ،بورڈ ز کو چاہیئے کہ اپنے اپنے امتحانات کے لئے واضع پالیسی مرتب کریں اور اپنے تمام امتحانات کا وقت بھی تبدیل کریں
کھاریاں (رپورٹ محمد وجیہہ السماء) پاکستان میں جون جولائی میں گرمی اپنے زوروں پر ہو تی ہے اور یہی موسم عوام پر اپنا غصہ نکالتے محسو س ہو تا ہے ان مہینوں میں عوام کے لئے مشکلات کا انبار سر اٹھا ئے کھڑا ہوتا ہے اور یہی موسم ہمارے ملک کے اعلی اداروں اور یو نیو رسٹیز کے امتحاناتکا ہو تا ہے۔ مئی گزرنے کو ہے اور جون اپنا سر فخر سے اٹھا ئے ہو ئے اس ملک میں آنے کے لئے کھڑا ہے جون میں بی کام i/iiاور دوسرے ڈگری کورسز کے امتحانات ہو تے ہیں جن میں پنجاب یو نیو رسٹی کے امتحانات اور دوسری یونیو ر سٹیز شامل ہیں مگر اس خون خوار گرمی مین طلباء کے لئے بہت زیادہ مشکل حالات ہو نے کیو نکہ ابھی کا موسم بھی دیکھیں تو وہ آ گ برسا رہا ہے اور گھنٹوں بجلی کی بندش نے سو نے پر سہا گہ کا کام کیا ہواہے ۔اس وجہ سے طلباء اپنے اپنے امتحانات کی تیاری نہیں کر پا رہے اور نا ہی ان کی نیند پوری ہو رہی ہے کہ وہ تا زہ دم ہو کر اپنے اپنے کورسز کو یاد کر لیں۔ مگر بجلی کی آنکھ مچولی کی وجہ سے ان کو دل نہیں کر تا ۔ یہ بات بھی حقیقت ہے کہ گرمیوں میں دن لمبے ہو تے ہیں مگر اس گرمی اور اوپر سے لوڈشیدنگ کے اذیت ناک عذاب نے تمام طلباء کی پر یشانیوں میں اضا فہ کر دیا ہے ان کو ذہنی مریض بنا دیا ہے کیو نکہ دن کو کا فی طلبا ء اپنی اپنی ٹیو شن پڑھنے جا تے ہیں اور دن چڑ ھتے ہی سورج بھی آ گ بر سانے لگتا ہے اور جب وہ رات کو پھر اپنی تیاری شروع کر نے لگتے ہیں تو بجلی کی لو ڈشڈنگ ان کو پر یشان کر دیتی ہے کو ئی کام نہیں ہو تا ۔ ویسے بھی دن کی لو ڈشیڈنگ تو کسی نہ کسی طرح سے برداشت ہو جا تی ہے مگر رات میں مچھر سرکار بھی اپنی حملوں میں بھرپور کامیا ں حاصل کر تے نظر آ تے ہیں ۔
اس لئے اب بھی عوامی حکومت کو چا ہیئے کہ کم از کم امتحانات سے ایک مہینہ قبل سے ان علاقوں کو بجلی مکمل فراہم کر دے جہاں جہاں بچوں کے امتحانات ہو نے والے ہیں اور کو شش کی جا ئے کہ ان طلباء کے لئے زیادہ سے زیادہ سہولیات کمرہ امتحان میں فراہم کی جا ئیں وہاں بچے گر می کی شدت سے بیہوش بھی ہو جا تے ہیں ۔ کیو نکہ کل کو انہی نوجوانوں نے ملک کی بھا گ ڈور سمبھلنی ہے اور طلبا ء کو بھی چا ہیئے کہ وہ صبح کے وقت اور شام کے وقت کو بھرپور استعمال میں لا ئیں کیو نکہ یہ وقت کم سے کم گرم ہوتا ہے اور دن کی روشنی میں پڑھنے سے ایک تو بجلی کی کمی کم محسوس ہو گ اور اپنا بھی فا ئدہ ہو گا اور سب سے ضروری اور اہم بات یہ ہے کہ جہاں جہاں سنٹرز بننے ہیں اور وہاں جن جن اداروں کے طلباء کے اداروں نے امتحانات دینے ہیں ان کو باہمی مشا ورت سے یہ بات طے کر نی چاہیئے کہ اپنے طلباء کے لئے ادارے خو د جنریٹر کا انتظام کر یں کیو نکہ گرمی سے کچھ بھی ہو سکتا ہے اور کئی سنٹروں میں تو دو دو گھنٹے بجلی بند ہو ا کر ے گا اور امتحان کا وقت بھی دوپہر کو ہو تا ہے
امید ہے اداروں کے سرابراہاں ،استاتذہ ، یو نیو ورسٹیز کے اعلیٰ حکام ، اور طلباء انباتوں کو عملی شکل دینا پسند کر یں گے اور امید ہے اداروں کے سرابراہان اپنے اپنے طلباء کے لئے جنر ٹیر فراہم کر یں گے تا کہ طلباء آ رام سے اپنے اپنے پیپرز دے سکیں


 Do remember me in your prayers.*
* *BEST REGARDS           
      * Muhammad Wajih Us Sama,Columnist*



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I figured out Obama's 24 May 2008 gaffe


Its Bush's fault

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**JP** Letter to Editor - Hakim Ali Zardari

Dear Join Pakistan



May 26th, 2011


Hakim Ali Zardari


A lot has appeared in the print as well electronic media eulogising late Zardari for his principles, kind heartedness and sagacity. It goes to his credit that his name never came up for any financial scandal either – something very rare in Pakistan.  May his soul rest in eternal peace, amen.


When he was  the Chairman Public Accounts Committee, the then  Director General Procurement Army was produced before him to answer for not recovering certain penalties from the defaulting suppliers who had gone under ground long ago and the amount involved was also not more than a million or so in all. On examining the case and finding the DGP(Army) not at fault, he admonished severely the staff saying, “Who have you brought here involving a petty loss to the state, where are those who have gulped down hundreds of millions and billions?”.  He then most courteously bordering on an almost apology let go the general. A great man with great vision.


Having said that could one ask whether the funeral of this great man was a state function or a private Zardari affair? There were hundreds of ‘mourners’ from the capital and up country who travelled far off for the funeral.  Did they travel on their own expense?  If not, would he have approved of such expenditure incurred on the  number of aircraft, helicopters, air tickets, limousines, security arrangements  etc. etc. used by the ministers and other state officials? It must have cost crores!! How I wish Hakim Ali Zardari were still the Chairman Public Accounts Committee to ask for it?


Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)


Col. Riaz Jafri (Retd)
30 Westridge 1
Rawalpindi 46000
Tel: (051) 5158033

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Re: **JP** sonay walo jaago

Any valid documents confirms it..??

--- On Wed, 5/25/11, Imran Khan <> wrote:

From: Imran Khan <>
Subject: **JP** sonay walo jaago
To: "google group" <>
Date: Wednesday, May 25, 2011, 7:41 PM

"Pakistanis are poor but Pakistan is not a poor country", says one of the Swiss Bank Directors.   He says that "28 trillions (28,000,000,000,000) of Pak Rupees are deposited in Swiss Banks which can be used for:-

  *     "tax free" budgets for 30 years.
  *     Can give 6o million jobs to all Pakistan .
  *     Constructing 4 lane roads from any village to  Islamabad ..
  *     Ensure forever free supply to more than 500 social projects.
  *     Financial Assistance of Rs. 20,000 per month to every citizen for 60 years.
  *     Disbanding the need of World Bank and IMF loans.
Think how our money is stolen and blocked by rich corrupt politicians and bureaucrats.   We have full right against these corrupt politicians and bureaucrats.
Don't ignore and forgive corruption at any level in our country.
Iss message koe itna forward karo kay poora PAKISTAN  parhay aur jaag utthay.
Please take it seriously.   If you can forward jokes, then why not this?   Be a responsible citizen. 

 Thanks & Regards
Imran Khan
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**JP** Imran Khan @ Peshawar Dharna

Dear Sir, 

As a person I regard/respect him because he is the one, under his leadership our Pakistan secured Cricket World-cup. I also fully agreed with your concern.

I don't represent/follow any political party, I like everyone who is doing good for the Nation and County, As a simple Pakistani what I want is that our efforts/exercise should be result oriented.

What I believe is that no one thinks about the 70-75% nation, for example (generally) these political parties announce strikes (due to any causes) they don't realize that above %age of people have private earning resources most of them earns on daily basis i.e Hawkers/Shopkeeprs etc., similarly when budget is announced and increase in the cost of regular use products, Govt. increase the salary of Govt. employees they also don't think about above %get of people.

My concern is this when these political parties/leaders calls strikes/dharnas or use these people there should be positive output for these people. You are aware that it has been approx. 4 years and every day passes with poor performance & strategies by the govt. all the political parties weather they are in Govt or Opposition blame the Govt but they don't want to desolve the govt weather people dies or live and claim that they are with the people.

Hope you will understand my concern.


Anwar Ahmed

--- On Thu, 5/26/11, <> wrote:

From: <>
Subject: Re: **JP** Imran Khan @ Peshawar Dharna
To: "anwar zai" <>,
Date: Thursday, May 26, 2011, 12:02 AM

Dear Anwar,

I really don't know what you do and if you're a student then let me tell you one thing that anyone who has any direct or indirect link with via sea trade will be aware of this fact that this dharna not only stops the NATO supply but it stops all the cargo movement from that particular highway. So the prolonged sitin will damage our economy as our internal or external movement is completely on hold. Specially this Karachi dharna was more critical in such way as it stopped the movement of any cargo movement to the seaport so it was appreciable that PTI is considering that aspect as well.
Trust me, any other political party would have prolonged it without considering the domestic loss just to score some nos on board.

Bilal Ahmad

Marketing Executive
Nishat Dyeing & Finishing, Lahore
Sent from my BlackBerry® Smartphone provided by Ufone

-----Original Message-----
From: anwar zai <>
Date: Wed, 25 May 2011 07:13:44
To: <>
Cc: <>
Subject: Re: **JP** Imran Khan @ Peshawar Dharna

Maazrat Ke sath, kisi ki dil azari nahi karna chahta, khuwa woh Imran Khan ho ya koi bhi political party, yeh 01 or 02 days ki activity sift point scoring ke lia hoti hey, Yes we need such leader, jo nation ko jama kare and aik positive maqsad lekar age chale, Agar wo waqai NATO ki supply block karna chahte hain to unko uswaqt tak dharna jari rakhna chahye jab tak NATO return nahi hote. and sir Karach may nahi bulke in all those areas jahan se nato ko supply pohanchti hay, AWAM Unka Saath Akhi Waqt tak degi, yehi waqt hey agar wo waqai leader hain to proove karna hoga. Na sir meri bulke pure pakistaniun ki nigah me unki izzat barh jaegi.Regards

--- On Wed, 5/25/11, Bilal Ahmad <> wrote:

From: Bilal Ahmad <>
Subject: **JP** Imran Khan @ Peshawar Dharna
Date: Wednesday, May 25, 2011, 3:48 PM

Dear All,

Pls check it out, he's surely fearless and he's the leader we need.

Best regards,


Fearless Imran Khan…..!!!!!!







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Re: **JP** War on terror

OIC ! PPUUHH another UNO
firozAli Virani
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Thursday, May 26, 2011 12:06 PM
Subject: **JP** War on terror




Syed Mahmood Ali




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**JP** Sad News.



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