Sunday, October 24, 2010

The USA is a nation of criminals and victims of crime.


1.) Is stealing in excess of 100 dollars a felony?
2.) Is it a felony to knowing receive stolen property for personal
3.) Is it a felony to aid and abet those who commit felonies?
4.) Are known felons allowed to vote to lower the penalties for
committing felonies or for benefiting, personally, from felonies?
5.) Is the blatant or incremental overthrowing of our US
Representative Republic—which is the government type dictated by the
US Constitution—treason?
6.) Are those in public office immune from prosecution for their
7.) Do average citizens in their own homes have the right to shoot
and kill those who are forcing entry into their homes for the purpose
of stealing from, and possibly harming, the citizens?
8.) Is organized crime a higher and more serious crime than simple
9.) Are any citizens of the USA bound by any laws which do not have
the approval of the majority of the citizens?
10.) Is it a felony to blackmail public officials to benefit an
individual or group?
11.) Is it a crime to use deadly force to protect the USA from being
overthrown by radicals?
12.) Do those who are employed by government owe their loyalty to
government, or to the people of the USA who pay their salaries?
13.) Is any felony excused, simply, because such is very common?
14.) Are those in government, who all SWORE to uphold and to protect
the US Constitution, guilty of treason for trying to over-throw the
Constitution or not adhere to its precepts?
15.) Should power in the USA be in the hands of the people, or in the
hands of the political party that happens to be in the majority?
16.) Is preserving our failed system of government more important
than making government be deferential to the people?
17.) Should the media be allowed to influence the outcome of
elections, while benefiting from the political ad money that results
from having most elections be cliffhangers?
18.) Is it right to allow those with seniority in government to have
more power?
19.) Is it right to favor those in public office whose main job for
most of their lives has been to be a career politician?
20.) If a carefully-crafted New Constitution can return the power to
the people, and do so fairly, should such a constitution be

There are clear right answers to each of the above questions.
"Taxation without representation is TYRANNY!" Such is also
unconstitutional, criminal and treasonous! Voting for candidates who
support socialist positions is anti-constitution, and is thus a
crime. No "To the victor belongs the spoils." form of government has
the right to indebt generations of Americans to pay for unworkable
social programs intended to benefit the lazy, socialist beggars among
us. At present, those beggars and thieves are the 40% of Americans
who steadfastly believe that President (sic) Barack Obama is doing a
good job. (sic) The core of the 40% are the 90% of the Black block
voters who put Obama into office in the first place. Also included
are the spoiled, career students in our universities who suppose how
nice it would be if they never have to get a job and pay their own
way. And it includes most of those one-dimensional women who suppose
that their "right to choose" will be shot down if anyone but Democrats
ever gets elected into office.

Clearly, we are a country divided along group lines… Condoleezza
Rice, on Bill O'Reilly's TV show, stated that she favors individuals
over groups. Brava! Lobbyists for many groups, including Blacks and
labor unions, wish to use their block-voting power to force the votes
on candidates and on issues to favor them. Initially, their typical
objective was to be treated fairly. When that began working out,
instead of disbanding the lobbyists and de-emphasizing the block-
voting, most groups have continued to vie for more power than fairness
dictates. No government with democracy as the ideal, like our USA
government, can allow 53% of the voters to have free authority to
steal from the 47% who happened not to win the election. The USA is a
Representative Republic! Those elected to office must fairly
represent ALL factions, not exploit a faction for the benefit of any
other faction.

The ONLY way to have HARMONY in this country is to limit the undue
power of groups (political parties included), and to MAXIMIZE the
power of the individuals! Blacks, for example, need—first and foremost
—to become members of the human race, rather than members (just) of
the Black race. Presently, Blacks follow, like puppy dogs, the
dictates of their selfish leaders who set getting more than is fair as
the objective. My New Constitution will make it a treasonable offense
for any elected official to violate this oath: "Democracy and fair
play shall have supremacy in the USA!" That one sentence will put all
Americans on an even footing with other Americans. There will be no
need for lobbyists or for bowing to the dictates of the leaders of any

After months of work, my book, 'The Shortest Distance; Harmony Through
Prosperity', is becoming available in bookstores. Any of you who are
interested can purchase a copy from Amazon. Those agreeing with the
simply-stated philosophies for improving the socioeconomic climate in
this country, are invited to rate my book favorably. In order for me
to improve the world, my ideas need to be read, and heeded!

When you vote in the mid-terms, realize that there are opposing
factions who aren't bad people, who simply want to be treated fairly,
and to have their vote properly influence how life in the USA can be
beneficial to the most people.

"United we stand; divided we fall." May we all unite to SAVE the USA!

Respectfully submitted,

— John A. Armistead — Patriot

AKA NoEinstein on Google's news group sci.physics.

Start the Revolution! Government is out-of-touch with the People!

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