Sunday, October 24, 2010

GAO report: Obama Administration using Environmental Laws to Stop Border Patrol from stopping Illegal Immigration

GAO report: Obama Administration using Environmental Laws to Stop Border Patrol from stopping Illegal Immigration

As I've stated many a times, the Obama administration is refusing to enforce immigration laws to carry out their backdoor amnesty scheme. Now they are using wacko environmental laws to stop Border Patrol Agents from stopping illegal immigrants from crossing the border. It's fine for the illegals to break our immigration laws and the environmental laws at the same time.

The Hill reports:

Several White House agencies charged with enforcing environmental laws are preventing thousands of Border Patrol agents along the U.S.-Mexico border from disrupting illicit trafficking operations, according to a study by the investigative arm of Congress.

The report by the Government Accountability Office (GAO) found that about 15 percent of the 26 Border Patrol stations in the southwestern region say the Interior Department and the Agriculture Department have prevented them from catching illegal aliens coming over the border.

Nearly half of the thousands of miles of the U.S.'s border with Mexico – which saw about 556,000 people cross over it illegally last year – is federally maintained by the Interior Department and the Forest Service, which are charged with upholding the National Environmental Policy Act, the National Historic Preservation Act, the Wilderness Act, and the Endangered Species Act.

Under federal law, before Border Patrol agents can build roads or establish surveillance posts on this land, they must first receive permission from the land managing agencies. This process can take months while the land management agencies conduct tests to ensure the environmental safety of the land and its species, the GAO report said, resulting in the souring of actionable intelligence with the ranks of the Border Patrol.

"These delays in gaining access have generally lessened agents' ability to detect undocumented aliens in some areas, according to the patrol agents-in-charge," the report states.

These delays allow criminals to cross our borders to commit more crimes. However, adding more voters to the Democratic Party rolls is more important than protecting the taxpayers who face the burden of paying for the crimes illegal immigrants commit.

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