Sunday, April 17, 2011


    And they really believe this krep!

-------- Original Message --------
Date: Sun, 3 Apr 2011 12:12:55 -0400 (EDT)

Daily Kos: Scott Walker, Fox News Show America's Becoming A Capitalist USSR

Tim Graham's picture
The leftist panic over Republican governors like Wisconsin's Scott Walker (and this week, Ohio's John Kasich) curbing union power has the bloggers at the Daily Kos is producing all the typical fringy fulminations. See the article headlined "Totalitarian Capitalism stages a show trial for teachers." Since "Anyone to the left of Atilla the Hun is regularly demonized as a communist, socialist, atheist, subversive traitor," the Kosmonaut with the byline "Arendt" is teasing out all the apparent connections between American Big Box Store Capitalism and Soviet Totalitarianism:
We have not yet arrived at true totalitarianism - with its industrial-scale elimination of "superfluous" people; but we are on the road to it. The governmental assault (by both parties -- Obama has been for Charter Schools since before Day One. Can you say Arne Duncan? ...) on teachers and unions tracks the beginnings of collectivization and the atomization of society in Stalin's Russia... 
Since the Kosmonaut found that "The baseless indictment of school teachers, ACORN, and minority voter fraud by the corporate media and GOP operatives are nothing more than show trials for the elimination of class enemies," this U.S.-to-U.S.S.R. connection somehow naturally follows: "Has anything changed in 80 years?  A Fox News host would be perfectly at home being a prosecutor at a Moscow Show Trial. They have the same relentless, one-sided, accusatory attitude and total disregard for the facts."
Outrageously, the Kosmonaut quoted from Solzhenitsyn's anti-communist classic The Gulag Archipelago and compared it to Wisconsin:
Is this not exactly what is going on in America today? Are not the educated being held up for mockery and scapegoating while their rights, their organizations, and their jobs are being summarily smashed? Are not teachers and unions being blamed for all the country's financial and social ills? The banks? The tax cuts? The endless wars? All of these real causes have been disappeared under a tsunami of denial and whipped up cultural hatred.
Contempt for any kind of thinking is a hallmark of the rage-filled Tea Party and the theocratic fundamentalists. The same was true of communists.
The blog post ended with the slogan "Welcome to the open-air Gulag that is America today". 
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#1 If Wisconsin...

If Wisconsin is the beginning of totalitarianism, it has a long way to go before catching up to its southern neighbor, The Land of Stinkin! Our governor here, Pat Quinnochio, raises taxes on the private sector people to give raises to public employees. The deficit? Why he's going to borrow 6 billion and pay it off in the future when the economy is better! These KosmoNuts Do belong in a gulag. Maybe then [But I doubt it!], they might really appreciate the freedom they ehjoy as a result of Capitalism!
"Old Soldiers never die, they just fade away"!

#2 Daily Kos blog should be named...

Don't try this at home, kids! Your brain may not recover!

#3 Amen, Tim!! The level of

Amen, Tim!!
The level of delusion over there is positively jaw-dropping!

#4 How about

The Daily Kooks
The Daily Krooks
The Daily Coprophage

#5 As usual, a leftist accuses

As usual, a leftist accuses others of what his side is actually doing.
Totalitarianism?  Isn't that what the teachers' unions want to be?  They want the right to dictate all the terms, and yank taxpayer money away from the states to do it. It's the very imitation of Soviet Russia where the apparatchiks lived high on the hog at the expense of the proletariat.
A Fox News host would be perfectly at home being a prosecutor at a Moscow Show Trial. They have the same relentless, one-sided, accusatory attitude and total disregard for the facts.
[  ]
Contempt for any kind of thinking is a hallmark of the rage-filled Tea Party and the theocratic fundamentalists. The same was true of communists.
Good everloving grief!!  Fox???  Rage-filled Tea Party????
Has this guy listened to MSNBC lately??? Does the name Ed Schultz ring any bells???

#6 The psychological term for this

is "projecting". It's a standard Ayers/liberal ploy to draw attention away from what they are doing.

#7 Here's an example of that

Here's an example of that rage-filled Tea Party...
Oh, wait!!

#8 Huh?

Wasn't the Soviet Union the People's refuge from capitalism? Weren't all the Workers United? Didn't everybody have a job, health care, a pension? Why is Arendt upset that the Revolutionary Peoples Collective crushed capitalism and gave us the USSR?
Americans keeping their own earnings is a Civil Right! Demand your Civil Rights!

#9 America is becoming Stalin's USSR all right...

...and that very rapidly, but thanks to the Kenyan Comrade Chairman, capitalism ( as in free enterprise of any kind) will not be a part of it, so the Kossacks need not worry.
And as long as they keep American Idol on the air, keep putting those People Magazines on the racks at the supermarket, and keep allowing the jock-sniffing sports talkers on the radio, the regime will have little to fear from any revolt by the government-educated, compliant sheeple, who traded their love of freedom for "security" a long time ago. 
It's either Obama or America. There cannot be both.

#10 Bread and circuses, Dave

Bread and Circuses.

#11 mb, Exactly

And don't forget the cake.
I guess you have noticed I am not a little disgusted with a large percentage of my fellow Americans, who appear blissfully oblivious to what is rapidly happening to our country.
At least now I have a better understanding of how Winston Churchill must have felt in the 1930s, as he saw so clearly what was coming.
Sad that so many of his fellow countrymen pretended otherwise, even right up until the day Goering's bombs began falling on London.
Of course by then, it was too late.
It's either Obama or America. There cannot be both.

#12 For the Morons at Daily Kos:

Totalitarian Capitalism is an oxymoron.
Totalitarianism is based in government and Capitalism is based on private ownership.
Here is an oxymoron that might help you understand: smart dimwit.

#13 'Dos were dah dayz!

Soviet UNION ... Hello!
I remember when (at the age of 18) I went to apply for a job at the GM plant in Michigan.
"Are you a member of the Union?"
"Well, you have to be a member of the Union to get a job."
"How do I become a member of the Union?"
"You have to get a job."
Shortly after, I ended up working at the ill fated A&P. They filed for bankruptcy in 1980/81. I was twenty, still in college; which was about to be put on hold.
I showed up for my shift and the doors were locked, the lights were off. We waited for nearly twenty minutes before the Union rep showed up to inform us employees that the store went out of business.
After I got home I decided to call the help number on the back of my union card.
"Yes, I worked for A&P in Mason, Michigan and I'd like to know what the Union can do to help."
"Call this number, they'll be able to assist you further."
Optimistically, I took down the number, then dialed the number.
"Michigan Unemployment Office."
I realized then that I would never see a dime of the dues that I paid for nearly two years. I also realized that Michigan was in a Depression, not a recession! I remembered reading once that Georgia was a 'right to work State'. So, like so many Michigander's, I packed up and moved down to Atlanta and never looked back.
A few years later, I was blown away when I saw that Eastern Airlines filed for bankruptcy, in a 'right to work State' no less, shutting down over a Union labor dispute. Every person whom worked for Eastern lost their job, as well as, their pension. I hired a few former Eastern employees who previously thought they were set for life, only to take a $7/hr job driving straight trucks.
Keep up the good fight Gov. Walker and Company. Bust the Unions, before they bankrupt our businesses.

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