Monday, February 7, 2011

Re: Reject GOP Revisionist History: Reagan's AIDS Legacy / Silence equals death

Is being "prompted by cue cards" anything like Obama using his favorite tool - a teleprompter?

On 2/6/2011 5:05 PM, Tommy News wrote:
Worst part is, Reagan's failure to act on the AIDS crisis was only one of the many ways he was a terrible president. Ronnie Jr. states in his new book that his dad had Alzheimers while he was presisdent, and was prompted by cue cards, Nancy, and her fortune tellers.  On 2/6/11, Mark <> wrote: 
Tommy,tommtom,  Just which of the posted statistics from the neutral but gay friendly, international HIV/AIDS treatment and advocacy site is incorrect ??  Please be specific and cite your "proofs". Anecdotal or editorialized sources are not reliable.  The numbers are true which means your cause is bullshit.  On Sun, Feb 6, 2011 at 1:51 PM, Tommy News <> wrote:  
Wrong again, Markie Mark.  Your misinformed homophobia is showing again.  On 2/6/11, THE ANNOINTED ONE <> wrote: 
Tommy,  Now that there is enough attention drawn to this problem in the US and there are treatments available one would think that the male Gay community would have learned something.... but NO, they are as (actually MORE) irresponsible today as they were then (81-86) with a small minority of the US population (approx. 6%) being male gays they equal (at last count...2008) over 75% of the HIV/AIDS cases.  Maybe Reagan was right for the wrong reasons. How long must the general population pay for STUPIDITY ???  Basically this is reflective of ALL Gay positions...politically. They want want want and obviously don't care about themselves or the society in which they live. HIV/AIDS is obviously more rampant now than ever amongst these IDIOTS.  On Feb 6, 9:50 am, Tommy News <> wrote: 
Reagan's AIDS Legacy / Silence equals deathJune 08, 2004|By Allen White  As America remembers the life of Ronald Reagan, it must never forget his shameful abdication of leadership in the fight against AIDS. History may ultimately judge his presidency by the thousands who have and will die of AIDS.  Following discovery of the first cases in 1981, it soon became clear a national health crisis was developing. But President Reagan's response was "halting and ineffective," according to his biographer Lou Cannon. Those infected initially with this mysterious disease -- all gay men -- found themselves targeted with an unprecedented level of mean-spirited hostility.  Sponsored Links Hearing Aids Sound Advice Since 1935 - 619.283.8400 or 760.632.8000 ( Hearing Aid Buyer's Guide Expert Advice with our Buyer's Guide-Compare Models and Prices ( Hearing Aid Buying Guide Discover Hearing Aid Types. View Top Hearing Aid Brands ( advertisement | your ad here  A significant source of Reagan's support came from the newly identified religious right and the Moral Majority, a political-action group founded by the Rev. Jerry Falwell. AIDS became the tool, and gay men the target, for the politics of fear, hate and discrimination. Falwell said "AIDS is the wrath of God upon homosexuals." Reagan's communications director Pat Buchanan argued that AIDS is "nature's revenge on gay men."  With each passing month, death and suffering increased at a frightening rate. Scientists, researchers and health care professionals at every level expressed the need for funding. The response of the Reagan administration was indifference.  By Feb. 1, 1983, 1,025 AIDS cases were reported, and at least 394 had died in the United States. Reagan said nothing. On April 23, 1984, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention announced 4,177 reported cases in America and 1,807 deaths. In San Francisco, the health department reported more than 500 cases. Again, Reagan said nothing. That same year, 1984, the Democratic National Convention convened in San Francisco. Hoping to focus attention on the need for AIDS research, education and treatment, more than 100,000 sympathizers marched from the Castro to Moscone Center.  With each diagnosis, the pain and suffering spread across America. Everyone seemed to now know someone infected with AIDS. At a White House state dinner, first lady Nancy Reagan expressed concern for a guest showing signs of significant weight loss. On July 25, 1985, the American Hospital in Paris announced that Rock Hudson had AIDS.  With AIDS finally out of the closet, activists such as Paul Boneberg, who in 1984 started Mobilization Against AIDS in San Francisco, begged President Reagan to say something now that he, like thousands of Americans, knew a person with AIDS. Writing in the Washington Post in late 1985, Rep. Henry Waxman, D-Los Angeles, stated: "It is surprising that the president could remain silent as 6,000 Americans died, that he could fail to acknowledge the epidemic's existence. Perhaps his staff felt he had to, since many of his New Right supporters have raised money by campaigning against homosexuals."  Sponsored Links Strategic Management Cornell University Certificate Online: Series in Executive Leadership ( Develop Leadership Skills A Series of 24 Programs. Free Previews. ( Make $7590 Per Month Local Mom Reveals How She Makes $7590/Mo - And How You Can Too. ( advertisement | your ad here  Reagan would ultimately address the issue of AIDS while president. His remarks came May 31, 1987 (near the end of his second term), at the Third International Conference on AIDS in Washington. When he spoke, 36,058 Americans had been diagnosed with AIDS and 20,849 had died. The disease had spread to 113 countries, with more than 50,000 cases.  As millions eulogize Reagan this week, the tragedy lies in what he might have done. Today, the World Health Organization estimates that more than 40 million people are living with HIV worldwide. An estimated 5 million people were newly infected and 3 million people died of AIDS in 2003 alone.  Reagan could have chosen to end the homophobic rhetoric that flowed from so many in his administration. Dr. C. Everett Koop, Reagan's surgeon general, has said that because of "intradepartmental politics" he was cut out of all AIDS discussions for the first five years of the Reagan administration. The reason, he explained, was "because transmission of AIDS was understood to be primarily in the homosexual population and in those who abused intravenous drugs." The president's advisers, Koop said, "took the stand, 'They are only getting what they justly deserve.' "  How profoundly different might have been the outcome if his leadership had generated compassion rather than hostility. "In the history of the AIDS epidemic, President Reagan's legacy is one of silence," Michael Cover, former associate executive director for public affairs at Whitman-Walker Clinic, the groundbreaking AIDS health-care organization in Washington. in 2003. "It is the silence of tens of thousands who died alone and unacknowledged, stigmatized by our government under his administration."  Revisionist history about Reagan must be rejected. Researchers, historians and AIDS experts who know the truth must not remain silent. Too many have died for that.  More: 
-- Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time. Have a great day, Tommy 
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  -- Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time. Have a great day, Tommy  -- Thanks for being part of "PoliticalForum" at Google Groups. For options & help see  * Visit our other community at * It's active and moderated. Register and vote in our polls. * Read the latest breaking news, and more.  
   -- Mark M. Kahle H.  -- Thanks for being part of "PoliticalForum" at Google Groups. For options & help see  * Visit our other community at * It's active and moderated. Register and vote in our polls. * Read the latest breaking news, and more. 

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