Monday, February 7, 2011

Re: The Truth:

On Feb 6, 3:28 pm, Wes <> wrote:
> I think we are friendly on another thread, this is neat.

I don't think so unless you go by another handle?

> Polystrate
> fossils throw a severe wrench into the common understanding of
> evolution and lend much needed credibility to the question of
> religion. to be more specific, my question to u and anyone else is
> this,

It's been proven more than once in courts of law (some presided over
by Conservative judges)
that creationism (or it's cousin Intelligent Design) as currently
defined is not demonstrable.
Demonstrable = fact.

> The Bible claims to have been written because Jesus actually
> existed and was very much like what the bible says about him.

Lots of religious books make lots of religious claims. Some true, some
not true.
The Bible is no different than all the others written.

> My question is what would you have me believe these two things are
> true or do you have another explaination, because the Bible didn't
> just appear for no reason.

It appeared because multiple people wrote and contributed to it after
much thought and deliberation about what it should and should not
contain over hundreds of years.
It appeared out of a political movement as much as a religious one of
the time.
It appeared because there was money to be made from it.
It appeared because leaders always need something more to control
It appeared because people needed comfort to live and die in a world
that was full of mistreatment, death, disease, suffering, unfairness,
cruelty and hate. Yet at the same time be forgiven for committing the
very sins they seek comfort from.

The reasons are many, but that still doesn't make it the truth.
What it does make it is a great literary work of art, that has been
technically far surpassed by more modern methods.

Yeah if were to take all the great authors (Shakespere, Poe, Whitman,
Hemingway, Dante, Faulkner, Kafka, Shaw, Swift, Heinlein, Eliot,
Twain, Shelly, Orwell, Dickens...etc. etc. etc. and have them all
concentrate on one story through dogma... it would be beyond
amazing... but it wouldn't mean it's any truer.

The various books of the Bible were the work of many persons over many
Very few of them are the work of the individuals whose names have been
attached to them by tradition
(the major exception being a number of the letters of Paul in the New
and the majority have been heavily edited to the point where their
original form and history of composition are today uncertain.

They were edited in order to make them better... not that that makes
any difference to a believer, nothing would; which means it's not just
faith in their mind, that it's a fact... which is wrong and has been
proven wrong multiple times.

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