Monday, February 7, 2011

Five False Predictions of the AIDS Establishment

Five False Predictions of the AIDS Establishment
by Liam Scheff

1. We're All At Risk:

In 1987, the fear-and-death hyperbole machine that is the engine of 'public health' pandemania was in such ferocious motion, that Oprah Winfrey issued this warning:

"Research studies now project that one in five – listen to me, hard to believe – one in five heterosexuals could be dead from AIDS at the end of the next three years. That's by 1990. One in five." Although Americans have grown larger, not thinner, Oprah has never apologized for her wild-eyed hyperbole. But the mainstream has, issuing warnings in the press that "the threat of a global heterosexual pandemic has disappeared," and that worldwide AIDS numbers are over-inflated, needing to be halved or more, because the AIDS public relations machine has created a "House of Numbers."

2. AIDS is an Incurable Disease:

AIDS is, in fact, what it always was – a variety of different illnesses manifesting very differently in different people and populations. It's been no 'one size fits all' diagnosis. It has proven best-treatable by a multilateral approach – a combination of nutritional , pharmaceutical, and lifestyle interventions which have done best to leave the harder, sanctified "AIDS Drugs" behind. Notably, those who jumped on the FDA-approved bandwagon, with high-dose AZT, or those who "hit early and hit hard" with drug "cocktails," died fastest, and died horribly, poisoned by the pharmaceutical establishment.

3. AIDS Is a Sexually Transmitted Disease:

From 1987 to 1997, a team of researchers in Northern California at the University of California, Berkeley, conducted the longest study on heterosexual transmission on record. They studied 175 sexually-active long-term couples, one person in each twosome testing HIV positive, one HIV negative. The pairs entered the study having every kind of sex imaginable, up, down, front and back, with a majority not using condoms. Over six years, they were encouraged to use latex, but a large percentage continue not to. The results?

At the end of the study, of the 175 negative partners, a very low number had converted from HIV negative to HIV positive, despite regular sexual exposure to their positive partner. A very low number, indeed….In fact, the number was so low, that Wikipedia, the guardian of all populist junk science, has censored "The Padian Study," as it's known, from its "AIDS" and "HIV" pages. The number? Zero. No one, nobody, not a single person who tested negative became positive, despite years of sex with a positive partner. This is a heck of a thing for a presumed "STD," and has more to do with the realities of HIV testing than the mainstream cares to admit…

4. HIV Testing Stops the Spread of AIDS:

"AIDS" has, through the constant loosening of official definitions and expansion of symptoms and illnesses, been turned into a brand-name worldwide for any disease of poverty, drug abuse, pharmaceutical poisoning or environmental intoxication. "AIDS" functions as a blanket term laid heavily on the backs of limited but massive populations, mostly in Africa, who suffer endemic poverty, and all that accompany it – dangerously polluted water, no food, and chronic bacterial and parasitic infection. But the AIDS industry has not stopped the call for more and more toxic drugs, given to people who don't even have enough food to keep down, or clean water to swallow with. These are the very people who are considered "at risk" for AIDS, therefore they are most heavily targeted for HIV testing internationally. "AIDS" prefigures HIV testing, and HIV testing is problematic…

5. HIV Tests are Ethical and Accurate, and Everybody Should Take One:

The medical literature accumulated over 25 years of antibody and genetic testing "for HIV" have revealed that HIV tests are good at one thing: Testing for every disease, non-disease, medical condition and non-medical condition on the planet. These tests come up positive for flu vaccination, alcoholism, drug use, parasitic infection and pregnancy; for "reasons that are unclear," and for cross-reaction with the materials in the test kit themselves. After 25 years, the tests still have "no gold reference standard," that is, they refer to no particular particle, and they find no particular set of antibodies or genetic material, despite the massive public relations of the pharma-machine that has grown in South Africa and North America to promote their use. HIV tests, in a word, stink. They're unethical, they give a death sentence without cause, and because they are targeted at populations assumed to have "AIDS," they CAUSE the spread of "HIV," by giving false results to populations already in crisis.

But despite these insurmountable failures, the AIDS machine rages on, waging war on critics and patients alike.

Here's what you can do to stop it: Talk about it. Promote open discussion of the definition of AIDS and the critical appraisal of HIV testing. And most of all, be kind to people given the false "HIV positive" diagnosis – given the opportunity, many can recover through a variety of means, once the medical infrastructure stops telling them that they're doomed to die "no matter what," just because of a lousy test result.

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