Friday, January 14, 2011

Re: Sarah Palin: The "Blood Libel" in Tucson mass shooting is on Her Own Hands, but is also on ours.

So, let me understand this. "Blood Libel" is a derogatory term but "Moose-woman" isn't?

Tommy, where do you find this crap?

On 1/14/2011 5:36 AM, Tommy News wrote:
From our friend Karl:  "What I don't understand about what Mr Neusner said (and I fully subscribe to his outrage about Moose-woman's use of such an outrageously derogatory term) is his statement that Moose-woman was "maligned in a gross and unfair way."  It was Moose-woman's organization which prepared the ad that had the "crosshairs map," it was Moose-woman's organization which, after the shooting of the Congresswoman, quickly removed the words "crosshairs map" from the crosshairs map, and it is the Moose-woman's organization and its lapdogs in the media (viz Rush Limbaugh's comment about killing all the liberals except two so that they can be used as museum pieces) which have been fomenting the violence which eventually erupted in Tucson.  Whether or not the nutcase in Tucson was or was not involved in "partisan politics," the fact is that he acted in a climate which has become terribly poisonous in sociopolitical terms, and that is a turd, if you will forgive me, which needs to be laid right on the front porch of Moose-woman and her cohorts.  No "gross and unfair" maligning has occurred.  I have said it before, and I will say it again -- Moose-woman needs to be hauled into court as an accessory and conspirator to murder and attempted murder."  On 1/12/11, Tommy News <> wrote: 
Sarah Palin: The "Blood Libel" in Tucson mass shooting is on Her Own Hands, but is also on ours.  In Palin's version of events, her controversial actions represented common cause with Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.), who a few days before being critically wounded in the mass shooting had read the First Amendment on the House floor.  "Acts of monstrous criminality stand on their own," Palin said in the statement. "They begin and end with the criminals who commit them, not collectively with all the citizens of a state, not with those who listen to talk radio, not with maps of swing districts used by both sides of the aisle, not with law-abiding citizens who respectfully exercise their First Amendment rights at campaign rallies, not with those who proudly voted in the last election."  Palin's statement contained an instance of provocative religious imagery that might be missed by more secular voters who read her statement, but which likely will be recognized by the religious conservatives who constitute such an important part of her following.  Within hours of a tragedy unfolding, journalists and pundits should not manufacture a blood libel that serves only to incite the very hatred and violence they purport to condemn," she wrote. "That is reprehensible."  "Blood libel" is a phrase that refers to a centuries-old anti-Semitic slander - the false charge that Jews use the blood of Christian children for rituals - that has been used as an excuse for persecution. The phrase was first used in connection with response to the Arizona shootings in an opinion piece in Monday's Wall Street Journal and has been picked up by others on the right.  Palin's defensiveness was apparent in the indirect reference to criticism of a map on Palin's Web site during the midterm elections that showed districts of congressional Democrats she had targeted for defeat marked with crosshairs.  Giffords, whose district was one of those 20, had publicly complained that this was an invitation to violence.  Palin's statement comes as President Obama is headed to Tucson to speak at a service for the victims, and guarantees that her perspective will be part of the storyline of the day.  In its careful timing and deliberate language, it also represents a departure from her previous attention-getting Facebook posts and tweets, many of which were reflexive spasms to even small criticisms.  On Thanksgiving, for instance, as most of the nation was still sleepily digesting turkey dinners, she issued an angry blast at Obama and the media, recalling a gaffe the president made during the 2008 campaign. It was an apparent reaction to the fact that she herself had been ridiculed for a slip of the tongue in which she referred to North Korea as South Korea.  "The one-word slip occurred yesterday during one of my seven back-to-back interviews wherein I was privileged to speak to the American public about the important, world-changing issues before us," Palin wrote. "If the media had bothered to actually listen to all of my remarks on Glenn Beck's radio show, they would have noticed that I refer to South Korea as our ally throughout, that I corrected myself seconds after my slip-of-the-tongue, and that I made it abundantly clear that pressure should be put on China to restrict energy exports to the North Korean regime."  Those kinds of outbursts could be fatal in a presidential campaign, and stand as a stark contrast to the statement that Palin released Wednesday.  Source:  Is Sarah Palin to Blame for the Tucson Shootings or Are We All?  The Washington Post and numerous other news agencies are discussing a potential connection between a graphic released by Sarah Palin's Take Back the 20 campaign and the Jan. 8 shooting of Arizona  Rep. Gabrielle Giffords. Giffords is in intensive care as a result of Jared Loughner's one-man rampage that left six people dead and 14 injured. The graphic in question was used in the 2010 midterm elections. It featured 20 crosshairs with each set meant to denote a seat up for re-election that was held by representatives who voted for health care reform. Crosshairs covered Giffords' district.  Almost immediately after the shooting, the media picked up the story of Palin's map and it targeting Giffords' congressional seat. At first, Palin did not address this part of the developing story in Tucson and instead extended condolences to Giffords' family and the families of the other victims via her Facebook page on Saturday afternoon, according to TMZ.  However, members of Palin's political action committee did offer commentary by suggesting that the markings were denoting a map location. But when messages were released by Palin promoting the graphic, she used the words "Don't Retreat -- Instead RELOAD."  A map is not reloaded. A gun is reloaded.  Because of this graphic and the word choices that followed its issue, are Palin and the tea party movement somehow responsible for the shooting of Giffords and innocent bystanders at her public meeting in Tucson?  The answer is "Yes." They are responsible. But they are only responsible to the extent that every American who engages in partisan politics is responsible. The level of American political discourse has trickled down from a creation point of heated debate with an air of respect to a cesspool of rhetoric best encapsulated in the phrase "You are either for us, or you are against us."  More: -- Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time. Have a great day, Tommy  

This is my life. I make the rules.

"It is incredible how as soon as a people becomes subject, it promptly falls into such complete forgetfulness of its freedom that it can hardly be roused to the point of regaining it, obeying so easily and so willingly that one is led to say, on beholding such a situation, that this people has not so much lost its liberty as won its enslavement."
- Étienne de la Boétie

Far too many good people rely on stupid ideas offered by amateurs who send out emails or hold weekend seminars! Jurisdictionary was created by a lawyer with a quarter-century of experience winning lawsuits by controlling judges and lawyers!

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