Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Re: Obama was never concerned about tax cuts

And just who was it that made the need?

If Bush made so many jobs, then why are there so many people in need
in this country.

What did the Democrats do for Bush Jr. other than give him EVERYTHING
he wanted?

But still, despite EVERYTHING Bush Jr. was given, the job creation
rate was zero when he left office.

You guys have very selective memories.
Many times you don't even know it's your guy that's President at the
time these things happen.
You blame EVERYTHING on Dems even when you have complete control of
the House AND Senate for the previous 12 years.

Less and less people are buying into these corrupt ideologies.
It doesn't matter what is said by any of these people... it's what is
done that makes all the difference.

We may need a new political party called the Demonstrable Party.

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