Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Re: Obama was never concerned about tax cuts

How could it be paid off in 2002 when Clinton left Bush a recession?
And it goes back to the same thing. The rich or employers in other
words are not going to hire when the next law will increase their tax
liability or penalize them with new requirements and entitlements that
they have to fund for all their employees. Why add to the tax and cost
burden. Of course they won't hire - and neither would you if you
wanted to survive in business. And if Bush did not create any jobs
then why with increased population did the unemployment stay so low. He
had to have created jobs or the unemployment would have skyrocketed.
Look at what happened with Bambi. He created no jobs and the rate
doubled. And Bush was paying down the deficit. Check the figures
through 2006. The deficit was going down once Bush fixed up the
recession he got from Clinton. And don't try blaming it on Bush. The
recession started in the 3rd quarter of 2000.

On 12/13/2010 10:22 PM, studio wrote:
> On Dec 13, 10:08 pm, dick thompson<rhomp2...@earthlink.net> wrote:
>> The difference is that Bush did not excuse himself because he had to go
>> to a party and did not want to make his wife mad. Bush stayed there
>> and discussed with the 3 former presidents. He did not turn the
>> conference over to the 3 former presidents and leave.
> Like I said, I thought it was pathetic... what more do you want?
>> How did he leave so many adults behind. Seems like your boy is doing
>> all the leaving behind. Bush was paying down the deficit and according
>> to the CBO would have paid it off by 2013 if his policies were
>> continued.
> Surely you're not that ignorant?
> If he would have followed Clinton's CBO budget forecasts, the deficit
> would have been paid off in 2002.
> Everything Bush did wasn't going to come to fruition in his term...
> how convenient.
> Bush job creation = zero.
> Get it, got it, go with it.
>> Of course that was before the Dems took over the Congress
>> and blew the whole thing up with huge unemployment and vast expenditures
>> way beyond what Bush was doing to the point that the employers are not
>> hiring because they don't know what the policies will be and how it will
>> affect them. Businessmen do not normally make investments in hiring
>> when the next law from Congress will increase their taxes to the point
>> that they are unable to keep the new hires employed. Obama is not
>> giving them that choice. He just doesn't care about unemployment
>> except to talk about it. His policies ensure that unemployment will
>> increase.
> Would someone please think of the rich!
> Gimme a break, I could care less....and what's more, most people now
> days would agree with me, not you.
> The top 1% increased their earnings by 300%... and not one job was
> made because of it.
> So you have a nice sounding ideology reference, but no reality to back
> it up with.

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