Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Re: Socialism For Dummies or: Why Obama Isn't a Communist, Marxist, or Socialist


Which one of the following systems of government do you believe we should follow?

1. A system in which the means of production and distribution are privately or corporately owned and development is proportionate to the accumulation and reinvestment of profits gained in a free market.Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.

2. A system of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.

On 10/20/2010 9:36 AM, Tommy News wrote:
It appears that you do not know what Marxism is, Keith, as you continually and falsely call Democrats, Centrist liberals, Progressives, and President Obama Marxists, which they are not.  That is why I sent this piece, to enlighten you, if that is possible.  Liberals and Democrats are NOT Marxists, Socialists, or Communists. Using these false slurs over and over again is offensive and repetitive.  I believe that those who slander and disrespect the President are anti-American.  On 10/20/10, Keith In Tampa <> wrote: 
Those who don't comprehend or understand what Marxism, Socialism, Capitalism, etc., mean, and somehow believe that it is "hate speech" by calling an individual a "Socialist";  because he advocates a socialistic political and economic system over a capitalistic, free market economy, are ignorant.  I don't mean to say that they are stupid....Far from it.  Actually, I have a lot of respect for these that are ignorant, or Anti-American.  They are dangerous to our Nation.   I have come to the conclusion that these folks fall into one of two categories:  (A) *e.g.;* Most of them are ill informed and not well read.   They don't keep up with current events, other than to watch liberal, biased mainstream media, or read and follow far left slanted web sites,  never taking the time to comprehend why or how any specific situation or  came to be, or the root cause, genesis or motivation of any particular issue.  They tend to believe that they are the only ones that are compassionate, failing to realize that it is statistically proven in fact, that those who are conservative contribute far more money & resources to charitable causes.  Further, (and just as important!) these same individuals don't have a lot of knowledge of our history; they fail to understand or comprehend the principals and tenets that made the United States the greatest Nation-State in the World, bar none.  In general, these people reject the notion that our founding fathers were influenced by Christian principals and tenets, but they do understand enough history that they would very much like to revise this one important aspect.  Thus their lack of understanding and reasoning; or,  (B)  They are literally Anti-Americans, and they want to see the United States become equal to or consistent with a third world or fourth world Nation-State.  There is literally no other option.  The point being, is that ALL of these folks are hypocritical, and filled with hate.  When confronted with truth, logic, or just basic facts, all they can resort to is slinging out hate filled smear, and the typical far left, Socialist-Elitist talking points that have been generated by the George Soros' funded foundations, media organizations and social networks.   All they can do, is attack the messenger.     On Wed, Oct 20, 2010 at 11:13 AM, Tommy News <> wrote: Thiose who use words as clubs are misguided bullies.  -- Thanks for being part of "PoliticalForum" at Google Groups. For options & help see  * Visit our other community at * It's active and moderated. Register and vote in our polls. * Read the latest breaking news, and more. 

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