Thursday, October 21, 2010

Re: The 2010 Freak Show: Christine O'Donnell: I am not a Witch, I am Not You, and I am not a Constitutional Scholar

Certainly parallel ...

"Accusing one of being a "conspiracy theorist" is the political establishment's way of intimidating people into not questioning the state-defined, consensus-based explanations of events. Those who do so get marginalized as "paranoid kooks." As the lies and coverups of government continue to grow, I am more inclined to the views offered by such people as Kurt Vonnegut, George Carlin, et. al., namely, to "never believe anything the government tells you." I also share the sentiment of the late Chris Tame: "I am not interested in conspiracy theories; I am interested in the facts of conspiracies.""  -- Butler Shaffer

At 10:04 AM 10/21/2010, you wrote:
Christine O'Donnell: I am not a Witch, I am Not You, and I am not a
Constitutional Scholar

The 2010 Freak Show

So who's your favorite crazy running for office this year?

Is it Rich Iott, running for Congress in Ohio, who likes to dress up
as a Nazi? Iott has a hard-on for the SS, no less, specifically the
Wiking Division, which waged genocidal war on the Eastern Front, and
got into the role playing as a -- wait for it -- father-son bonding

Maybe it's anti-sex zealot Christine O'Donnell, running for Senate in
Delaware? A reformed witch turned fundamentalist, O'Donnell recently
expressed surprise, if not shock, that the U.S. Constitution includes
a little something called the First Amendment. "You're telling me
that's in the First Amendment?" O'Donnell incredulously asked her
opponent when he noted that the separation of church and state was
enshrined in that obscure document, and, oh, some two centuries of
case law.

How about that Joe Miller, whose security goons recently assaulted and
handcuffed a reporter in Alaska? The reporter was working a story
about Miller's previous employment that Miller wanted buried, but
eventually admitted to: he had in fact been disciplined for violating
the position's ethics policy. Unsurprising, the security squad story
thickened into mire quickly: Miller's rent-a-muscle company turns out
to have been operating without a license, and is made up of
active-duty soldiers who could and should be facing disciplinary
action for their moonlighting. Well, at least they weren't illegal

Could it be Rand Paul? Like some kind of monstrous tennis prodigy,
Paul seems to have been programmed since childhood, when he was named
after drug-addled libertarian cult leader Ayn Rand, to be in his
father's image. The result of this ideological child abuse is hardly
surprising: a creepy weirdness, way-out notions, and poisonous
historical perspectives. Challenged on his wild youth, extremist
views, and hypocrisies, Paul now claims to have "Jesus in his heart,"
which might be funny, except that it isn't.

In Nevada, meanwhile, long-time ultra rightist Sharron Angle knows
better and stays away from mainstream media for fear that she'll be
quoted. Lately, however, there have been some escapes from the tight
lid of her crackpot: claims that she's sort of, kind of, maybe
Asian-looking-like, and fearful of invasions from both Dearborn, MI,
and a suspiciously Mexican-looking Canada, the dark continent to the

In my own state, New York, Carl Paladino has darkened the climate with
threats to take a baseball bat to his enemies and threats to "take
out" a New York Post reporter. Then his desperate family values lunge
proved to be made of the usual flimflam: he pays off a second family
on the side while claiming gay marriage is a threat to the blessed
institution. But my favorite Paladino-ism remains his forwarding of
racist and sexist e-mails to his buddies, because, well, he's in
construction and dat's what dey do in dat sector, OK? One of
Paladino's lesser threats is to tell new enemies that they are off his
Christmas list, which, judging from the bestiality e-mails he
forwarded, is probably a very good thing.

This is turning out to be one very scary Halloween. But it's no goof.
It's the resurgence of the most reprehensible of reactionary
traditions in America. There are many reasons to be angry today in
America, not least for the utter corruption of the political system.
But if you see this weird, paranoid, fundamentalist, bigoted crowd,
funded by the most reactionary of corporate interests, as somehow
doing something better for the nation, then you're either a fool or
one of them.

Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
Have a great day,

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