Thursday, October 21, 2010

Re: Why Republicans don't deserve our votes

>Years ago, the Republican Party led by George Bush and Dick Cheney
>came into office with a financial surplus in the treasury left there
>by the previous Democratic administration.

Again, this was an accounting gimmick employing social security funds.

>In eight years, the Bush/Cheney regime destroyed the country's
>financial system, started two never-ending wars, and plunged America
>into trillions of dollars in debt. Millions of jobs were shipped to
>China and elsewhere around the globe.

Again, could you please provide SPECIFICS for this financial system

The only 'never-ending' war (so they and the Ds, likely, hope) is the
War on Terror -- replacement for the now defunct Cold War.

Do you have any photos of these jobs at the various shipping ports?

>Now, in this election cycle, the Republicans claim they have changed.
>Nonsense! If elected this fall, the Republicans and their Tea Party
>friends will seek to privatize Social Security, the Veterans'
>Administration and Medicare. Then, they will deregulate (again) the
>Wall Street and bank scammers, producing yet another financial crisis
>and the bankruptcy of the aforementioned programs. A right-wing
>Republican dream come true!

Again, the TEA PARTY was created as a backlash to Republican spending
et al under Bush, YES, both the Democrats AND the Republicans (along with
their establishment media pals) have been doing EVERYTHING they can
in order to 'de-tooth' the effort and bring it into the fold of the
Republican Party.
Cannot have 'wild cards' roaming the countryside.

If only the Republicans wanted to and would eliminate (how does one
privatize stealing from some people and giving the proceeds to others)
social security ... VA ... medicare. Too bad THIS Moron has no clue either.

If Wall Street WAS 'deregulated' (which it plainly wasn't) ... how can they
be 'deregulated' AGAIN?


I tell people that voting is like being a prisoner in a
penitentiary. Every four years the prisoners get to vote for the
warden. One candidate for the job promises larger cells for the
inmates; the other promises improved food in the cafeteria and,
perhaps, longer exercise time. Whichever candidate gets the most
votes will be the next warden. It is understood, however, that the
inmates will remain in prison; getting to secede from the system is
not an option for them.

I liken the voting booth to one of those private booths in an adult
bookstore, wherein people can engage in activities they would not
want others to know about. But then, we are back to Carlin's point*,
aren't we? -- Butler Shaffer

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