Monday, October 11, 2010

Obama Uses Citizen Disagreement to Make it "All About Him."

Obama Uses Citizen Disagreement to Make it "All About Him."

Snidely Whiplash

There is a video on Glenn Beck's sight. The Blaze is a news, opinion and info sharing site started by Beck's company. It's his answer to Daily Kos and the Huffington Post.

In the video Obama is at Bowie State University in Maryland doing his usual "I am the good guy and everyone against me is a racist hater" thing. Have the public noticed Obama has one strong suit - playing the poor black guy being needlessly derided?

Yeah, well that is who the nation of "special" people elected, so two more years of the "poor, poor me" act from our Whiner in Chief.

Anyway, the video is of someone filming the crowd while Obama speechifies. As Obama regales his sycophancy a white kid in the crowd yells "liar" about 6 or 7 times. The pro Obama sycophancy screams him down and then begins pushing and shoving at him telling him to "get out," and numerous other things. He and the videographer retreat to the back of the crowd.

At about the 1:15 mark of the 1:50 video Obama launches into his "poor, pitiful me" diatribe. "If I said the sky is blue they'd say no!" Blah, blah, blah.

Barack Obama has always, since day one of his bid for the presidency, made this all about him personally. I mean, of course it's not possible he is seen by the huge majority of the nation's citizens as an inveterate liar, thus we disagree with nearly everything he says because, well, he is a proven liar. OR he's so deluded he has no clue as to the truth. Frankly he is both in my mind.

How does the allegedly smartest man in the room think tax cuts DO NOT increase Treasury revenues when the empirical evidence is undeniable? How does the smartest man in the room advocate for Keynesian economy when evidence is clear - it sounds good on paper but has never delivered anything it promised? How does the smartest man in the room think everyone who disagrees with him does it because it's personal and we just plain hate him for being biracial?

Barack Obama and his sycophancy have chosen to make this a personal struggle. He plays the put upon victim and they play along as his enablers, rah, rah, rahing everything he says.

Continue reading Snidely's article>>>

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