Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Proper Koran Burning Procedures

Proper Koran Burning Procedures

By Ronin,
I know many will have a problem with my decision to join in on the International koran burning day, held on September 11 but I ask that you read all the way to the bottom before condemning it.

Plan your own koran burning party, big or small, private or not so private. Never let another culture take away your right to express your opinion in your own land. Use your freedoms or lose them forever. I strongly feel that our system of self-reliance and personal freedoms is vastly superior to any found in another country, religion or ideology.

I will burn my copy of the koran on September 11 not because I want to offend muslims but because islam itself offends me.

If after reading this, you feel that the act of intolerance towards an intolerant ideology lowers you to their level and you choose to not burn a copy of the koran. I will support your right too not participate in the event.

If you disagree with my plan or my procedures, you can save your opinion of my efforts, as I do not care. I have owned this evil book since the 80's I finally found a use for it.

Here are the proper koran burning procedures

Safety first. Find a safe area to build a fire

Have water and or a fire extinguisher available

Use accelerants sparingly, the koran is satan's book it will burn easily.

Books burn from the outside inward. Normally they singe around the edges and the pages barely burn. To avoid this, wrinkle the pages and tear a few of them. You can also turn them inside out and build a stand over your fire-think BBQ grill and you will get the idea.

Film anyone that attempts to interrupt your right of free speech.

Arm at least one member of your party; there are kooks that consider burning the koran as blasphemy. Just in case one attacks, you should be prepared to defend yourself.

To avoid the misconception that burning the koran is blasphemy be prepared to explain how the koran insults Christians and accuses Jesus as having murdered Judas. By swapping places with Judus at the crucifixion, Jesus essentially sent Judas to die-dooming Judas and allowing Jesus to flee. Explain why muslims think Jesus is not now nor ever was anything other than a mortal man. Explain the muslims believe mohammed was a better example to follow. At this point, you should mention that a short list of mohammeds crimes includes, slavery, murder, rape, child abuse, pedophilia and be ready to read a few verses of the koran as proof.

Once all of the preparations are made and just before you light the fire give this as an explanation.

As an American, I have the right to worship my faith or lack there of in the manner that I chose. Nothing in the koran is holy to me, I reject the koran as anything more than a simple book. A book filed with violence, intolerance and hate. I condemn the koran to a fiery death because I am free to do so. No ideology has more rights than I do, they are not free to enforce their views, culture or religion on me. There are those that disagree with my opinion of the koran and they disagree with my decision to burn a copy. That is there right. Let them buy one and lovingly protect it if that is there will. Here and now, I chose to burn this book as I find it offensive to my beliefs, insulting, intolerant and incompatible with my American rights.

Light it.

Spread the ashes to ensure complete destruction.

I suggest a moment of silence for our fallen, past present and future.

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