Wednesday, September 8, 2010

"The Teachable Moment" in America


The Iconoclast

Monday, 6 September 2010

"The Teachable Moment" in America

Lance Silver, a colleague in the anti-Jihad front in America who lives in an undisclosed location in the Northeast.He wrote this opinion piece that i thought deserved the favor of public circulation.  The title of his piece is a sendup on a frequent expression used by Frank Gaffney, Jr., President of the Washington, DC-based Center for Security Policy, 'The Teachable Moment". 

"The Teachable Moment" in America

by Lance Silver


Many of you are erudite on the subject of Islam in America, and the world. Many of you have authored books; many of you have and continue to appear on T.V., at universities etc, at seminars, at conventions etc.; many of you have had your lives threatened; and why, because you dare to speak about Islam.


I believe that we as Americans are missing the real issue and point concerning Islam in America. This point is being forthright enough to ask and answer truthfully, and not smother in political correctness, moral relativities and moral equivalencies, the question, '" Is systemic Islamic dogma and doctrine, as practiced for 1,400 years, as in the Holy Qur'an, aHadith, Sunna and within Shari'a law compatible with our United States Constitution, our Declaration of Independence, our Judeo-Christian culture and American jurisprudence?


This question also applies to all non-Islamic countries and cultures; but let's deal with our home, the United States of America.


Islam and non Islamic civilizations, as Samuel P. Huntington states in his book "The Clash of Civilizations", have been and will continue to be in "The Clash of Civilizations" because of inherent, systemic cultural core beliefs within each culture; plain and simple.


On front pages nationally and worldwide, on TV coverage's, in magazines, on talk radio shows, on the internet and in blogs, in conversations in America, on college campuses, in state legislative bodies etc., everywhere everyone is on overtime analyzing the reasons pro and con for the GZ Mosque; as to whether the legal, ethical and moral perquisites are being honored for the mosque to be built? Add to that mix the Murfreesboro, Chicago, Boston etc., mosques proposed and those mosques just built along with those mosques on the tarmac ready for launch in America and ask, are we under an organized mosque assault? Ask the Muslim Brotherhood and C.A.I.R.? Ask the Saudi Arabian Wahabbis ?


Americans are dumbfounded and confused about the moral, ethical and legal reasons pro and con.

Americans ask what Islam is. Most so-called experts, media pundits, politicians, religious leaders have not read nor do they understand the holy texts. They regurgitate the perfunctory digestible answer for Americans that Islam is a religion; which we all know is nonsense. Islam is a totalitarian political system parading as a religion which enables Islam the opportunity of protection under our constitution; or does it? Is Islam seditious? The states in the USA that are introducing legislation against a parallel legal system, Shari'a, are spot on. The USA Congress must also adopt similar laws protecting our constitution against dual, co-terminus, legal systems.


Add this national organized building program of mosques to the ridiculous Palestinian-Israeli peace dance in its millionth iteration with the insane delusional American politicians and Middle East Hudnah, Taqiyya artists claiming that peace is possible, the Iranian nuclear issue, the world wide Islamic Dah'wa campaign financed by Saudi Arabia and the UAE Republics, the Moslem Brotherhood and their spawn C.A.I.R. with their involvement in the Holy Land Foundation and international Dah'wa, the duplicitous Islamic street and media, Egypt with Mubarak and his possible successors, the European Islamic crisis, nuclear Pakistan and its place within the Islamic world, Iraq, Afghanistan, Sudan, Yemen, Syria, Lebanon, Malaysia etc., and a pattern appears; and that pattern is that institutional Islamic behavior has created and continues to create mayhem and violence wherever Islam is present. Name a place on this planet where Islam has a foothold without mayhem and violence? You can't. What causes this behavior?


Granted that the west has had its share of violence and mayhem, that's not the point. The point is systemic Islamic dogma and doctrine compels Islamic behavior that institutionally promotes violence and mayhem throughout the USA and the world.


Isn't this time in American history the most "Teachable Moment"; to teach Americans exactly what systemic Islamic dogma and doctrine really states; not what many delusional Americans wish it to be, by judging Islam by our western standards?


If our President, Barack Hussein Obama, had the audacity to present the Islamic issue to the people of the USA as it is, not how he delusionally defines Islam to be, and to the general Assembly of the United Nations, as a debating point, and to explain factually to the nation and the United Nations that Islam has serious core cultural issues with non-Islamic cultures, (forgetting the sectarian thousand year history of mayhem and violence within Islam), we may have a chance for existential decisions concerning Islam in the U.S.A.

If Arizona's immigration policy is now a topic in the UN, why not this existential issue concerning Islam becoming a front page topic everywhere in America and in the UN?


This knowledge of systemic Islam and the resultant compelling behavior must be our basic message to Americans; to be given at every opportunity. There is a systemic Islamic dogma cause for jihad, for Dhimmititude, for woman's non rights, for sectarian violence and mayhem, for why non-Muslims in Muslim countries are treated as they are, for killing apostates, etc. It's all in the basic core texts. We must demonstrate the institutional systemic reasons compelling past, present and future Islamic behavior.


Americans must be exposed to systemic Islamic beliefs in order to comprehend Islam and we, you, I, members of the media and those in academia in America are the only ones capable of presenting systemic Islamic core beliefs at every opportunity. The women of America and all non – Islamic cultures will be traumatized as to what's in store for them in Islamic core beliefs.


The millions of American adherents of Islam, American Muslims, who assert to be loyal to our United States Constitution and our western culture, must sound the alarm as many have, must all march in the streets of America embracing our USA Constitution and fundamentally reject core institutional Islamic beliefs of religious supremacy and anti Christian, Jewish, Hindu and hostile discriminatory non-Islamic attitudes.


This message from American Muslims must be sent to:

Al-Azhar, Islamic Research Academy, Egypt;

The International Institute of Islamic Thought;

Islamic Fiqh Academy, Jedda S.A.;

Fiqh Council of North America;

Mufti of the Jordanian Armed Forces;

Imam of the Mosque of Darwish Pasha Syria;

All Islamic Scholars in the USA and the world.


It's time to call a spade, a spade.


The "Teachable Moment" is NOW…….



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