Wednesday, June 9, 2010

What does Sharron Angle victory in Nevada U.S. Senate primary mean for gun owners?

What does Sharron Angle victory in Nevada U.S. Senate primary mean for gun owners?

"Sharron Angle wins; Harry Reid gets race he wanted," the Las Vegas Sun headline tells us about Nevada's U.S. Senate race.

Sharron Angle, a former Reno assemblywoman and Tea Party favorite, emerged from Tuesday's Republican primary, lifted to a landslide by a solid base of conservative supporters but carrying political baggage that experts say gives the embattled Reid a new lease on political life.

And why would that be?

On Tuesday, Reid's advisers telegraphed their coming campaign, saying Angle's "dangerous ideas are wrong for Nevada." Once her victory was apparent, the Nevada Democratic Party issued a news release: "Sharron's 'Wacky' Angles: Dangerous Ideas Nevada Can't Afford."

Ah yes. If you believe in that Constitution Reid swore an oath to uphold, you're "wacky" and "dangerous." Let the conflation with extremists and haters begin. You know, the "progressive" M.O.

Count on Angle's support from gun owners being eroded by support for Reid from the National Rifle Association, his long-time endorsers. While a formal announcement has yet to be made, looking to past enthusiastic backing and traditional association support of friendly incumbents makes for a pretty reliable crystal ball, especially considering this statement from Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre:

"He is a true champion of the Second Amendment back in Washington, DC."

Self-styled political pragmatists will agree. They'll point to Reid's record, including opposition to the so-called "assault weapons" ban and lawsuits against gun manufacturers. They'll tell us of legislation he's blocked from the floor in his position as Senate Majority Leader, and bring up the potential of a committed Democrat anti-gunner assuming that position should Reid be ousted. And they'll patronizingly opine that We the People are too politically naive to understand the masterful chess game being played.

The NRA, the talking point goes (to persuade us to ignore the rest of Reid's "progressive" agenda), is a "single issue organization." What they'll not address is the core truth that none of this is really about guns, it's about freedom.

And what they'll ignore is the anti-gun rights chess game Reid is playing on a different board. They'll not address (or else just dismiss) Reid supporting a man NRA itself called "the most anti-gun president in American history." Ditto for his votes to confirm both Eric "Ban 'assault weapons' to fight Mexican crime" Holder and Sonia "The Second Amendment does not apply to the states" Sotomayor.

Any rating system that does not address giving aid and comfort to our political enemies is not only incomplete, it's misleading. But the thing is, after trying to avoid it, and because they could no longer publicly justify ignoring it, NRA finally committed to "punishing" senators who voted to confirm Sotomayor.

Just how, specifically, will that manifest itself with Sen. Reid, Mr. LaPierre? We members have a right to know.  And not just for Reid, but for all the Democrats you're holding out to us as being worthy of our money, effort and votes...

Nevada gun owners have a choice--they can listen to the voice of accommodation and compromise, or they can be ridiculed--not just by "the left," but by gun lobby "realists"--as "principles freaks." Expect Angle's campaign to be subverted, if not overtly, then through lack of support, and that includes by a GOP establishment that wants to teajack and ride the wave of angry voter sentiment without actually upsetting their cushy status quo. Make no mistake: there are plenty of operatives on the "moderate" right who want to see a "conservative" fail, because returning to founding principles is the farthest thing from their ambitions and those of their supporters.  And let's not forget the Quislin...uh..."Republicans for Reid": Expect more defections.

My unsolicited advice to Sharron Angle: Stay true to what you campaigned on. Do not moderate to appease--your enemies will still hate you regardless, and they'll use any olive branches offered them against you as clubs, and evidence of "flip-flopping" (not to mention it will demoralize your base).

Go on the offensive and never stop. Show why Harry Reid's "wacky" national socialism is a "dangerous idea Nevada can't afford."

And my advice to gun owners: Get involved. Not tomorrow, today. Make sure you're registered to vote. Contact the Angle campaign and find out how you can not just donate, but help. They need boots on the ground. Your boots. And while you're at it, support Gun Owners of Nevada. If this is going to be another "Profile in Apathy," if YOU are not going to lift a finger, you might as well just surrender now. That is, if it's not too much effort to raise your hands.

If you are an NRA member you might tell the NRA that support of Harry Reid is the worst possible thing they could.  Harry Reid is a boot-licking ass-kissing supporter of Obama who is by far the greatest threat to our civil liberties including the second amendment that has ever happened in the US.  Harry's supposed support of the second amendment is as phony as his office.  If obama asked and it came to a 'final' vote, Harry would drop the second amendment like a used condom.  If it is his alleged support of the second amendment that is keeping him office and your an NRA supporter, you better think twice about renewing your dues.  gb

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