Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Re: Start the Revolution! Government is out-of-touch with the People!

Elections Can't Correct Our Broken Government.

Fox News' Bill O'Reilly paraphrased George Will, who had talked about
this country's prospects in the present crises. Then, O'Reilly said:
"George is smart." before adding—with his usual shallow-minded grin—
that he (O'Reilly) is smart, too. Unfortunately, Bill's I.Q. meter
has more to do with the ratings of his show, than with the depth of
either his understanding of the problems, or of his motivation to do a
damn thing to help correct those pressing problems. Apparently, the
World, and its crises, exist for Bill O'Reilly's selfish pleasure.

George Will is indeed smart (or more correctly, insightful). But he's
never shown himself to have more than a commentator's goal of
maintaining or increasing his readership. Most of his… talk, is just
to have a perceived one-up-manship on other commentators—like those at
the New York Times—who see the World through different color glasses.
The hodge-podge of commentators who do battle on the Sunday Morning TV
political round-tables, get to express their notions about politics
and government whether right or wrong. Naïve listeners, apparently,
get confused regarding the facts. That's why my New Constitution

… "Each medium shall respond to breaking news without considering the
response of any other medium. Injuries due to improper news coverage
or non coverage shall not be excused by the media response. A medium
reporting on government shall do so thoroughly, objectively, and with
detachment—being neither laudatory nor critical by form, and not
repressing thoughtful dissent nor its coverage. *** Every medium
shall favor the truth over supposition, without parity nor bias.
False or deceptive commercial advertising is prohibited. Deliberate
use by any candidate, their staffs or election committees, of false or
deceptive campaign speeches, slogans, advertisements, humor, or
innuendo is a felony. No organization, nor part of the media, nor any
special interest group(s) shall in any way endorse a slate of
candidates for public office; flagrant violation is a felony."

and… "No medium shall be a forum for promoting the ideology of its
management or owners, nor shall they employ anyone who uses such job
to hawk their personal political preferences—at risk of loss of
license or closure of the business. Flagrantly editing news to
promote the ideology of management is a felony. No medium shall
analyze, assess, summarize, or make subjective judgments about any
pending election or referendum. Nor shall they invite others outside
of the media to do so. But factual, thorough coverage of the
candidates or referenda issues—on an as occurs basis—is allowed,
provided there are no comments, nor actions, as above, and provided
the same unbiased coverage is given to all of the candidates or to all
of the referenda issues."

and… "Any government employee, media figure or private person(s) who
uses the authority or influence of their job, or their celebrity, to
argue against democracy and fair play shall be guilty of a felony."
Note: Some of those who repeatedly argue against fair play and
democracy include: Bob Beckel; Arianna Huffington; Geraldo Rivera;
Alan Colmes; Donna Brazile; all leftist Democrats anywhere in the USA;
and President Obama and his band of traitors in the White House. More
than regularly committing felonies, the leftist Democrats, President
Obama and his band of White House traitors are guilty of capital
treason for working to subvert our Constitution so as to turn our
nation into a socialist - communist one, and doing so after having
SWORN to uphold, protect and defend the Constitution—which is the
primary Law of the Land. The survival of the USA hinges on having
numbers of dedicated, patriotic, and freedom loving public servants,
who have the public's eye, to stand WITH the Constitution, and
rightfully arrest; have tried; and hanged the several hundred who are
responsible for the socio-political and economic destruction of our
nation. Not respecting the Will of the People is a most serious crime
for elected or appointed public officials.

Many of you have heard: "When I became a man, I put away 'childish
things'."— like balls, bats and gloves. This past week the nation was
expected to feel… good that an umpire was made to cry after having,
horrendously, missed correctly calling an 'out' that was thrown to
first base. If not for that bad call, the pitcher would have been
credited with… a "perfect game". George Will—once considered to
become the Commissioner of Baseball—defended there being no instant
replays in that game. He argued that second-guessing (bad) calls
would keep terminally long games going, when all that would be
required to stop the game would be for the umpire to call a… "strike"
when there was actually a "ball". It's clear that on issues of
morality, George Will favors having the powerful and fallible
(umpires) be in the game, rather than have baseball be played…
fairly. His main standard of morality is to have 'stuff' that he can
talk about in his columns. Instant replays would surely remove a lot
of the animosity that keeps the fans coming back for more. At times,
booing an umpire is an end in itself. Clearly, George Will wants the
bad things to continue. So, he's not as 'smart' (and moral) as he's
sometimes perceived.

About two months ago, Glenn Beck ran out of any new corruption in the
White House and in Congress to expose. Beck claims that he was
Divinely Inspired to make "Faith, Hope, and Charity" his mantra. Now,
he's passing up wearing jeans and sport coats in favor of suits and
ties, making Beck seem more like a preacher than an in-the-trenches
fighter to correct our broken government. Beck supposes, in his
various states of madness, that understanding history; having good
character; and praying are all that's needed to turn our nation
around. Is yours truly, John A. Armistead, the only person in this
country to know that adapting my New Constitution is THE quickest,
easiest, and most effective way to FIX our broken government? Though
I watch Fox News, daily, I see less and less supporting that such
network has a moral backbone. On Fox, arguing has become an end in
itself. In the 2008 election, CNN actively pushed to get socialists
into office. But supposedly conservative Fox News won't do the
converse in 2010. Instead, they apparently wish to lure viewers, even
those wanting socialism, by having traitors like Bob Beckel appear on
various shows. Time was when the FTC required stations (and networks)
to prove that their programming is in keeping with the public good.
I'll bet that no person on Earth can prove that Fox News cares where
this country is headed. They only care about their share of the
viewers. Sheppard Smith has the right Idea: Cover the news and let
others do the (corrupt) commentating.

Greta Van Susteren has an hour long show on Fox every weekday. Her
'moral sensibility', apparently, limits her to being just a reporter…
who "covers" the news. Rarely has Greta sided very strongly with the
correct, conservative political machine. She did that (barely) when
she pressured Sen. Harry Reid to tell why he supported Obama Care when
the American people, in poll after poll, revealed that they don't want
government being involved in running health care at all. As an out,
Reid—who is difficult to imagine ever having been a… boxer—turned
effeminate and asked: "What should I have done, not pushed for health
care at all?" Immediately, Greta should have shouted: "Yes, Senator,
that's exactly what you should have done!" Ask yourselves, people,
why didn't Van Susteren show some morality and side with the PEOPLE
rather than with the criminals who are now squatting in public

Van Susteren did an admirable job getting Joran Van der Sloot to open-
up about his selling of that poor Natalee Hollowell, from the USA, to
a man headed to South America. That's a high-profile criminal
investigation. But doesn't it pale, as a story, to there being a
penned-and-polished New Constitution of the United States of America
that can reverse the destructive tendencies in our government? I
certainly think so!

The leaking oil problem in the Gulf highlights a potential human-race-
destroying problem: Suppose an asteroid is discovered that will crash
into and destroy the world in two months. For too long, people have
deferred to our mindless government for answers. Government had no
answers with Katrina, nor with the oil spill. Apparently, as long as
"thinking Americans" have their basketball, baseball, and football to
distract them from other daily cares, the government, or the whole
world… can be damned. Twenty four hours before that asteroid hits,
newspapers will be printing those… sports pages, as if nothing is

Unless Americans can utilize the solutions that are in the offing, the
time could come when there will be no more sports to distract us, nor
an "us" to be distracted by sports. Many are, strongly, foretelling
our doom. Only I have the solution already in hand! Please tell your
friends, neighbors, relatives and associates that a SC man, John A.
Armistead, has penned and polished a New Constitution to put the
People at the top of the pecking order. "United we stand; divided we
fall." May we all unite to SAVE the USA!

Respectfully submitted,

— John A. Armistead — Patriot

AKA NoEinstein on Google's sci.physics

On Jun 5, 7:08 pm, NoEinstein <> wrote:
> Winning the "sticky" Revolution.
> Long before the present oil spill crisis in the Gulf of Mexico, I was
> impressed by the intellect and sensible ideas of Louisiana's Gov.
> Bobby Jindal.  The lessons learned from hurricane Katrina point out
> how correct technical solutions, as by the Army Corps of Engineers,
> can mean the difference between averting any more city-destroying
> floods, or having the lives and livelihoods of millions be determined
> by the toss-of-a-coin.
> The oil spill in the Gulf is another kind of disaster, in-the-making,
> which demands quick engineering fixes—rather than political ball-
> playing.  The Obama Regime, which favors… energy independence, doesn't
> care that the price per gallon of gas could go to $9.00.  The complete
> conversion of the USA to socialism, demands the destruction of
> capitalism.  The later, very simply, has private businesses making
> decisions based on supply-and-demand principles for the goods or
> services of those businesses.  Socialism, or its cousin, communism,
> has the government controlling practically the entire economy.  And
> there is never any… "economy" in that.
> In addition to writing OUR New Constitution, I've disproved both of
> Einstein's theories of relativity, under the 'handle'  — NoEinstein —
> on Google's sci.physics news group.  I'm also an inventor.  Though
> Obama promised (to walk-on-water) and to lower the oceans, which are
> in the process of swallowing us, I actually know how to accomplish
> that objective.  Carbon emissions are the cause of the oceans'
> rising.  But the best short term solution isn't to… "ban" carbon
> dioxide.  The world needs its oil too much, in the short term, to put-
> on-hold any more off-shore drilling.
> Expect Barack Obama to politicize the oil leak in ways that will
> increase the likelihood that his CAP & Trade bill will pass.  That man
> doesn't want a 'clean' solution to the oil spill to be found.  The
> more the Gulf states need… federal aid, the more dependent we all
> become on the, now, SOCIALIST federal government.  Fortunately,
> dependency is just a state-of-mind!
> Suppose that some evil empire launched a successful A-bomb attack on
> Washington, DC, and knocked out 100% of the federal government and the
> bureaucracies, there.  The USA would no longer exist as a nation;
> right?  WRONG!  Before the federal government was created by the
> Constitution, 'America' was a confederation of 13 states.  Each of
> those had the capability of minding the 'public' affairs of those
> living in each state.  Effectively, the US Constitution is the sworn-
> to-be-upheld model for all of the state governments.  Within 90 days,
> a "new" seat of government, away from the lingering radiation, could
> be determined, and new Representatives be in place to resume Federal
> functions.  A new President could quickly be elected, possibly, from
> among the former candidates in the last election.
> Now, instead of an… A-bomb, suppose that our Federal Government is
> being destroyed from within by a clandestine, century-old plot to get
> a majority of… SOCIALISTS elected to public office.  Few Americans
> understand the Constitution well enough to realize that changing the
> USA from a Representative Republic to a socialist form of government,
> is, effectively, subverting, and overthrowing our Federal Government.
> Suddenly, those in public offices in Washington aren't "the" USA, but,
> instead are the enemies OF the USA!
> After centuries of entrusting the Federal Government to handle matters
> of common interest, the large majority (70 plus percent) of American's
> realize that government is out-of-control, and BROKE… quite
> literally!  The willing deference that we showed to our used-to-be-
> just Federal Government, is no longer appropriate.  Are we, under the
> above circumstances, "dead" as a nation?  Only if we fail to
> understand that the USA is: "Government of the People, by the People,
> and for the People!"  rather than… "of the socialists, by the corrupt
> career politicians, and for the World power of Barack Obama—the anti-
> Christ!"
> On more than one occasion, Louisiana's Gov. Bobby Jindal has had to
> take-on-the-chin whatever… Washington says he's entitled to do to
> protect his state.  Over a month ago, a berm was proposed to be built
> along the LA shore line to hold back the oil spill.  But the agencies
> having the power to authorize such defensive measures sat on their
> collective duffs.  Actor Kevin Costner, not unfamiliar with "water"
> issues, has dozens of water-cleaning devices already built that could
> be put into action.  But the Feds have authorized absolutely nothing
> which can help the crisis in the Gulf.
> On day two, here's what "President" Obama (I use the word vomitively)
> should have said: "The Federal Government will be supportive of any
> viable solutions to safely and effectively stop the oil leak, as well
> as foster the early and complete cleanup of the oil that has already
> leaked.  BP has more expertise in these matters than those in the
> Federal Government.  But we are aware that there are experts
> throughout the oil industry.  I hereby invite any concerned and
> technically qualified engineers, as well as inventors, to submit
> suggestions and proposals for quick engineering solutions.  Emphasis
> should be on redundancy; or having more than one correction idea be
> tried, simultaneously.  Because the leak is about a mile deep, it's
> likely that deep sea robots or subs will be needed to do the work.  I
> hereby request that owners of such robots or subs—which could be put
> to these tasks—please notify my office of the availability, and the
> likely earliest time that such devices can be on site above the leak.
> I have been assured that fabricators in the Gulf states can be
> expected to work 24-7 to turn-out the needed devices and machine
> adaptations.  I wish to assure all American's that stopping and
> correcting the present oil leak will be my top priority as President.
> May we all cooperate to solve this crisis, or to be supportive of
> those who can."
> Within a week of the oil rig explosion and fire, I, an inventor,
> architect, and structural expert, came up with this 'layered' solution
> to the spill:
> *** Oil floats.  The associated hydrocarbon gases—when the pressure is
> released—produce an "evaporative" cooling which can freeze some of the
> water and the gas.  (It was the latter "ice" that quickly blocked the
> small diameter pipe through which it was hoped the oil could be pumped
> to the surface.)  My 'low tech' solution is to erect a large, fabric
> 'tent' maybe 20 feet above the rising oil and gas column.  The strong
> fabric—in a rectangle about the size of a basketball court—could be
> folded over a sloping rope ridge, like a hot-weather scout tent made
> from a tarp.  The stays could be concrete weights.  And the ridge rope
> could be held up using aluminum poles to form 'A' frames near both
> ends of the sloping tent.
> The purpose of the tent ridge is to channel the buoyant oil and gas
> along the ridge rope till it bubbles free in large gobs.  Located just
> above that point will be, say, a six foot diameter funnel of sheet
> metal; which attached to a 1.25 mile long, 18" - 24" diameter
> corrugated plastic pipe, held in place by dead weights, and by
> inflated rubber buoys about 50 feet apart.  Near the ocean's surface
> will be a small barge or boat to hold an integral flared-out pipe,
> maybe six feet in diameter, from which the floating oil can be pumped.
> Devices to keep the oil flowing upward in the pipe include electric or
> hydraulic vane-axial fans located in the lower funnel, and at 500 foot
> intervals inside the pipe; small pipes for injecting solvents or soap
> into the riser; and at least a 6" diameter hot water pipe to prevent
> ice buildup on the smooth walls of the lined pipe."
> The cost of the above devices, installed, would likely be ½  to one
> million dollars.  But the main advantage is that other leak-stopping
> processes can be carried out UNDER the tent.  People like Spike Lee,
> James Carvel, and even Bobby Jindal need not be crying… salty tears if
> such a low-tech device, as I've just described, was catching 100% of
> the leaking oil.
> Someone said that commentator George Will supposes that things will be
> much better in Washington after the 2010 election.  But nothing can
> be… "better enough" if the corrupt two-party congressional processes
> are left in place.  Instead of looking—as Actor-Director Woody Allen
> was wont to say—"nauseous", Governor Bobby Jindal could have stood up
> and informed Barack Obama, in front of all of the media, that Obama is
> under arrest for TREASON.  At least three times Obama has come to LA
> to… campaign, while nothing has been done to aid the Gulf oil crisis.
> When the socialists are finally stopped, free-market capitalism will
> return the USA to greatness!
> "United we stand; divided we fall."  May we all unite to SAVE the USA!
> Respectfully submitted,
> — John A. Armistead —  Patriot
> On Jun 3, 8:10 pm, NoEinstein <> wrote:
> > Lawlessness Reigns in Government!
> > Known to too few, including most of our elected officials: The
> > Constitution is the Primary Law of the Land!  Leftist Democrats, in
> > particular, suppose that our form of government is: "To the victor,
> > belongs the spoils!"  To those criminals, Obama's 53-47 'victory' in
> > the 2008 Presidential Election was at least a two-year long license to
> > do whatever they please to destroy our Representative Republic.
> > Destroying it is a requirement, if they are to make the vast majority
> > of Americans become dependant on them.  They're the power-mad loonies,
> > who follow the dictates of Barack Obama.  Most should realize that
> > Obama is the anti-Christ;
> ...
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