Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Florida: CAIR Toolkit to Counter Anti-Sharia Laws



Attn. Florida: CAIR Releases 'Tool Kit' to Fight 'Anti-Sharia' Laws

BY: KENRIC WARD | Posted: March 1, 2012 5:25 PM


The Council on American-Islamic Relations released a "community tool kit" designed to counter "anti-Sharia" bills introduced in more than 20 states.


CAIR said its "Securing Religious Liberty" tool kit includes "lessons learned from opposing anti-Muslim legislative efforts in Oklahoma, Tennessee and Michigan, an explanation of the legal impact of the discriminatory bills and a discussion of what Sharia is and what it is not."


"I urge community leaders and activists to read this important tool kit thoroughly, to distribute it widely and to discuss its contents with civil liberties coalition partners," said CAIR National Executive Director Nihad Awad. "Americans of all faiths must be vigilant in defense of the Constitution and the freedoms it grants."


The Florida House on Thursday passed HB 1209, which would bar state courts from considering "foreign law" in certain cases. CAIR officials vow to contest the measure in court if it wins final approval.


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