Tuesday, June 19, 2012

25,000 “holding cells” will be built for “infiltrators” in Israel

The Israeli government has announced that 25,000 "holding cells" will
be built for "infiltrators"—a move, which, if duplicated in any other
country on earth, would instantly have the Jewish lobbies wailing
about "concentration camps."

According to a report in the Israeli news service Ynet, the Israeli
Defense Ministry "says all new infiltrators will be sent to one of
five holding facilities from now on."

Using the phrase "infiltrators" as a fact (obviously in accordance
with instructions from above), all Israeli news sources have presented
the flood of African refugees entering Israel as a threat to the
"Jewish nature" of Israel.

At the same time, Jewish lobbies across the western world have been at
the forefront of promoting mass immigration to those nations.

The new facilities will be placed under the jurisdiction of the Israel
Prison Service and Ministry of the Interior.

Meanwhile, the construction of a fence on the Egyptian border
continues at a speed of one kilometer per day. According to the
Defense Ministry, 95% of the fence will be completed by October of
this year. More than 170 kilometers have already been built so far.

Ynet news continues: "Devised by Defense Ministry Director Udi Shani
in conjunction with the IDF, the plan aims to see all new infiltrators
sent directly to holding facilities, where they will spend long
periods of times.

Three new facilities are set to be built in the Keziot compound and
join the Prison Service's Saharonim holding facility and Keziot
prison. According to the Defense Ministry's statement, the preparation
of water, sewage and electricity infrastructure is at an advanced

Construction of the fence is set to be complete by early 2013. More
than 100 contractors who won Defense Ministry contracts are working
simultaneously along the Egypt border, operating 480 pieces of heavy

In a special meeting on the issue, Prime MinisterBenjamin Netanyahu
listed steps which he said were meant to "solve the infiltrator
problem," including construction of holding facilities and sanctions
against employers of infiltrators.

He noted that Interior Minister Eli Yishai is preparing the "removal
of the infiltrators" and that the internal security minister will aim
to arrest criminal infiltrators in the Tel Aviv area.

"These means and others will start to reverse the trend and we will
begin to solve it. It's a tough problem but we're handing it,"
Netanyahu said.

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