Thursday, April 26, 2012

Re: Gail Collins: The End of Newt

Hey Michael,
I am quite familiar with Keynesian economic theory and policy.   I have yet to hear any Republican advocate for Keynesian economic theory,  just the opposite.  This is a big, big, really big distinction between conservatives and "Progressives". 
See Paul Krugman, President Obama, as compared to Newt Gingrich, Ron Paul.


Please, no "cut and paste" definitions;  could you please explain, in your own words, what the definition of Fascism is? 

On Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 2:03 PM, MJ <> wrote:

If Newt's FASCIST track record is any indication (which is all we actually have), then Newt would have been no different from Obama ... Bush ... Mr. Bill ....

We need someone who is going to GUT .... just as Harding did in 1920 ... NOT more of this failed, Keynesian nonsense we have endured since at least Roosevelt.


"Gingrich backed Rockefeller over Goldwater in 1964, backed Ford over Reagan in 1976, voted to create the Department of Education in 1979, wrote a book advocating a gigantic expansion of NASA, backed cap and trade, backed the individual mandate, long trumpeted FDR as the greatest president of the 20th century, and in general has always been a lefty. -- Kevin Gutzman

At 01:57 PM 4/26/2012, you wrote:
Despite the hatred from the likes of Gail Collins,  and the fact that PlainOl loves to join in Moonbat singalongs,  this is a shame.  Newt Gingrich was the ONLY candidate that could have pulled the United States out of this communistic funk.  No doubt, I will support Romney, but Romney is no Newt......

On Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 1:51 PM, plainolamerican <> wrote:
The End of Newt

On Apr 26, 12:06 pm, Tommy News <> wrote:
> The End of Newt
> Well, the results of the latest wave of primaries are in. The people
> have spoken, decisively. All 10 of them.
> Earl Wilson/The New York Times
> Gail Collins
> Go to Columnist Page »The Conversation
> David Brooks and Gail Collins talk between columns.
> I am exaggerating. In Rhode Island, well over 3 percent of the
> eligible voters flocked to the polls on Tuesday, as the overwhelming
> majority declared their enthusiasm for Mitt Romney as the Republican
> presidential nominee. We are totally talking mandate.
> And I cannot tell you how much excitement there was in New York. Six
> percent turnout! In my neighborhood, the atmosphere was electric.
> Voters had not been so politically exercised since that year we had a
> primary pitting a recently deceased congressman and a member of a
> cultlike group led by a Marxist psychotherapist.
> And, wow, no more Newt Gingrich.
> Newt is reportedly planning to drop out of the presidential race on
> Tuesday. The crushing blow was the Delaware primary, where the
> Gingrich campaign had hoped to win a dramatic come-from-behind victory
> under the theory that only a couple of Republicans would actually vote
> and that they would be the same people who once nominated Christine
> O'Donnell for the Senate.
> Unfortunately, a whopping 16 percent of the eligible electorate showed
> up, way too big a crowd for the fragile Gingrich candidacy to
> withstand. This has been a terrible month for Newt. His campaign is
> millions in debt. His pet billionaire, Sheldon Adelson, seems to have
> deserted him. He was bitten by a penguin at the St. Louis Zoo. And now
> this.
> Did you ever notice how many of the Republican candidates seemed to
> have animal issues? Rick Perry shot that coyote, and Jon Huntsman got
> bitten by a goat — really, that was the high point of the Huntsman
> campaign. Also, Senator Rob Portman of Ohio, the veep front-runner,
> recently imitated a chicken on television. You will be hearing more
> about this incident because I think I speak for the entire national
> media when I say that we are planning to discuss possible Republican
> vice presidential candidates nonstop through the spring and summer.
> And the winner is the guy who drove to Canada with the family dog
> strapped to the roof of the car!
> "My guess is you'll see a dramatic difference in the youth vote this
> time — part of it is you have a younger, more dynamic Republican
> candidate," said a Romney surrogate, former Senator Hank Brown.
> Take that, young Americans. You can't find jobs because the baby
> boomers are never going to retire. The Republicans in Congress want to
> raise the price of student loans. And, in politics, 65-year-olds get
> to be the youth candidate.
> We are now in for six months of Mitt Romney versus Barack Obama, and
> with the polls showing the race to be very close, you could argue that
> it is going to be really exciting. Except for the fact that it's Mitt
> Romney versus Barack Obama.
> Ignore the polls, I beg you. It will just make you nervous and crazy
> for no good reason. When it comes to their political preferences, the
> American people are like a bunch of middle school students picking
> their best friend on Facebook. Do you know who one of the most popular
> political figures in the United States is right now? Hillary Clinton!
> Nearly two-thirds of Americans are crazy about Hillary Clinton, and
> only 27 percent view her unfavorably. Do you remember when she was the
> most polarizing name in politics? Do you remember when she lost to
> Barack Obama and we all said it was like the cool popular guy versus
> the hard-working student council treasurer? Barack Obama would kill
> for Hillary Clinton's favorability ratings now.
> Romney is now busy with a passel of closed-door fund-raisers in states
> like New Jersey and New York, which he will never, ever, visit for any
> other reason than closed-door fund-raisers. Newt's future plans are
> unknown. Perhaps he will go back to that great job he had before,
> getting $300,000 fees for his advice as a historian to corporations
> with big financial interests pending in Congress. And what about Rick
> Santorum? You can't spend the rest of your life not endorsing Mitt
> Romney. The only guy who seems to have his future plotted out is Ron
> Paul, who is apparently planning to continue running for president
> while we all ignore him.
> So many surprises to look forward to. What humanizing interchange will
> Mitt have with the public next? Will it be as good as the last one,
> when he insulted the cookies at a Pittsburgh community center? Will he
> win over the loser Republicans' billionaires? Their celebrity
> supporters? Rich guys are one thing, but Gary Busey will take some
> wooing.
> Will he ever release all his tax returns? Will he keep the Kid Rock
> theme song for his campaign? Have we ever had a presidential nominee
> who walks on stage to a song that seems to suggest he is "wild, like
> an untamed stallion?" When we did, would you have imagined it would be
> Mitt Romney?
> More: ..
> --
> Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
> Have a great day,
> Tommy
> --
> Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
> Have a great day,
> Tommy

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