Thursday, April 26, 2012

Re: Gail Collins: The End of Newt

Despite the hatred from the likes of Gail Collins,  and the fact that PlainOl loves to join in Moonbat singalongs,  this is a shame.  Newt Gingrich was the ONLY candidate that could have pulled the United States out of this communistic funk.  No doubt, I will support Romney, but Romney is no Newt......

On Thu, Apr 26, 2012 at 1:51 PM, plainolamerican <> wrote:
The End of Newt

On Apr 26, 12:06 pm, Tommy News <> wrote:
> The End of Newt
> Well, the results of the latest wave of primaries are in. The people
> have spoken, decisively. All 10 of them.
> Earl Wilson/The New York Times
> Gail Collins
> Go to Columnist Page »The Conversation
> David Brooks and Gail Collins talk between columns.
> I am exaggerating. In Rhode Island, well over 3 percent of the
> eligible voters flocked to the polls on Tuesday, as the overwhelming
> majority declared their enthusiasm for Mitt Romney as the Republican
> presidential nominee. We are totally talking mandate.
> And I cannot tell you how much excitement there was in New York. Six
> percent turnout! In my neighborhood, the atmosphere was electric.
> Voters had not been so politically exercised since that year we had a
> primary pitting a recently deceased congressman and a member of a
> cultlike group led by a Marxist psychotherapist.
> And, wow, no more Newt Gingrich.
> Newt is reportedly planning to drop out of the presidential race on
> Tuesday. The crushing blow was the Delaware primary, where the
> Gingrich campaign had hoped to win a dramatic come-from-behind victory
> under the theory that only a couple of Republicans would actually vote
> and that they would be the same people who once nominated Christine
> O'Donnell for the Senate.
> Unfortunately, a whopping 16 percent of the eligible electorate showed
> up, way too big a crowd for the fragile Gingrich candidacy to
> withstand. This has been a terrible month for Newt. His campaign is
> millions in debt. His pet billionaire, Sheldon Adelson, seems to have
> deserted him. He was bitten by a penguin at the St. Louis Zoo. And now
> this.
> Did you ever notice how many of the Republican candidates seemed to
> have animal issues? Rick Perry shot that coyote, and Jon Huntsman got
> bitten by a goat — really, that was the high point of the Huntsman
> campaign. Also, Senator Rob Portman of Ohio, the veep front-runner,
> recently imitated a chicken on television. You will be hearing more
> about this incident because I think I speak for the entire national
> media when I say that we are planning to discuss possible Republican
> vice presidential candidates nonstop through the spring and summer.
> And the winner is the guy who drove to Canada with the family dog
> strapped to the roof of the car!
> "My guess is you'll see a dramatic difference in the youth vote this
> time — part of it is you have a younger, more dynamic Republican
> candidate," said a Romney surrogate, former Senator Hank Brown.
> Take that, young Americans. You can't find jobs because the baby
> boomers are never going to retire. The Republicans in Congress want to
> raise the price of student loans. And, in politics, 65-year-olds get
> to be the youth candidate.
> We are now in for six months of Mitt Romney versus Barack Obama, and
> with the polls showing the race to be very close, you could argue that
> it is going to be really exciting. Except for the fact that it's Mitt
> Romney versus Barack Obama.
> Ignore the polls, I beg you. It will just make you nervous and crazy
> for no good reason. When it comes to their political preferences, the
> American people are like a bunch of middle school students picking
> their best friend on Facebook. Do you know who one of the most popular
> political figures in the United States is right now? Hillary Clinton!
> Nearly two-thirds of Americans are crazy about Hillary Clinton, and
> only 27 percent view her unfavorably. Do you remember when she was the
> most polarizing name in politics? Do you remember when she lost to
> Barack Obama and we all said it was like the cool popular guy versus
> the hard-working student council treasurer? Barack Obama would kill
> for Hillary Clinton's favorability ratings now.
> Romney is now busy with a passel of closed-door fund-raisers in states
> like New Jersey and New York, which he will never, ever, visit for any
> other reason than closed-door fund-raisers. Newt's future plans are
> unknown. Perhaps he will go back to that great job he had before,
> getting $300,000 fees for his advice as a historian to corporations
> with big financial interests pending in Congress. And what about Rick
> Santorum? You can't spend the rest of your life not endorsing Mitt
> Romney. The only guy who seems to have his future plotted out is Ron
> Paul, who is apparently planning to continue running for president
> while we all ignore him.
> So many surprises to look forward to. What humanizing interchange will
> Mitt have with the public next? Will it be as good as the last one,
> when he insulted the cookies at a Pittsburgh community center? Will he
> win over the loser Republicans' billionaires? Their celebrity
> supporters? Rich guys are one thing, but Gary Busey will take some
> wooing.
> Will he ever release all his tax returns? Will he keep the Kid Rock
> theme song for his campaign? Have we ever had a presidential nominee
> who walks on stage to a song that seems to suggest he is "wild, like
> an untamed stallion?" When we did, would you have imagined it would be
> Mitt Romney?
> More:
> --
> Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
> Have a great day,
> Tommy
> --
> Together, we can change the world, one mind at a time.
> Have a great day,
> Tommy

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