Thursday, February 16, 2012

Re: Left-Right Paradigm is a Hoax

On Feb 16, 9:00 am, MJ <> wrote:
"Left-Right Paradigm is a Hoax. Both, Liberals and Conservatives are
Selling Out America
> By Chuck Baldwin
> February 16, 2012

> There may have been a time when the words "conservative" and "liberal" meant something, but that time is no more. Today, "conservatives" in government are doing as much to promote Big Government, as are "liberals." In fact, if one were to honestly evaluate the twelve years of the George Herbert Walker Bush and G.W. Bush administrations, one could say that "conservatives" even eclipse "liberals" in promoting Big Government. Under the two Bushes, the federal government expanded (and even exploded) to levels that for-real liberal Democrats could only dream about.

> Let's get realistic. Just because a politico says he or she is "pro-life," or "pro-family," or "pro-marriage," etc., does not mean that they are going to do anything to help save the country. Come on, folks; think! "

> Both "conservatives" and "liberals" look to the federal government to establish and enforce their parochial agendas. "Liberals" look to Washington for the establishment of "social justice," while "conservatives" look to Washington for the establishment of "military justice." The net result is the federal government keeps getting bigger and bigger regardless of who controls the White House, Congress, or Supreme Court.

> Ladies and gentlemen, face it: the left-right paradigm is a hoax! It creates false conflicts and masks true problems.

Not only does it mask the real problems, it creates and/or promotes
new ones that here-to-fore did not even exist for the purpose of
amplifying the control the 2 party dualoploy exert over us.

If the 2 party system was a corporation, they'd be broken-up for
monopolistic tendencies.

Within a short time of introduction; you can choose from 1000
different types of cell phones, ice cream, donuts, automobiles, boats,
airplanes, houses, books, computers, clothes, stores, doctors,
lawyers, dentists, stocks, cruises, ... in short, everything... of
which the real owners of the country (the rich) own already and want
to sell you.

So why we still stuck with a dominate 2 party dualopoly after 200

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