Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Obama Pays $5 Million Plus to Imams Who Praise Killing US Soldiers in Afghanistan


January 2, 2012, - 3:54 pm

HUH? Obama Pays $5 Milln Plus to Imams Who Praise Killing US Soldiers in Afghanistan

By Debbie Schlussel

How do you fight extremists on behalf of America? You fund them to spread the extremism and forget about the America part. At least that's the Obama way. And it continues. Yes, it's the new year on the calendar, but the behavior is same ol', same ol' with Barack Hussein Obama and his crew of dhimmis. Millions of your tax dollars are being spent in Pakistan to try to "unteach" extremism and turn people against jihad (by funding people who actually teach jihad – YAY!).

Huh??? Obama's "Moderate" Imams Get $5 Million Plus to Say Jihad Against US Soldiers in Afghanistan Justified

What these dummies clearly don't understand is that to do that, you need them to leave Islam, which preaches all these things–the extremism and jihad which are part and parcel of Islam–and at its heart–and cannot be separated out from it. And while the authorities at the State Department wasting your money on these silly DVDs know this, they won't dare admit that because that would admit that the problem is Islam, stupid.

Oh, and I almost forgot the BEST part! The money is going to "moderate" Muslim clerics to teach their people that jihad against American soldiers in Afghanistan is A-OK! This is brilliant. Obama's U.S. Ambassador to Pakistan said so.

Sultan Mehmood Gujar was a solid supporter of Islamist militants fighting in Pakistan, Afghanistan and India and even donated money to them, until he attended an innovative 40-day lecture series by a moderate cleric aimed at countering violent extremism.

The course, given to the public at an Islamic school in a hotbed of militancy in Pakistan, had a profound effect on the 46-year-old property dealer, convincing him the militants were wrong to claim they were waging holy war, or jihad, justified by the Quran, the religion's holy book.

"I was shocked to discover that what the militants were doing was against Islam," said Gujar, sitting on the floor at the madrasa in Okara city where the lectures were delivered. "Now I call them terrorists, not jihadis."

PUH-LEEZE. Does anyone believe that this jihadist didn't know what his religious leaders and their muhajideen were doing? And, suddenly, a lightbulb went on because of a magical lecture series paid for by the United States? If that's how it happened, he's either an incredible dummy and naif, or a complete anomaly. These people who support this crap know exactly who they are supporting and that it's their religious duty. Anyone who says otherwise is lying to them about Islam. Oh, and this "moderate cleric"–I wonder if he'll openly condemn Hezbollah and HAMAS and the Taliban. Don't bet on it. Thus, he's only "moderate" insofar as the "moderate" Muslims are the ones who cheer on the Muslims who actually perpetrate the terrorism. But read on, because he's not exactly being taught that jihad isn't okay. In fact, courtesy of U.S. tax dollars, he's being taught that jihad against American soldiers in Afghanistan is a great thing!

Fazal ur Rehman, the cleric who runs the 400-student madrasa, recorded each of the 2-hour lectures he and others gave this past summer and would like to distribute the DVDs to reach a wider audience. But he lacks the money.

The U.S. has created a new unit in Pakistan that aims to leverage such grassroots efforts by working with local moderates to counter violent extremism — the first of its kind set up by an American embassy anywhere in the world, according to U.S. officials here. The existence of the unit has never before been reported.

Yup, your tax dollars are probably going to fund yet more HAMAS/Hezbollah-supporting cretins, who will change very little of anything. Again, the problem with Islam is . . . Islam. It's not that someone is misunderstanding the "real" Islam. It's that they DO understand and follow the real Islam.

Rehman and other clerics attempting to challenge extremism in Pakistan recently met with U.S. Ambassador Cameron Munter in Islamabad, though the 50-year-old Rehman says he has not yet received support from the Americans.

Oh, don't you worry. They'll get it very, very soon. Anything to support this BS that Islam was hijacked by terrorists rather than the reality, which is that terrorists were hijacked by Islam.

The U.S. chose Pakistan as the site for its new venture because it is home to a vast network of Islamist militants who have been fighting U.S.-led troops in neighboring Afghanistan for over a decade and have even organized attacks on American soil.

The three-person unit in the U.S. Embassy public affairs section was established in July. It plans to work with local partners, including moderate religious leaders, to project their counter-extremist messages and push back against the militants' extensive propaganda machine, said U.S. officials.

It will use TV shows, documentaries, radio programs and posters. It also intends to ramp up exchange programs for religious leaders and public outreach to conservative Muslims who previously had little contact with American officials.

Oh, please. We've tried this a gazillion times before, always with abject failure. We've done Paki Sesame Street. We've done Al-Hurra and Radio Sawa. We've done the giving out candy and building roads BS. Has any of that stopped a single jihadist from blowing up U.S. troops or setting fire to Mumbai hotels and killing Jews at the Chabad House? This won't work, either. Again, the problem is not "extremist" Islam or this BS concept of "Islamists." The prob is Islam, stupid.

"There are a lot of courageous voices speaking out against extremism here in Pakistan," said Tom Miller, head of public affairs at the U.S. Embassy. "Our job is to find out how we can amplify those narratives."

Hilarious. The "courageous" voices are the ones who say, "Ahmed, don't let your son, Omar, set the bomb off. He has such a bright future. He should get an education and become a doctor so he can fund Faisal down the street and his whole contingent and send them all to 72 revirginized in paradise."

The unit is just now ramping up operations, said officials. It was funded with an initial budget of $5 million that officials hope will grow. Officials declined to provide details on specific programs they are funding or plan to fund, for fear that publicly acknowledging U.S. involvement would discredit their partners.

Um, it'll be a lot more than $5 million. How much you wanna bet that a good chunk of that will end up financing terrorists and their clerics?

Also, the militants are likely to strike back, as indicated by a recent trip the U.S. ambassador made to a madrasa in Faisalabad city to attend a meeting of moderate religious leaders who denounced suicide bombings and other forms of violence.

Militants responded the next day by calling the Muslim cleric who hosted the event, Yasin Zafar, and warning he could be killed. The call was from a member of Jamaat-ud-Dawa, widely believed to be a front group for Lashkar-e-Taiba, an anti-India militant organization, said Zafar.

"I was taunted for becoming a U.S. supporter," said Zafar. "I was told that I should be cautious because I may have provoked the Taliban."

Are we providing 24-hour security and bodyguards for these people as their whole towns come after them like the jihadist mobs that they are? If not, then fuhgedaboudit. Oh, and he's not so much of a "U.S. supporter, " as you'll see below. Unless, the SS were U.S.-supporters, too.

The ambassador's visit to the 900-student Jaamia Salafia was unusual because the madrasa teaches a puritanical strain of Islam followed by some Pakistani militant organizations, including Lashkar-e-Taiba, although Zafar said he does not support the group.

Ah, so his school teaches the most extreme strains of Islam in common with LeT, and yet he's our "moderate" Muslim. Yup, just as I said. Not so moderate at all. No surprise because, um, Jaamia Salafia (which means "comprehensive puritanical Islam"), the very name of the school, says it's a salafist, extremist place. Hellooooo…? That might have been a slight hint, but not to brain-cell-challenged Obamaniks. And just terrif that our U.S. Ambassador pays an official visit to honor this extremist Western-hating dogma. Hey, maybe he should visit a Klan meeting (or Ron Paul campaign headquarters, same thing) so that we can honor "moderate" Klansman David Duke, too.

The meeting's participants railed against American drone strikes, which are very unpopular in Pakistan, said Zafar.

Wow, sounds like this "moderate Muslim" pro-America stuff is a HUUUUGE success! And here's the MONEY QUOTE:

Islamic clerics who have met with the U.S. ambassador recently expressed hope they could steer Pakistanis away from militancy by explaining when holy war is justified. . . .

Zafar, the cleric who hosted the ambassador, said the insurgencies inside Pakistan and in the Indian-ruled part of Kashmir were unjustified. But he backs the Taliban's fight against U.S.-led forces in Afghanistan, a common sentiment inside Pakistan.

"Afghanistan was invaded, and the Taliban are waging jihad to protect their homeland, their freedom and their rights, so I recognize that as jihad," said Zafar.

(Emphasis added.) Frickin' hilarious. We're funding this guy who says it's okay for the Taliban to blow up U.S. soldiers in Afghanistan while they are building roads for these ingrates' fellow co-religionists there. Oh, and by the way, ya know when else holy war is justified? Whenever and wherever we find those evil Jews! Yes, this is where you taxes are going.

Happy New Year, suckers!



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