Monday, November 21, 2011

Re: Gingrich: The “smartest, most electable conservative in the race”

Republitards are like very fat people in this respect;

they think the can do rock climbing... but they can't
they think they can high kick... but they can't
they think they can ride micro motorcycle... but they can't
they think they can hang glide... but they can't
they think they can run cross country... but they can't
they think they can zip line... but they can't
they think they can fit into tiny cars... but they can't
they think they can trampoline... but they can't
they think they can do back-flips... but they can't
they think they can pole vault... but they can't
they think they can be an astronaut... but they can't
they think they can be in the military... but they can't
they think they can, they think they can, they think they can... but
they trust me, they can't

The point being, they think they can do a lot of things.
And they'll ask you, tell you, plead with you and promise you, that
they can...
but they can't.

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