Monday, November 21, 2011

Kerry attacks Mitt Romney as a flip-flopper

Kerry attacks Mitt Romney as a flip-flopper
by Philip Klein Senior Editorial Writer

Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., who came under fire during his losing 2004 presidential bid for shifting positions, on Sunday attacked his former governor in Massachusetts, Republican presidential frontrunner Mitt Romney, of being a serial flip-flopper.

Asked during an appearance on NBC's "Meet the Press" about whether President Obama would be able to beat Romney in a general election by pursuing a similar flip-flopper strategy as President Bush did against him, Kerry at first was reluctant to say anything. But then he ripped into Romney for taking inconsistent positions.

"There are few people I've met in public life who have changed on as many issues as (Romney) has," Kerry said. "Every major touchstone of American politics, from abortion to guns, to war, to God, to gays – you name it. So, people will make their own judgments about that."

Kerry also alluded to his own infamous quote  that he "actually did vote for the $87 billion before I voted against it," referring to an Iraq War funding measure.

"I was accused for voting once for one thing before another," Kerry said on Sunday. "I did it as a matter of principle. I said, if this bill doesn't have a plan about this war, then I would oppose it. So I opposed it as a matter of principle, and I'll defend that until the day I die. And he's going to have to defend his positions throughout this race if he's the nominee."

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