Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Ron Paul blasts Rick Perry

"This is a significant moment in the campaign, because Ron Paul has philosophical credibility to drive home the point that Rick Perry is not a true conservative or a legitimate libertarian. I have been predicting that a debate blowup is coming between Paul and Perry, and Paul's attack ad sets the stage."

Ron Paul blasts Rick Perry
By Brent Budowsky - 09/06/11 01:52 PM ET

Labor Day has passed. The campaign has begun in earnest. And Ron Paul has launched a philosophy bomb against Rick Perry, which will probably be followed by a money bomb and a debate bomb by Paul. As The Hill reports, Ron Paul is taking out ad buys in Iowa and New Hampshire for an ad blasting Perry for his staunch support of Al Gore in 1988, and comparing this to Ron Paul's early support for Ronald Reagan in 1976.

This is a significant moment in the campaign, because Ron Paul has philosophical credibility to drive home the point that Rick Perry is not a true conservative or a legitimate libertarian. I have been predicting that a debate blowup is coming between Paul and Perry, and Paul's attack ad sets the stage.

Labor Day has passed. The campaign has begun in earnest. And Ron Paul has launched a philosophy bomb against Rick Perry, which will probably be followed by a money bomb and a debate bomb by Paul. As The Hill reports, Ron Paul is taking out ad buys in Iowa and New Hampshire for an ad blasting Perry for his staunch support of Al Gore in 1988, and comparing this to Ron Paul's early support for Ronald Reagan in 1976.

This is a significant moment in the campaign, because Ron Paul has philosophical credibility to drive home the point that Rick Perry is not a true conservative or a legitimate libertarian. I have been predicting that a debate blowup is coming between Paul and Perry, and Paul's attack ad sets the stage.

Personally I think it's wonderful that Rick Perry was a strong supporter of Al Gore. But praise from me, for Perry's praise for Gore, is not the stuff that Republican nominations are made of!

Of course, the latest Perry opposes Gore, while the earlier Perry championed Gore, and the newest Perry claims to be a fiscal conservative, while the real Perry gobbled up Obama stimulus money, which the new Perry said he opposed, before the current Perry took the money!

The biggest story, in my view, is the pay-for-play Perry, who acts in the tradition of the biggest big-government believers by taking the Obama money and using it as leverage to auction off government programs and government posts to big donors.

Now Ron Paul is on the attack, and he has the credibility to pull it off. Remember Donald Trump was the polling flavor of the month once, as Rick Perry is today. Juicy media reports will be coming soon, as Perry is vetted. If Ron Paul ups the ante with more television ads in Iowa and New Hampshire comparing himself to Perry, and launches this offensive in the televised debates, the fur will fly and the polls just might change dramatically.

Remember where you heard it: Perry will self-destruct. The only question is how quickly -- and the Ron Paul offensive is a major moment in the campaign.

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