Qadianism/Mirzaiyyat/Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam has become quite a controversial issue. Muslims everywhere have strated campaigning against them. Pretending to be the Champions of islam and the only true Muslims, they are leading ignorant Muslims out of its fold. Is it a Movement of Reform within Islam as it claims to be? OR is it a Pious Fraud in the name of Islam? In 1988 Mirza Tahir Ahmad Qadiani, Head of the Ahmadiyya Movement and Grandson of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad, issued a challenge of Mubahila, in which he labeled the entire Muslim Ummah as Disbelievers and Liars. Syed Abdul Hafeez took up the challenge and set up Anti Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam. it is an awareness campaign to educate Muslims and non-Muslims about the true nature of this creed and bring to the light the true personality of its founder and his heretical beliefs, as depicted in his writings. It is an honour for me to assist Shaikh Abdul Hafeez in his efforts. |
The Anti-Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam is exclusively located here at Comments about specific articles are welcomed by the author of the article in question. Owner (Dr. Rashid) does not have to necessarily agree with the opinion expressed by other authors. For information about this site or requests for permission to host articles from this site, please contact Dr. Rashid. © Copyrights Anti-Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam, All rights reserved. |
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- Last Sermon of Holy Prophet SAAW | French Version
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- Finality of Prophethood by Syed A.A. Maududi
- The Problem of Qadianiyat by Syed Maududi
- Unanimous Fatwa of World Islamic League regarding Ahmadiyya - English | Arabic
- Fatwa of Gambian Supreme Islamic Council
- Pakistani Constitutional Amendments of 1974 declaring Qadianis as a non-Muslim Minority
- Descent of Hazrat Eisa Ibne Maryam according to Holy Quran
- His life
- His psycho-medical record
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- Fabrications and Lies Series
- Mirza and Yelash - by Fuad
- Where there is Messiah there is Dajjal
- Who is the God of Mirza?
- Is Mirza Qadiani really the Promised Mahdi or Promised Messiah?
- Qadianism - A Critical Study by Maulana Abul Hasan Ali Nadvi
- IS HE A MUSLIM ? - Some Beliefs of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad
- GHULAM's ISHQ-e-RASOOL - Myth or Reality?
- Who and What is Khatam un Nabiyeen? Another Qadiani deception exposed!
- False Beliefs of Mirza Qadiani by Lal Hussein Akhter
- How a Ghulam slandered his Master
- Scanned Images of Qadiani Books
- Analyses of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad and His Claims by Nuzhat Haneef
- Scanned images of Hayat-e-Nasir
- Common Doubts about the Qadiani Sect by Yusuf Smith
- Prophet or Hypocrite? (Urdu) by Raheal Ahmad (former Ahmadi)
- Ant Shunt (Crazy Talk) of Mirza by Raheel Ahmad
- Fabrications and Lies Series
- Is Ahmadiyya a cult?
- Membership Numbers
- Figures and Qadiani Fraud
- 5 Million Baith in 1999 - Myth and Reality - Part I | Part II by Prof. Munawwer Ahmad
- Qadiani hopes Dashed
- 2.5 new converts per second!!! Where are they???
- Another Fraud of Figures by Jamaat Ahmadiyya
- 3000 Ahmadis/Qadianis Embrace Islam in India
- Bait Fraud in Germany - An inside story
- Attempts to hide the truth
- Ahmadiyya, religious intolerance and terrorism
- Kill your Daughter!- orders the Ahmadiyya Missionary in Israel by Dr. A Odeh
- Deendar Anjuman - A hidden face of Qadianism
- Newspaper reports about Deendar Anjuman
- Religious Terrorism!Who are the Real Culprits?
- Ethics and Morality (and their opinion of other religions)
- All Muslims are Kafirs
- The New Role - Not so New!
- Ahmadiyya and Drugs
- Ahmadiyya and Sexual Promiscuity
- The Sexual Crimes of Ahmadiyya Heirarchy - Challenge to Mirza Tahir by AlHafiz B A Masri
- TWO in ONE by Syed Abdul Hafeez Shah
- Ahmadiyya Language
- Human Rights Propaganda and Jamaat Ahmadiyya
- Anti-Pakistani Threats
- Are Ahmadis really being persecuted in Pakistan?
- New Qadiani Conspiracy against Pakistan by Rashid
- An Open Qadiani Threat to General Pervez Musharraf nd its Rebuttal - by Gulzar Anwar
- Qadiani Leadership Escalatesby Amin Minhas
- Qadiani Conspiracy Exposed From Terrorism to Judicial Crisis - Weekly Takbeer's Special Report
- Qadianism & Allama Iqbal
- Snake in the Grass
- British-Jewish/Theosophical/Freemasonic/New Age connections
- Ahmadiyya Movement - BRITISH-JEWISH CONNECTIONS by Bashir Ahmad
- The Henchmen Of Europe by Bashir Masri
- Fact Sheets
- Miscellaneous
- Grave of Hazrat Eisa (Jesus) AS is not in Kashmir - collection of some books.
- Truth About Ahmadiyya - Flyer No 1, June 2011 - by Tahir Hussein
- Truth About Ahmadiyya - Flyer No 2, July 2011 - by Tahir Hussein
- 100 Red Buses - by Shahid
- Rebuttal by Illias Suttar
- Special Thanks by Illias Suttar
- Iqbal and Ahmadiyyat - by Tahira Parwez
- Book of the Century by Tahira Parwez
- Religious Adventurism in Islam by Tahira Parwez
- Hadi Ali Chaudhary Disgraced
- Waxen Wings by Gulzar Anwar
- The Divine Death Squad by Gulzar Anwar
- Caricatures
- Final Message to Mirza Tahir
- Unacceptable Conduct At Ahmadiyya Hospital in Gambia
- Obituary of Naeem Osman Memon
- Qadiani Khalifa Condoles the death of Queen's Corgi
- Islam vs Christianity by Ahsen Malik
- Profeesor Abdus Salam & Nobel Prize
- Letter of An Ex-Ahmadi to Mirza Ghulam - A Satirical by Shahid
- Sh. Raheal's Response to Janba
- 3rd Open Letter to Mirza Masroor (Urdu) by Raheal Ahmad (former Ahmadi)
- Report from Tanzania Part I | Part II by Sheikh Buzulu
- Grave of Hazrat Eisa (Jesus) AS is not in Kashmir - collection of some books.
- A Fracture in Belief - a video by Shahid
- My Story with Qadianism (English/Arabic)- Amjad Saqallawi
- Saudah Bagum of Birgingham UK leaves the Jamaat
- Life after the Cult by Shahid
- My Journey - From Kufr to Islam
- Another Ahmadi from London Jamaat Quits
- Qadiani Lady Embraces Islam in Germany
- Another Qadiani leader, THE NOTORIOUS TOMBMASTER, from US leaves the Jamaat and embraces Bahaism
- Statement of THE TOMBMASTER
- Statement of Muzaffar Ahmad denouncing Ahmadiyyat
- Ahmadi Poet Denounced Ahmadiyyat
- Ahmadi leader in Italy embraces Islam
- My Journey - From Illusion to Reality
- Ahmadi Family in Karachi embraces Islam
- Shaikh Raheel Ahmad
- Letter of Shaikh Raheel Ahmad to Mirza Masroor, Head of Jamaat Ahmadiyya
- Qadiani Leader in Germany embraces Islam Report from Daily Ummat
- Shaikh Raheal's Message to Qadianis
- Shaikh Raheal's Interview
- Shaikh Raheal's Message to Khatme Nabuwwat Conference
- Interview of Press Secretary of Jamaat Ahmadiyya
- Open Letter of Shaikh Raheal Ahmad to Mirza Masroor
- Another Open Letter of Sh Raheel Ahmad to Mirza Masroor (Urdu)
- Breaking News about Shaikh Raheel Ahmad
- Open letter to Mirza Masroor
- "I Realise Mirza was no Eisa-look-alike" by Brig. Ahmad Nawaz Khan
- National General Secretary of Jamaat Ahmadiyya Hungary left the Jamaat
- Why I left the Jamaat - by Prof. Munawwer Malik
- Albanian brother leaves Ahmadiyya Belgium by Rinol
- Why did I denounce Mirzaiyat? - by Lal Hussein Akhter
- 714 Qadianis Embrace Islam In Germany
- Escape From Rabwa by Usman Barry
- The Bane of Ahmadiyyatby Al-Hafiz B. A. Masri
- First Companion of Mirza Ghulam leaves the Jamaat
- Thus I left Mirzaiyat
- A Fracture in Belief - a video by Shahid
- Ahmadiyya alterations of the Holy Quran
- Deceitful Translations of Holy Quran
- Ahmadiyya alterations of the Holy Quran:
Alteration 1 | Alteration II | Alteration III | Alteration IV (View the original scanned pages) - Ahmadiyya distorts English translations of the Holy Quran
- Ahmadiyya's abuse of Muslim epithets
- Qadiani Funeral by Yousef Ludhianvi
- Qadiani debase the Kalima by Yousef Ludhianvi
- KALIMA in Ahmadiyyat
- Ahmadiyya in Indonesia
- The Prophecies of Mirza Ghulam
- Fraud of Eclipses or Eclipsed Fraud?
- The Fraud of Double Eclipse Ramadhan Parts: One | Two | Three | Four | Five
- Eclipses during Ramadhan by Dr McNaughton
- Article on Eclipses by Prof Alladin Qadiani
- Flaws in the Ahmadiyya Eclipse Theory by Dr. David McNaughton
- Comments on Eclipse by Dr. David McNaughton
- Flaws in the Ahmadiyya Eclipse Theory by Dr David McNaughton
- Jesus (AS) in Ahmadiyya
- The Myth of "Jesus in India"
- Much ado about Nothing by Gulzar Anwar
- Ahmadiyya alterations of the Holy Quran
- Final Rejoinder to Mirza Tahir by Yousef Ludhianvi
- Mubahila 94
- Mubahila 95
- Mubahila 97
- LATEST POSTMORTEM of Mubahila 88 reissued by Mirza Tahir in '98
- AlFatwa International 27 - Open Letter to Mirza Tahir
- Mirza Tahir finally accepts Mubahila 99
- Mirza Tahir afflicted by Paralysis after Mubahilla 99
- Notice given to Mirza Tahir for Lying
- Mubahila 2000
- Mirza Tahir and Mubahila
- Is Mirza Tahir under Divine Punishment? (external link to a Anti-Mehmoodi website)
- New guestbook - Lycos Guestbook was hacked and 300 pages of entries were deleted by someone who could not tolerate the record of their entries. This has resulted in loss of large amount of data. But truth cannot be hidden by such pathetic means. Please sign the new guestbook:
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Some Ahmadiyya Related External Links
- Immorality of Qadiani Khalifa
- Murder of a follower
- Story of the 3rd Khalifa
- Some books exposing the sexual orgies of Qadiani Khalifas
- Spanish Page of Dr. David McNaughton
- Spanish Translation of Exposition of Qadiani Eclipse Theory
- New guestbook - Lycos Guestbook was hacked and 300 pages of entries were deleted by someone who could not tolerate the record of their entries. This has resulted in loss of large amount of data. But truth cannot be hidden by such pathetic means. Please sign the new guestbook:
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Articles on this website are mainly written by Dr Rashid, who is the only spokesman for the Anti-Ahmadiyya Movement website. The sole purpose of this website is to create awareness amongst Muslims and non-Muslims, Ahmadis and non-Ahmadis. We believe in peace and love and denounced hatred or violence in any form. We have certain articles written by guest writers, who do not belong to the Anti Ahmadiyya Movement. These articles are included because their contents are in keeping with the aims and objectives of this website. Such authors may have written on other related or unrelated issues and including certain articles on our website in no way means that we agree with whatever they have written. Similarly certain external links are provided on this website, which again in no way means that we agree with everything that is published on those external websites.
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Fa AlHamdo Lillah'ala zaalik.
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Last Updated: August 13, 2011
© Copyright Anti-Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam, All rights reserved
--- On Wed, 7/9/11, madiha mubasher <> wrote:
From: madiha mubasher <>
Subject: Real Face of qadianis
To: "" <>
Cc: "" <>
Date: Wednesday, 7 September, 2011, 21:29Assalam-o-Alaikum to all!
Rashid sb aap nay kaha k 1974 main jaamate ahmadiya ko gher muslim qarar dea gaya tu janab ye b aik Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) ki peshgoi thee jo Allah nay ap logo k hatho say puri karwaie Hazarat Muhammad (SAWW) nay apni hadees Mubarak main farmaya "k aik waqt meri ummat pay aisa aye ga k meri ummat yahaudiyu say mushabihat rakhi ge aisay jaisay aik jota dosray jotay say mushabihat rakhta hai yahudiyu k 72 firqay thay or meri ummat 73 firqo main bat jaye ge siwae aik k baqi sb nari(jahanumi) hoon gay or un 73 main say 72 aik taraf or aik jammat aik taraf ho ge or wo 72 k 72 nari hoon gay or wo aik jammat jo ho ge sirf wo najat panay walo main say ho ge tu is par Sahaba Karam (R.A) nay arz kea ya Rasullaha hum us jammat ko kaisay pehchan paye gay tu Ap (SAWW) nay farmaya us jammat par wo tamam takleef aye ge jaisay is zamany main musalmano pay aye or wo jammat meray or meray sahaba karam k tareeq pay chalnay wali ho ge"Tu janab jb 1974 main conference hoe jis main ye faisla hona tha k jammat-e-ahmadiya muslim hai k non muslim tu us main ap logo nay khud 72 firqo k upar stamp laga kar kah dea k ye muslim hain or sirf aik jammat ko 73 main say alag kar k us pay stamp laga d k ye muslim nai bal k kafir hain or wo jammat jamat-e-ahmadiya thee tu yaha Hazrat Muhammad (SAWW) ki peshgoi lafz ba lafz puri hoe k 72 firqay aik taraf hoon gay or 1 aik taraf or wo 72 k 72 nari hoon gay or sirf wo aik naji yani nijat panay walo main say ho ga. Or is hadees main dosri bat jo ap (SAWW) nay famaie k wo firqa ya jammat wo ho ge jin ko wo tmam takleefien bardasht krni paray ge jo mjy pr meray sahaba karam ko is zamany main bardasht krni pari tu janab aj ap dekh lien k wo tmam takaleef kis ko bardasht krni par rahe hain us zamany main musalmano k namaz, azan, kalma, tilawat-e-quaran,tabligh or hajj krnay pay pabandi laga d gae thee or aj wohe sb kuch kis k sath ho raha sirf jamat-e-ahmadiya k sath hamari azano pay pabandi hai namazo par pabandi hai hum hajj nai kar sktay kalma nai parh sktay tabligh nai kar sktay tu yaha b ye peshgoi hum par he puri hoti hai.or dosri baat 1974 main jo conference hoe thee wo tu aik jang thee ap logo k nazdeek islam ki tu pir kyu us conference ki video aj tak ksi media pay nai dekhai gae kyu us pay pabandi laga d gaye kyu nai us conference main jo sawalat or bahas hoe thee kyu nai aj tak wo ksi news paper main publish hoe kyu usay chupaya jata hai ap logo nay kbi ye nai socha kbi ap logo main say ksi nay b us confernce ki video js main ahmadiya community ko kafir qarar dea gaya dekhi hai kbi ksi media k channel pay dekhai gaye hai kyu Govt nay us pay pabandi laga d agr ap wo video dekh lien gay tu khud sach jhote ap k samnay ajaye ga k kaya sach hai or kaya jhote agr hamari jamat jhoti hoti tu kbi wo video na chupai jati bal k sar-e-aam chalai jati sb ko dekhai jati itni bari islam ki jang thee usay kyu awam say chupaya gea?or gul sb ap nay pocha k hum log kyu ulma say manazra nai krtay ya challenge kyu nai krtay tu is ka jawab main ap ko da dun k hum par government ki taraf say pabandi laga d gae hai hum par ordinance jari kea huwa hai jo k General Zia-ul-haq k dor main lagaya gea hai k hum ksi kisam ka koi manazra ya tabligh nai kar sktay ap un hum par pabandi laga d gaye hai or na hum koi swal jawab nai da sktay hain agr ap log chahtay hain k hum b medan main aye or manazra karein tu Goverment of Pakistan say mutalba karien k wo is ordnance ko khatam karien or hamay b medan main utrnay ki ijazat dien akhir unhay is jammat say kis bat ka dar hai jo hum par pabandi laga d hai shayad is bat k agr ye jammat medan main utar aye ge tu jeet isi ki ho ge or log b isi ki traf khinchay aye gay ap log mutalba karein InshaAllah Jammat-e-Ahmadiya ka har fard manazra or challenge karay gay or har sawal ka jawab day ga hum sirf is hakim-e-waqt ki itaat ki waja say chup hain kyu k Khuda tala ka irshad hai k "Meri or Meary Rasool(SAWW) ki itaat karo or jo tum par hakam-e-waqt ho us k hukam ki pabandi karo" is bat ka gwah Khuda hai k haqm-e-waqt nay hum par zulm kea hamaray sath nainsafi ki or hum par pabandi laga d lakin ap log pir b kbi is jammat ko aisa nai dekhien gay k is nay Khuda or us k Rasool (SAWW) k ksi b hukam ko rad kea ho or ye video hai jo main ap ko dekhana chahti hoon jis main Hamaray jammat k head nay khula khula mubahilay ka challenge kea tha ulma or General Zia-ul-haq ko par afsoos un buzdil logo nay isay qabool na kiya kyu? ye ap log khud smj sktay hain
----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Haji gul ahmed <>
Sent: Tuesday, September 6, 2011 1:53 PM
Subject: Fw: Re: FW: **JP** Real Face of qadianis--
Mohtara Madiha Mubasher sahiba,
agar aap (ahmadi) appny aaqiday main sahih hain tu phir ....anjuman khatam nabuwat ky ulma say manazra kion nahin karty.....aur sach ko sach sabit kion nahin karty....... aur app logon ny 1972 sy ab tak "ahmedi is non muslim" ky qanoon ko challenge kion nahin kia????..... usy ghalat sabit kion nahin kar saky..... khatam nabuwat walon ny app ky khalifa tak ko challange kia howa hai ....tu wo pakistan aa kar is ka jawab kion nahin deta....... ?????????????
--- On Mon, 9/5/11, Abdul Wahid Osman Belal <> wrote:
From: Abdul Wahid Osman Belal <>
Subject: Re: FW: **JP** Real Face of qadianis
Cc: "Rashid Ahmed" <>
Date: Monday, September 5, 2011, 6:06 PM--
MULTI-LANGUAGE RESOURCE CENTERThe Qadianis are disbelievers, outside the fold of Islam and were instigated by British Imperialists in 19th century India. They hold that Ghulam Ahmad Mirza was a prophetThe anti-Ahmadiyya Movement in Islam: what is it about? Exposed: Prophet Isa, comparative analysis (Islâm, Christianity, QADIANISM) British Jewish Connection
(takes quite some time to load, it's a big file)Ahmadiyya: (why) is it a cult: Heretic Sect: Qadianism refuted
/Qadiyani/A simple way of looking at Qadianism Council for Protection of Finality of Prophet hood Chaar Yaar services's.htmIslamZine - sub: Dangerous IdeologiesOTHER MAJOR LANGUAGESBOSNIANFrenchIndonesianDutchMalayGERMAN NigerianOTHER LANGUAGES AVAILABLE UPON REQUEST
--- On Sun, 4/9/11, Rashid Ahmed <> wrote:
From: Rashid Ahmed <>
Subject: FW: **JP** Real Face of Amir Liaquat
Date: Sunday, 4 September, 2011, 17:21--Mohtara Madiha Mubasher aap ne kitni safaye se apni community ka zikar kr diya jaise koi kuch janta hi nhi on k bare me aap ki itla k liye arz hy k April 1974 me tamam Islamic countries aap logoon ko kharij us islam kr chuki hy es liye aap es kism ki emails send kr k logoon ko gumrah na karein or shaheed ka matlub aap ko pata hona chahiye k shaheed word sirf musalman k liye use kia jata hy na k non muslim k liye.So please es kism k email send krne se gurez karein.RashidSaudi ArabiaOn Sat, Aug 20, 2011 at 4:29 PM, hafeez rehman <> wrote:Dear
Its a fake video, you know now a days Graphic designer can changed voice like Dubbing, also can changed face on another person activities. Dr, Aamir liaquat left Geo because of its policies like pro india & against Nazaria Pakistan. Geo also support Qadianies. So Geo management is behind this fake videos.
HafeezOn Mon, Aug 15, 2011 at 4:10 PM, Maria Shaban <> wrote:
Assalam-o-alaikumCheck out the real face of Amir Liaquat Hussain (off-camera scenes) and watch his Tv shows.... what a hyporicy. He is hosting islamic shows, such as "Alim Online", "Sehar with Amir" etc. but off the screen he uses worst abusive language.He is basically Ahl-e-Tashi but pretends as a Sunni Alim.Farhan--
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