Wednesday, September 14, 2011

George Wallace vs. Rick Perry

George Wallace vs. Rick Perry
Posted by Laurence Vance on September 13, 2011 03:03 PM

George Wallace once said: "There's not a dime's worth of difference between the Republicans and Democrats." Rick Perry disagrees. Here is Perry in his book Fed Up!
I am a proud Republican. As frustrated as I am at many in my own party for their waste and incompetence, and as many good friends as I have in the Democratic Party, I am firmly convinced that there is no comparison between the two political parties in modern, twenty-first-century America. As I have said before, "Republicans often aren't on the right page­indeed, some aren't even in the right chapter. But most are in the right book. Most Democrats today, on the other hand, can't even find the library."

And what I mean by that is simple. Republicans, in general, believe in low taxes, low regulation, less spending, free-market health care, constitutionalist judges, protecting innocent life, enforcing our laws and borders, peace through strength, empowering the states, and generally advocating principles closer to limited government than not. On the other hand, most of my Democrat friends­unfortunately­generally believe in higher taxes, more regulations, more spending, government-run health care, activist judges, choice over life, open borders, capitulation to our enemies, a more powerful Washington, and generally a bigger and more active government than not.
The eight years of George W. Bush (over four of which had a Republican majority in the House and Senate) prove that this is a lie. What he should have said is that Republicans say they believe in low taxes, low regulation, etc. I will just mention three things: 1. Bush and the Republicans doubled the national debt. 2. Bush and the Republicans expanded Medicare beyond LBJ's wildest dreams. 3. Bush and the Republicans destroyed many thousands of innocent lives in unjust wars.

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