Sunday, September 25, 2011

Fwd: [DailyKos] 73% of GOP Voters Say Congressional Republicans Have Lost Touch With Their Base

A neander post from leftover spammer Jim Frye before the tea party sweep in 2010

And they are posting the same kind of stuff now too

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 22 Oct 2009 22:18:51 EDT
Subject: [DailyKos] 73% of GOP Voters Say Congressional Republicans
Have Lost Touch With Their Base

73% of GOP Voters Say Congressional Republicans Have Lost Touch With Their

Thursday, October 22, 2009

[Rasmussen has a well-deserved rep for being a GOP-friendly poll. This
one goes to show that you can only put
so much lipstick on the pig.]



President Obama told an audience at a Democratic Party fundraiser
Wednesday night that Republicans often "do what they're told," but
GOP voters don'
t think their legislators listen enough to them.
Just 15% of Republicans who plan to vote in 2012 state primaries say the
party's representatives in _Congress_
ional_republicans_have_lost_touch_with_their_base#) have done a good job
of representing Republican values.
A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 73% think
Republicans in Congress have lost touch with GOP voters from throughout the
nation. Twelve percent (12%) are undecided.
These numbers are basically unchanged _from a survey in late April_
) .
(Republican women are nearly twice as likely as men to say their
representatives in Congress have done a good job of representing GOP
values. Younger
voters tend to be less critical than their elders.
Thirty-one percent (31%) of likely GOP primary voters rate economic issues
as the priority in determining how they will vote, followed by 25% who see
national security issues that way. Fiscal issues are most important for
15%, while 12% cite domestic issues and seven percent (7%) cultural issues.
Nationally, 29% of Republican voters say former Arkansas Governor _Mike
ouch_with_their_base#) is _their pick to represent the GOP in the 2012
presidential campaign_
, while
24% prefer former Massachusetts Governor _Mitt Romney_
and 18% like former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin.
These numbers reflect an improvement for Huckabee since July when the
three candidates were virtually even. Huckabee's gain appears to be Palin's
loss as Romney's support has barely changed.
If the choice for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012 comes
down to a choice between Mike Huckabee and Mitt Romney, Huckabee _has a slight
edge among likely GOP voters_
In the eyes of the political Left, Palin is perhaps America's most visible
national Republican, but she _loses handily_
n_gop_match_ups_with_huckabee_romney) in face-to-face march-ups with
Huckabee and Romney.
Thirty-nine percent (39%) of Republican voters have a favorable opinion of
the party's national chairman, _Michael Steele_
have_favorable_view_of_party_chairman_steele) , while 27% regard him very
unfavorably. However, 35% don't know what they think of Steele.

"When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and
carrying the cross." -- Sinclair Lewis

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