Monday, September 5, 2011

Fwd: California Political News and Views 9/5/11

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From: California Political News and Views
Date: Monday, September 5, 2011
Subject: California Political News and Views 9/5/11
To: bruce majors <>

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Frank Discussion Not Lecture For Conservatives <>

SEIU Watch: Activities of Vicious Union Bullies--Pass it On <>
September 05, 2011, 04:06 AM
Here is an idea. Send the SEIU to Mexico and let them fight the drug cartels--not sure who would win that fight.

"•  In San Francisco, an SEIU mob attacked shopping mall security guards

•  An SEIU mob of about 50 protestors took over a bank headquarters in Pasadena, CA.

•  The union hired a marketing firm to launch a smear campaign against a Redding, CA, hospital using phone calls and mailed flyers, prompting the hospital to consider legal action.

•  A hospital in Los Angeles had to secure a restraining order to prevent an illegal strike threatened by SEIU Healthcare West. The threat alone cost the hospital a $90,000 non-refundable deposit on a $600,000 tab for replacement workers."

This is organized crime, not a union.  These folks are vicious and crazy.  Why is the SEIU allowed to operate?  We need an restraining order, like a gang injunction, so known SEIU members could not meet, talk, communicate or plan anything, together.  Two or more get together, to jail with them.  These are criminals, protected by government.
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Obama Democrats Try to Destabilize the Israeli Gov't <>
September 05, 2011, 03:58 AM
Barack Obama does not like Israel.  Remember, for twenty years he attended a church where the minister hated Jews and Israel and blame the Jews for every ill of the world.

"For about a month there have been protests in Israel demanding progressive-type social justice and a more equitable economy, but according to reports their exact demands were not clear, but their language certainly sounded familiar, kind of like what comes out of the Democratic Party camp in the United States. And for very good reason, the protests are AstroTurf, and planned by a prominent Democratic party strategist.

    According to an investigative report by Maariv's Kalman Libeskind, the protests were engineered by a group of media strategists who are directed by prominent Democratic strategist Stanley Greenberg, a former adviser to Bill Clinton, John Kerry and others. Greenberg directed the strategists to create a protest that was not led by one specific group, in order to create social ferment. An unnamed left-wing leader would eventually step into this ferment and take the reins, Greenberg predicted. "

Stan Greenberg is married to one of the most radical socialists in Congress--Congresswoman Rosa DeLauro.

Obama can not afford a free Israel--he has been clear--Palestine needs to be a State and Israel must obey.  Why do Democrats hate Israel and freedom?  Why hasn't the mainstream media made this a front page story?
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CalPERS Caught Lying to Retirees and Public--Again <>
September 05, 2011, 03:53 AM
We all know that government lies. It is in the DNA of government.  Normally, the lies are hard to find and the excuses made seem almost reasonable if you were not smarter than a fifth grader.  In he case of the unsustainable CalPERS--at least $535 billion worth of unfunded liabilities, it is embarrassing.

"But as of yesterday, Aug. 30, 2011, the "Total CalPERS Fund Market Value," according to its Web site, is $227.1 billion.

So, since the June 30 valuation of $237.5 billion, the Fund Market Value has dropped $10.4 billion, or 4.4 percent.

And the combined increase for the 14 months, July 1, 2010 to Aug. 30, 2011, is from $200.5 billion to $227.1 billion. That's a 26.6 billion increase, or 13.3 percent for the 14 months.

Annualized (making it for just 12 months), that comes to about an 11.4 percent rate. Not bad — if it could hold up.

But that 11.4 percent isn't anywhere near CalPERS' boast of "investment earnings of 20.7 percent — the highest return in 14 years."

Moreover, CalPERS remains far from making up for the $56.8 billion loss it sustained from July 1, 2008 to June 30, 2009. That was nearly a quarter of the fund's value evaporated in a single year."

Those in charge of CalPERS need to be charged like a bank president that lied about the profit and loss sheet.  These folks are trying to make fools of us all.  They hope they by the time this scam collapses they will be long into retirement and no one will care about their lies.

Angry Yet?  Why not?
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Labor Leaders Tell Obama: Stop Killing Jobs <>
September 05, 2011, 03:47 AM
You know Obama is in trouble when his owners, the unions, are complaining he is costing them jobs.

Obama is keeping his word--he is ending the coal industry and millions of jobs--coal miners, the coal industry and families and businesses that depend on coal for energy.  Just this one effort will put the United States in a Depression that will last for years--until the coal mines re-open.

"The International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers' Texas unit wrote the EPA June 16 on behalf of its 23,000 members. IBEW executive Jonathan Gardner warned that EPA red tape "would directly jeopardize the jobs of approximately 1,500 IBEW members working at six different power plants across the state of Texas." Gardner argued, "The shutdown of coal-fired units without any meaningful benefit to the environment is not justified."

This catastrophe unfolds well beyond the Lone Star State.

The 76,000-member United Mine Workers estimates that EPA-fueled power-plant closures could directly kill 54,151 jobs and indirectly destroy 197,140 others in America's coal, utility, and railroad industries.

In an August 1 letter to Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R., Alaska), Federal Energy Regulatory Commission chairman Jon Wellinghoff and commissioners John Norris and Cheryl LaFleur wrote that FERC examined "how coal-fired generating units could be impacted by EPA rules." FERC explained that this "informal, preliminary assessment showed 40 GW of coal-fired generating capacity 'likely' to retire, with another 41 GW 'very likely' to retire."

Thanks to Obama, conservatives and unions agree on one thing--President Obama is a job killer.
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Democrats Reward Criminals: Illegals Could Run CA Student Governments <>
September 05, 2011, 03:42 AM
Fresno State has already had a proud criminal as Student Body President.  This guy was so proud he went on TV, gave interviews and told others it is not so bad being an illegal alien.  of course he is a Democrat--and what does he do for them?  He has participated in registering voters--wonder how many were foreign criminals who live here illegally?

"Democrats in the Legislature are pushing a law through which would allow illegal immigrants to hold college student government offices. The students also could receive any grants, scholarships or other assistance that come with the jobs.

After three rounds of amendments since the bill's introduction on Feb. 17, included removing tuition from the list of financial considerations in the bill, the Assembly approved AB 844 Wednesday. The bill is by Assemblyman Ricardo Lara, D-Artesia.

"Student leaders are democratically elected by their peers and are entitled to equitable treatment for their service regardless of their legal status," he said. "These students pay student fees just like every other student, and thus, should be entitled to equal treatment."

This is a good reason for honest parents, with good kids to go to other States. Under Democrat rule, California criminals get scholarships and grants, while honest kids are not allowed into government colleges.
This is while their parents are paying taxes to subsidize illegal aliens getting an education that their kids can not get due to Democrat fiat.

Shame on us for allowing this. Will those harmed revolt against the State, the criminals and the Democrats?
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By Law: Washington Openly Wastes 10% of Gas Tax $$ on Liberal Frills <>
September 05, 2011, 03:32 AM
We all know that government is mismanaged, incompetent and corrupt.  Spending is filled with special interests being taken care of, unions paid off.

Now besides all of that money lost, we now know that gas tax money, by law, has 10% wasted off the top before the rest of the corruption sets in.

"Congressional Republicans may be opposed to President Obama's call for new infrastructure spending, but House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) is pushing an idea that he says would free up funds for critical transportation projects.
In a statement responding to Friday's disappointing jobs report, Cantor highlighted a proposal to eliminate a rule requiring states to set aside 10 percent of federal surface transportation funds for "museums, education and preservation." Scrapping that provision, Cantor said, "would allow states to devote these monies to high-priority infrastructure projects, without adding to the deficit."

We need roads more than museums paid for from gas tax money.  Education?  We already know the need for roads--why spend money on this farce?

Preservation?  The taxpayer is being made extinct by government policies that waste 10% of road money on fraud and special interests, off the top.

Cantor has the right idea.  We have plenty of money for basic government services--all we have to do is spend it honestly.
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Brown's jobs plan gives tax break to cable companies <>
September 05, 2011, 03:24 AM
Jerry Brown seems to dislike all businesses, big and small.  Yet one industry he tries to protect--the cable industry.

"In the jobs package that Gov. Jerry Brown announced last week, there was only one industry-specific tax break – to big cable companies.

The special provision would save cable companies – and cost the state – $83 million over the next three years, according to state Department of Finance projections. The legislation is doomed, however, because it requires two-thirds of the Legislature to approve it, and Republicans already have pooh-poohed it. But there's still the question of how the cable industry got a special deal.

The governor's proposal mirrors a bill by Sen. Kevin de León, D-Los Angeles, which would require companies to calculate their tax burden based only on their sales in California. Currently, multistate companies can choose the most beneficial of either a sales-only formula or one that considers sales, property and payroll. The sales-only approach, called the "mandatory single sales factor," is used by many states and was recommended by the nonpartisan Legislative Analyst's Office as a way to increase jobs and state tax revenue. Brown's proposal would use the extra money to fund tax credits for companies that hire new workers and buy manufacturing equipment."

Fox and CNN can afford to be treated like other companies in California.

Why the special treatment?  Follow the money.  "The industry has been good to Democrats. The trade association gave the state Democratic Party $179,000 this year, not to mention contributions to individual lawmakers. It gave the Republican Party $55,000. Comcast gave the Democratic Party committee $25,000 and also gave $30,000 to Oakland charter schools at Brown's behest."

Corruption has many faces, this is one--Democrat and Jerry Brown are corrupt--they took the money and now giving a break.  Angry yet?
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Further Signs of Collapse: Forced vacation use ordered at L.A. Times <>
September 05, 2011, 03:19 AM
LA Times is a newspaper about to collapse. Over the past few years they have fired hundreds of employees, lost hundreds of thousands of circulation, advertiser are not returning.  Rumors swirl about a major layoff, very soon.  Now the workers are told to take their vacation time or lose it.

"As of October 2, 2011, we will put into action a temporary freeze of vacation accrual and mandate the use of vacation days. Given that many of you have more than two weeks of vacation already accrued and the holiday months are traditionally a season when time off is scheduled, our hope is that this will be manageable and not create undue difficulty.

    Here are the details:

    · Vacation accrual for full-time employees will temporarily freeze as of October 2, 2011 and resume on December 25, 2011, which is when the first pay period of 2012 begins."

For a short period of time NO vacation will be accrued.  That could be extended.  They are trying to take liabilities (vacation time) off the books to make the newspaper look less disastrous.   Doesn't matter.  Folks who want to read government press releases, demand higher taxes and more government will continue to read the LA Times.  By the looks of polls--even Leftists labor people are turning from that model.  When the former head of UTLA--the LAUSD teachers union--starts a charter schools with very limited tenure, you know liberalism and the Times are dying.  A suicide in both cases.
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School bus service vanishing amid cuts <>
September 05, 2011, 03:10 AM
Except for those with physical problems, is it the responsibility of government and the tax payers to get students to school?  Of course not, except in the Ninny State.

"Officials for the San Francisco Unified School District ended bus service for hundreds of children this fall and will make further reductions over the next two years as the district cuts transportation expenses by 44 percent.

In San Diego, about 3,500 students returning to school this month will have to find another ride or switch schools becaus

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