Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Fwd: [grendelreport] Protection Options Against Black Flash Mobs For Citizens of Restricted States



Several listserv members from Massachusetts, California, New York, New Jersey and other gun rights restricted or very limited issue states have written about acquiring and carrying pepper spray, tasers (Thomas A. Swift Electric Rifle) and stun guns.  


Here's some useful information from my certifying instructor in Nevada:



With a "taser gun" you get one shot.. I believe there might be a model that offers two shots. They do work, and  are quite effective in putting bad guys down, but they have limitations:

  • the police version is 50k volts. The civilian version is half of that. Police have reports of some drunk, and/or drugged up subjects who don't seem to be affected by the taser and continue their violent behavior. The vast majority of those who are "tased" fall down and convulse. 
  • the electrodes are wired and tethered to the gun you are holding. In a crowd, these wires could be problem. 
  • both electrodes must hit and be injected into the skin body. If one misses, there is no circuit and no "stun."
  • the shot placement is important - the further apart the electrodes are from each other on the attacker's body,  the better. This "spread"  is not something you can really control.
  • the optimum range for using a Taser is 7 to 10 feet. More info here: http://stungunreviews.tripod.com/taser-vs-stun-gun.html

Stun Guns

Stun guns are an alternative, and they can be "fired" or activated many times before the battery needs recharging. They do require that you physically touch the attacker.  (Obviously, this is a serious problem for women. - J.L.) However, you can fire it off as a warning and it may serve as a strong deterrent.

Pepper Spray
Pepper spray is OK , but it can work against you, if the wind is blowing toward you. If you do carry pepper spray, get a big canister of "bear strength" product. The little units that offer a 1.5 second spray are OK against one person, but if you are trying to work your way out of a mob on the street , the bigger the better, I say.


If you're unfamiliar with the problem, read below.  (Consider the record of the Holder Justice Department for prosecuting black-on-white crime).



Excerpts from an AIM article on Racial Violence (Link below):


·         At the Wisconsin State fair, groups of black teens numbering anywhere from 25 to 100 "were targeting anyone who was white or appeared to look white," and beating them, according to the local police chief. At least 18 people were injured, and 30 have been arrested.

·         In Denver, couples leaving restaurants were being attacked by a group of black men with baseball bats.

·         A young white man named Carter Strange had his skull fractured by a mob in South Carolina. He was attacked at random while jogging.

·         A young white man named Dawid Strucinski was beaten into a coma by a mob in Bayonne, NJ.

·         Anna TaylorEmily Guendelsberger, and Thomas Fitzgerald were beaten to the ground and stomped in separate Philadelphia flash mobs.

·         "Every weekend in July," according to local news, "police have battled large, flash-mob beatings and vandalism" in Greensboro, NC.

·         In a mostly-white suburb of Cleveland, witnesses reported large groups of young blacks walking through the streets, "shouting profanities and racial epithets," and one man was viciously beaten while leaving a restaurant with his wife and friends.

·         A young white lady named Shaina Perry was taunted and beaten by a black mob in Milwaukee who remarked "Oh, white girl bleeds a lot."

The similarities among these attacks point to a trend: First of all, these are not run-of-the-mill crimes. They typically involve group attacks against defenseless, random victims who have no means to resist and did nothing to provoke their attackers. These flash mobs often stomp their victims even after they are down, as most of the news reports describe.

Then there are the racial similarities: The attackers are invariably black. Philadelphia's mayor conceded as much when he condemned flash mobs, addressing the rioters with the charge, "You damaged your own race." The victims are usually not black. Several qualifications are in order: It is clear that only a small number of black teens take part in these attacks. Blacks are more likely to be victims of violent crime than any other group due to black-on-black crime. Also, interracial crime is a fraction of all crime, and hate crime is an even smaller fraction of that. Nonetheless, these flash mobs are a social problem that needs to be addressed. If the races were reversed, we would be witnessing an outpouring of guilt of biblical proportions. Instead, the victims are white and we get an outpouring of ignominious silence. So far, precious few leaders in academia, politics, the legal system, or the media have spoken out directly against this troubling trend.

Far from being isolated incidents, violent flash mobs are part of an emerging social problem that turns the traditional story of American racism on its head. If opinion makers reported accurately about these flash mobs, most Americans would probably alter their views about racism and conclude that these flash mobs are the worst form of racial violence in our nation today. Not all of the flash mobs meet the strict criteria of a hate crime. However, they do represent a growing wave of racial violence.


The flash mobs in Chicago began with flash mob robberies in January when groups of teens shoplifted at three separate stores along Michigan Avenue. In February, Loyola University warned students and staffers about "flash mob offenders" stealing items from nearby stores. In April 2011, a group of 70 "youths" ransacked a McDonald's and "created a disturbance" according to a news report.

Then, on Memorial Day weekend, the cultural enrichment turned ugly. A witnesstold Chicago's NBC local affiliate that mobs of "animals," as the witness described them, "were being rude and abusive and throwing trash around and defecating…" Other witnesses reported that "gangbangers" were pushing people off their bikes.

In June, the attackers  showed up armed. In robberies on June 5, between eight and 15 teens boarded a bus without paying and "began hitting people," according to the Chicago Tribune. Three of those teens were charged with armed robbery, one with unlawful use of a weapon.

The most publicized flash mob attacks took place when five non-blacks were attacked in one hour by a pack of 20 teens on the North Side. As of June 13, Mayor Rahm Emanuel said that over 30 people had been arrested in the various mob attacks that month. Then, on June 14, the white 15-year-old was robbed at gunpoint by a group of blacks.

Not far away, the flash mobs could have reached an awful crescendo in Peoria. On June 24, a mob of at least 50 blacks teens were stopping traffic in the street, and "running wildly through yards and porches" in a quiet suburban neighborhood in what one witness described as a "show of force." Another witness says that a black teen yelled out, "We're gonna kill all the white people. This is our neighborhood." In this context, a reasonable reporter would be acting appropriately to include the race of victims and attackers in group attacks.





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