Tuesday, July 20, 2010

BP fixed the oil leak...now why aren't they pumping the oil out?

I'm also in agreement with someone (not here) that said that
particular oil deposit should be used to pay for the Gulf clean-up
with zero profits going to BP.

Now Admiral Allen is BS'ing for BP saying they can't pump any oil from
the 2 risers on the well head they put in place.
I believe he should be dismissed as incompetent.

There is absolutely no reason (other than legal concerns) why oil
can't be collected now. As a matter of fact, it would be preferable to
take the pressure off the pipe by collecting it instead of
"monitoring" the build up pressure in hopes that it will blow out
again....but it won't...other excuses will be made, count on it.

Who wants to kill the well?
Answer: BP.
Because they don't want anyone to know just how much oil flowed out in
hopes they will pay a lesser fine with fudged numbers.
And now it seems that the current admin is in on the BP BS lines.

Personally I think the government should claim either breech-of-
contract on the lease (I know it's not legally correct, but it's the
government and they can do whatever they want and get away with it),
or claim Imminent Domain and seize the well and let another contractor
run it non-profit.

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