Thursday, May 19, 2011

Re: Save America by kicking all political rituals in the ass!

Guten Abend From Köln  John!
I wish that we could get you back in the Republican fold!  With your energy, we could in fact make a difference, and clean our Party up!  Yes, electing the right indiviuals to local, State and Federal office is a major step in that process!

On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 4:53 AM, NoEinstein <> wrote:
A huge number of the naïve among us are probably supposing that the
USA can be saved if we can just elect the right President.  Our
Republican choices include those who have already sold their souls to
the lock-step rituals and the Pomp and Circumstance of Washington.
The same, typical, ego-maniacs, are content to form committees to
raise outlandish amounts of capital for waging months-long battles in…
the primaries.  None of those same presidential hopefuls have a enough
practical sensibility to see that pressing-the-flesh in as many states
as possible is more of a disqualification than a qualification to be

As many as 18% of Americans are unemployed or underemployed.  The rock
hard, leftist Democrats for Obama are projected to be able to raise
over a billion dollars to get that traitor to America re elected.  If,
as I've proposed, presidential candidates spend no more than five
million dollars on their campaigns, *** there can be, literally,
billions of dollars that can remain in the pockets of the voters,
rather than going to our close-to-universally-corrupt media.  A huge
plus will be the suspension of the unconstitutional, spaced-out
primaries that give the most power to the voters of Iowa and etc.
When the primaries are suspended, there will be no more
unconstitutional party conventions such as gave us our Manchurian
Candidate, Barack Hussein Obama of Kenya.  Once and for all there will
be an end to the unconstitutional political parties which have 'split
the USA down the aisle' for far too long.

Voters should have no trouble choosing good choices for President
based simply on televised debates and fairly-formatted candidate
interviews.  The entire election process should span no more than six
months, and the candidates can stay rested, rather than being frazzled
by the stupidity of jetting back and forth on the pretext of being
better able to… 'serve' the people of the particular state they happen
to be in better than he or she can serve the citizens of a dozen other
states where the same dull speech was recited before.

With "give-'em-hell" Donald Trump out of the race, I'm not sure there
is a single presidential hopeful wise enough and practical enough to
Kick the Ass of the Entire Primary System!  It only takes ONE brave
candidate to do that.  Simply say: "The primaries give inequitable
power to the voters in the early primaries.  That makes the spaced-out
primaries unconstitutional, as it does the party conventions that
follow.  Nothing in the Constitution allows quasi-governmental bodies,
like our political parties, to have ANY say-so whatsoever in how
governmental processes are run.  In a Republic, like the USA is so
clearly mandated to be, there can be no LEADERS in Congress!  Every
representative, regardless of how recently he or she was elected,
shall have identical voting power.  To call Newt Gingrich "Mr.
Speaker" is to create ROYALTY in Congress that was so detested by the
founding fathers.  George Washington rejected the idea that he should
be king!  And George Washington would reject the notion that Czars
under the control of the President can bypass the powers granted to
Congress alone.

Thus far, the "Ritual" of the Secret Service protecting the (gag)
President is preventing them from asking this simple question: Is the
'long form' birth certificate of Obama—which was posted on the
Internet in digital form—a LAYERED *. pdf file?  If there are LAYERS,
then, that document is a definite forgery.  I repeat: Is the 'long
form' birth certificate of Obama—which was posted on the Internet in
digital form—a LAYERED *. pdf file?  If the answer is confirmed to be
yes, as I and thousands of other computer-savvy American's know is the
case, then Barack Hussein Obama won't be running for President in
2012.   He may be wishing that he had run from this country on any of
those… family "vacations" that he took, checking-out the climate for
fugitives from justice from the USA.

Kicking the ass of the political parties by first one, then, most of
the candidates; and/or having the Secret Service get off of its ass
and serve the citizens of the USA, will set this country right,
again.  Nothing in the Constitution or in any Law requires the S. S.
to look the other way to a non bona fide "president" in the White
House.  Victoria Jackson, the cart wheeling comic, said it best: "…
though I sound like a mouse… there is a Communist in the White
House!"  When is someone who's in the media's eye going to demand that
our Manchurian Candidate President be hanged for treason?  Answer: ***
When they love America MORE than they love the failed rituals of
government.  Patriots, pray that that day will come soon.

Respectfully submitted,

— John A. Armistead —  Patriot

AKA NoEinstein on Google's sci.phyisics.

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