Tuesday, May 24, 2011

The poor and middleclass being systematically wiped out by Republican't Party

The Republican't message of;
1. No we can't.
But that only seems to apply to anything that isn't a war.

2. We are broke.
No they aren't... they've never been richer.

3. Jobs Jobs Jobs.
In Republican't speak that means "No jobs, or lower paying jobs"

4. Tax breaks for the rich.
Means they can invest more in other countries.

5. The rich pay all the taxes.
The rich also own everything in the US.
All the land, all the malls, all the businesses, all the everything.

6. We must end Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, Welfare...
... and most everything else the rich do not use so they can invest in
other countries cheap labor and social programs.

7. Deregulation
So that only the rich may know what is happening and profit from it by
taking the middle-classes money.


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