Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Re: Wringing-the-Neck of Empty Ritual.


I cannot belive you call me -- a voluntaryist/anarchist -- a socialist, yet you cannot see that Donald Trump is a full-blown socialist. Pay attention!


On 04/18/2011 08:48 PM, NoEinstein wrote:
Folks:  The following essay contains the first two articles of my New Constitution.  I'm copying it, below, so those looking in the present post can find it.  Hope you readers are having a great Spring!  Can Donald Trump "Fix" the Thin Ice that the USA is skating on?  The contrast is striking between the potential presidential candidacy of The Donald and every other might-be candidate mentioned.  For one thing, if The Donald says he can fix something—like our broke economy— you can damn-well take him seriously!  Some of you may recall that a certain new ice skating rink in New York's Central Park started leaking water and couldn't be used.  That work had been done by three or four labor unions with each one pointing the fingers at the other. After millions of dollars had been wasted on attempted patches, The Donald took over the entire job and had happy skaters out on that ice before long.  Every day when I realize how much labor unions of all kinds are effectively screwing the US economy and preventing our having a really 'free' free enterprise system, I think of The Donald.  He has been able to find considerable success working in the morass of labor unions and government regulations that are found in NYC.  That man THRIVES on being able to get the disparate powers-that-be to get the job done!  Part of the secret is his charisma.  But most of it is because he is a trustworthy man-of-his-word.  He makes sure that all those involved in a project realize just what their responsibilities are, and what they are expected to do if there are any glitches.  In short, The Donald is one of the top businessmen in the country of all time.  His executive experience probably exceeds that of the governors of most states.  Under him people do their jobs and do them well. Just having The Donald as the head man improves the quality of projects, because it's an honor just to be associated with one of his projects!  Obviously, Donald Trump is politically conservative.  But he doesn't owe-his-soul to the Republican Party like most of his would-be rivals do even without realizing that they do.  The USA has been hamstrung trying to avoid looking like a colonialist aggressor every time we 'invade' other nations to help the oppressed. The reason oil fields get set on fire is because those people suppose we are there… just for their oil.  By destroying the oil, they believe we will simply go away.  The blind-leading-the-blind in our government think that the USA has the financial wherewithal to finance long wars, and will have enough wherewithal remaining to rebuild the busted infrastructure of the invaded countries; train the new armies; and care for those "poor" people till they are back on their feet.  All of that is being done like forced charity from the big-hearted American People whose standards of living keep dropping, because of the explosion in the size and the over-control of our government.  If The Donald can get us trillions of dollars worth of oil to repay the American Taxpayers for our sacrifices, I'll vote for him!  Some good news is that Republicans now have trillions of dollars in 'possible' budget cuts that might save this country.  The bad news is that those takes-too-long-to-happen cuts will still leave the never- should-have-been-there-in-the-first-place entitlement programs being run by government.  After the nearly 15 years that I've spent penning and polishing my New Constitution, I have better than average ideas how to fix our government, fast.  The following 5 things aren't written into the New Constitution, but are of fundamental importance:  1.  Get our government out of the entitlement business!  Privatize Social Security; Medicare; Medicaid; and Unemployment Insurance, etc. Like the Republicans are now planning to do, protect those now in programs from being hurt who are close to retirement.  But unlike Republicans, once and forever, get the USA out of managing the entitlement business!  If government pulls any of the strings, things will start getting bad again, soon.  2.  Inform China and our other creditors that the USA will not be paying them any interest on their loans.  We will repay the principal, but only when doing so won't jeopardize our recovery.  3.  Bring home 90% of US troops within 90 days.  Leave 10% of the troops in bases around the world to serve as a front guard in case redeployment is necessary.  4.  Stop wasting billions and billions of dollars on political campaigns!  That money is going into the pockets of the media.  Those media rascals salivate over the ad money they generate by "talking up" how 'close' the elections are going to be.  Britt Hume, though a conservative, keeps pumping air into Obama by talking about the money Obama can spend (waste!) to get re elected.  Barack Obama is a cash cow for the media.  That's why no one in the media will call the majority of Democrats CROOKS!  5.  'Fat cats' should stop being wimps!  Government has become no- longer-legal STEALING from the supposed rich to give to the poor.  The Democrats talk about how Republicans are wanting to give tax breaks to the wealthy while denying women medical screenings.  Republicans should be talking about how "Democrats are criminals for seeking stolen benefits for themselves and other criminals!"  Be it known:  1.  The Constitution does NOT allow political parties!  Those are quasi governmental bodies which get to decide who our candidates for public office can be, and decide who "the leaders" in Congress are. Because our country was conceived as a Representative Republic, such fact tacitly mandates that each representative shall have identical power!  Seniority nor party affiliation can give more power to ANYONE!  2.  The US Senate is an UNCONSTITUTIONAL oligarchy of elitists who effectively have been running-the-USA-into-the-ground since the birth of this nation.  Senators aren't determined by having a parity of the population which they each serve.  Though the Senate was begrudgingly included in the 'words' of the Constitution, it has never been within the SPIRIT of the Constitution!  3.  The principle of FAIR representation makes it UNCONSTITUTIONAL to allow the State of Iowa to have more "power" in determining who our candidates for President can be.  And by the same general reasoning, it makes the entire primary system UNCONSTITUTIONAL, because the states with earlier-dated primaries always have the most influence in determining who can run.  4.  Political party conventions are UNCONSTITUTIONAL, because those are "governed" by the unsanctioned and UNCONSTITUTIONAL rules of the UNCONSTITUTIONAL political parties!  5.  The principle of fairness makes it UNCONSTITUTIONAL to allow any individual or group to have more influence on the outcome of an election or referenda than one-person-one vote.  That criminalizes entertainment or media celebrities who use their influence to garner votes for any candidate.  And it makes any group—such as labor unions— who seek more 'power' than could ever be manifested by just their members' votes, criminals.  Labor unions and other unconstitutional group influences, effectively, have been blackmailing candidates by implying… "You vote for 'us' or you won't get elected."  Since the latter is a SUBVERSION of the Constitution that shifts the par of power away from individuals and toward specific groups, the leaders of such groups are guilty of TREASON!  6.  The principle of fairness makes it UNCONSTITUTIONAL to give equal time to discuss any socialist idea!  Since socialism and communism aren't fair, then it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL to allow democrats to represent anyone in Congress!  7.  Because socialism and communism are UNCONSTITUTIONAL, it is similarly UNCONSTITUTIONAL to allow a "President", like Barack Obama— who has been masquerading as president—to remain in the White House! And it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL for our taxpayer-financed Secret Service to give that socialist-communist bastard protection, when they should be arresting Obama and everyone on his White House staff for TREASON!  8.  The principle of fairness makes it UNCONSTITUTIONAL to allow the US Supreme Court to decide any issue in lieu of citizen-approved legislation!  And it is UNCONSTITUTIONAL for any President to nominate justices who share socialist-communist ideals—like both of Barack Obama's nominees do.  9.  The principle of fairness makes it UNCONSTITUTIONAL to continue to use the now-outmoded Electoral College System for determining who our President and Vice President can be.  There shall be ONLY a single, national popular vote tally!  If such had been used in 2008, Hillary Rodham Clinton would now be President.  As it is, she will be fighting- for-her-life for accepting bribes from Obama for "her support" in exchange for… 'vice president' or 'Secretary of State'.  Hillary's glowing endorsement of Obama at that UNCONSTITUTIONAL 2008 Democratic Convention is a big part of the reason we now have an OVERT TRAITOR to the USA residing in the White House!  10.  It is UNCONSTITUTIONAL for any state government, such as Arizona, to defer to the rules, regulations, or judicial decisions of our obviously corrupt Federal Government.  The Constitution, both in its spirit and by the 10th Amendment gives states the RIGHT to run things within their borders, when the federal government has obviously run amuck.  That includes arresting Barack Obama for TREASON the next time he bounces down the stairs of Air Force One!  The Donald impressed me when he said he will run as an independent (if not a Republican).  My New Constitution MANDATES that all candidates be disassociated from any political party!  The candidates won't be narrowed-down in UNCONSTITUTIONAL primaries.  Read the following to understand how it will be done:  "Article 1:  Section 1 & 2:  Legislative power shall be vested in the House of Representatives.  Members shall be Citizens at least 25 years old who have been residents of their respective states for 7 or more years and for the entire year prior to election.  Except for military service, a representative shall not have held any full-time public office nor government employment, nor shall he or she be sponsored by a political party.  Representatives' districts shall have clearly defined, regular- shaped geographical boundaries drawn without regard to the race, creed, age, nor political ideology of the residents therein. Boundaries may be redrawn from time to time, but the number of representatives shall not exceed 500.  When vacancies happen in the representation from a state, the executive authority thereof shall issue writs of election to fill such.  The House shall choose its speaker and other officers without regard to political affiliation, seniority nor ideology.  With the assent of 33% it can impeach and try impeachment.  With the assent of 67%, it can convict and remove the one tried from office, who is still liable and subject to other lawful indictments, trials, judgments and punishments.      Representatives shall be elected to two year terms by the vote of the People of their districts on the first Tuesday in November of even number years, and shall fairly represent all blocs of their electorate, or face expulsion.   The House shall meet at the same times and for no less than three months, nor more than six months of each year, except that in times of war or internal crisis, such time may be extended on a monthly basis with the assent of 60% of the members.  No House member shall serve more than 10 years in office, but existing representatives with 6 plus years in office may seek one additional two year term beyond the initial two year grace period allowed for all existing House members.  Section 3, 4 & 5:  The House shall judge its members on the appropriateness of their districts' boundaries and population thereof, and shall enumerate and fairly adjudge members' qualifications without discrimination due to sex, race, creed, nor political ideology.  The House makes the rules for its proceedings, punishes disorderly members, and with the assent of 60% can expel a member for a violation.  But no rule shall be made that concentrates power in any individual(s) beyond his or her one vote.  55% attendance is a quorum.  Those present may compel absent members to attend, or penalize non attendance.  Written, audio and video record shall be made of all House proceedings.  Master records shall not be destroyed, and copies shall be made readily available to any Citizen for a nominal fee.      House salaries shall not be increased for the present term. Except for military service, no representative shall hold other civil office nor government job—local, state nor federal—while being a representative, nor hold such office or job during an interim period prior to seeking re election.  Representatives shall not intentionally communicate with any news medium whose coverage area is predominately outside of their home district.  Nor shall they, or any government official, cultivate a media personae, or make petty public speeches, introductions or comments lauding any person, living or dead, nor any civil or private projects or those responsible.  Comments to media by representatives or government employees shall be germane to pending legislation, or to the exercise of their jobs.  The media shall not solicit public officials' opinions over those of the People.  The American Flag shall be red, white, and readily discernable blue.  Only when the President or Secretary of State are addressing the nation or appearing before or receiving foreign dignitaries shall the American Flag, bunting, or flag-color drapes be used as a backdrop.  No other public official nor candidate shall use such.  Flags shall not be displayed in or outside of government buildings other than: public schools, post offices, military bases, memorials, the White House, the Pentagon, and outside of the Capital or other government seats.  Use this public oath: "I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Democracy-on-demand Republic for which it stands.  We're One Nation of individuals who champion fair play, maximum civil liberties, the Right of Self-determination, and having an efficient, unobtrusive and deferential government."  Governments aren't graders of performance, style, art, design, history, nor social significance, and shall make no law, proclamation, stamp or other acclaim recognizing any persons, organizations or events in history. Public officials shall make judgments within their expertise or shall poll unbiased experts, or the Citizens, and defer to the opinions of such.      The federal government's only revenue tax shall be a single item tax of the individual states and territories, in total, not to exceed 15% of the previous year's gross national product.  The tax rate shall be uniform for states in proportion to the total population of each state, but may be adjusted downward for territories, only, if such receive greatly reduced services.   The House authors bills of revenue, but no increase in federal taxes on the states shall be made without 55% of the voters so approving on election day, and no increase beyond 15% of the previous year's gross national product shall be allowed without an amendment to this constitution ratified in a referendum by 75% of the People voting.  Accounting methods for determining gross national product shall be consistent and un tampered- with for any purpose of tax increase.  Government shall function within its means, without an inflationary over-printing of currency. The stated rate of return on government guaranteed bonds, and/or tax exempt bonds, shall always be—at the time of purchase—15% lower than similar non guaranteed, or non tax exempt bonds in the private sector.*  The House shall author bills of appropriation within budget; in addition, the President shall have Line Item Veto power on all such bills, except if overruled by a 60% vote of the House.  12 years from the adoption of this New Constitution, and following a successful two year test in two or more states, taxation in the USA shall be changed to sales tax only—at a maximum conglomerate rate per annum of 35% of the GNP—home food and medicines excluded.*  Section 6, 7 & 8:  The House shall have the power to collect taxes, customs duties and user fees that are due from the states and territories, with the proviso that user fees shall not be applied to major areas of government services so that the total cost of federal government exceeds 15% of the previous year's GNP.  Additionally, the House shall have the power to: regulate commerce with nations, among states, and with Indian tribes; coin money and set the value of such, and of foreign money; set standards for weights and measures; punish counterfeiters; establish uniform rules of naturalization, but specifically excluding destitute persons seeking jobs and benefits at the expense of local, state or federal governments or the Citizens; establish uniform laws on bankruptcies; establish post offices; create tribunals inferior to the Supreme Court; punish piracies and felonies committed at sea, and offenses against the laws of nations; declare war and appropriate money for such, but for no longer than two years; grant letters of marquee and reprisal and make rules concerning capture; raise, support and maintain the Army, Navy, Marine Corp., Air Force and Coast Guard, and make laws regulating such, as well as the militias to uphold the laws, suppress insurrections and repel invasions; provide for organizing, arming, disciplining and governing those parts of the militias employed in the service of the USA—but each state selects its militia officers.      With assent by the apt state legislatures, the House may purchase property for, and have continuous authority over, all needed forts, magazines, arsenals, dockyards, and buildings.  The House determines fair, maximum sentences for federal crimes, and defines and imposes reasonable, uniform sanctions for non criminal violations of federal rules and/or procedures.  The House shall make laws as necessary and proper to execute the foregoing powers, and all other powers vested by this New Constitution of the United States of America to any department or office thereof.      Unless public safety is jeopardized, the right to writ of habeas corpus prevails.  No law shall favor the ports of one state over another.  Ships going to or from a state shall not be obliged to enter, clear, or pay duties in another.  Laws of appropriation shall precede withdrawal of treasury money, and an accounting report shall be published quarterly.  No office holder, without House assent, shall accept any present, emolument, office or title from any king, prince, person, group or nation.  No state shall: enter into a treaty, alliance, confederation, agreement or compact with another state or nation; grant letters of marquee and reprisal; coin money, emit bills of credit, or use anything but gold or silver coins or other legal tender controlled by the USA for the payment of debts; pass any bill of attainder, ex post facto law, nor law impairing the obligation of easily understood, non-coerced, signed contracts; grant any title of nobility, nor engage in war unless invaded or in imminent danger of such.  Without House assent no city, county nor state shall lay tariffs, imposts or duties on goods or tonnage transported to or from such, but if apt, nominal inspection fees may be charged.  With House assent the federal government may collect reasonable and prudent tariffs, duties and imposts on international shipments.  No city shall require obtaining a business license before allowing a business— located outside of that city—to transport goods into such city. Except as allowed elsewhere in this constitution, there shall be no taxes, fees, licenses or other payments that are prorated based on income or personal property; nor taxes on the free transfer of estates to rightful heirs and/or assigns.  Without a signed sales order coerced, baited or unsolicited goods are free to the addressee.  Any bank billing such goods shall pay the addressee $25.00 per instance. Persons profiting from scam; confusing promos, advertising or contracts; trickery; high-pressure sales tactics; continuing charges for difficult-to-cancel, no longer desired goods or services; or any other willful dishonesty are committing a felony.  It is a 5 year felony to dictate or authorize—for undeserved gain—the dunning, threatening or extorting of any Citizen.  Banks or businesses that loan or sell on credit shall not discriminate, nor punitively vary charges, interest rates or fees.  Section 9 & 10:  Other than the President or his agents, no person, news medium, organization, group, their envoys, or any lobby, within government or without, shall be allowed to contact representatives while such are in Washington.  However, invited persons or groups can make scheduled depositions provided they don't communicate with the representatives otherwise.  A representative's constituents shall be allowed to contact them for the purpose of influencing their votes only while they are in their home states or districts. Representatives shall regularly contact their district offices or return to their districts to be informed of the wishes of their constituents, and their constituents only, and shall be held accountable for the representativeness of their votes.  The solicitation of Citizen support is permitted, but the targeted solicitation of representatives in any place, by any person, organization, group, or lobby within government or without, is prohibited.  Overt solicitation, feting, or laudatory ceremony, as above, is a felony—defined as any crime requiring a minimum three year prison sentence, but time off for good behavior is allowed.  It is unlawful for representatives to intentionally reveal affiliation with any political party or political activist group, whatsoever, and unlawful for representatives to assemble in such groups, or in pro or con factions, for the purpose of gaining persuasion over any vote. Such restrictions shall not be construed to limit open debate on the floor of the House or in any committees.  At risk of civil action, no person nor group shall use political or pseudo-political labels to classify any candidate or official.  Representatives shall be seated randomly regardless of their voting history and ideology.  Bills shall be sufficiently short in length and focused in subject matter so votes on such can be indicative of the representatives' true positions. Putting unassociated, disparate items into a bill to influence the passage of the whole or its parts is prohibited.  Representatives shall not be polled concerning issues up for a vote, nor shall Citizens be polled prior to any election on their support for any candidate, amendment, or referendum item.  It shall be a felony to take, or to disseminate, the results of any such poll.  But representatives shall poll those law-abiding Citizens within their districts who are most affected by any bill, and defer to the results in voting.  No release of projected election or referenda results shall be made until all polls have been closed one hour.  Votes taken on bills are final.  If there is less than a 55% yea vote, as below, no revoting on a bill, unless first substantially changed, can be taken for two years.  Passed bills that are constitutional become law, but when possible, laws shall be probationary for one year to allow more Citizen input—with no disfavor being shown toward such later input.  Laws shall be revoted and expunged if new information shows such to have been poorly conceived, or contrary to the Will of the People—especially the law-abiding Citizens most affected.  Officials not honoring the latter or acting counter to the will of or not in the best interests of their electorate shall be removed.  Except for elections or referenda, secret ballots shall not be used in governmental nor judicial proceedings, and no part of any official public meeting shall be held in private.      No bill shall become law without at least a 55% affirmative vote.  All laws on the books shall indicate vote of passage.  Laws passing by fewer than 60% of the representatives shall automatically expire every four years, but the House shall vote before such expiration date to determine if such laws are to continue in force. The casting of votes in the House shall be by a means that is simultaneous, representative specific, and secure.  Article II:  Section 1:  Executive power shall be vested in a President of the United States of America.  Candidates for President shall be Citizens born in the USA who are at least 35 years of age.  With the exception of the incumbent President and/or VP—if eligible and seeking re election—other candidates shall, within ninety days of the date of filing as a candidate for President, have obtained the endorsement of a min. of 25,000 confirmed registered voters knowledgeable of such candidate's qualifications.  The 3rd Tuesday in July, voters of all the states and territories shall reduce the field of presidential candidates to 8, with the incumbent Pres. & VP to be included in such number, if applicable.  The 3rd Tuesday in October, voters shall reduce the field to four, with the incumbent Pres. and VP not automatically included.  The 1st Tuesday in November, each voter selects their 1st & 2nd choices—points 4 and 3 respectively.  The President and Vice President Elect receive the highest the 2nd highest total points.      If a President is removed from office, resigns, dies, or is unable to discharge the required powers and duties, the Vice President becomes President.  Then, the new President nominates a V. Pres. who, with 55% House ascent, takes office.  A President unable to discharge the required powers and duties shall notify the House Speaker in writing that the Vice President is the Acting President for up to four days, at which time—if the House concurs by a 60% vote—the Acting Pres. becomes President in 21 days, unless during such time the President has regained capacity to perform his duties.  The Order of Succession to the Presidency is: V. Pres.; Sec. of State; then, in descending order, the most senior House member who had a career in the military.  A President's salary—their only pay from the states or the USA—shall not be changed for that term.  The President's oath of office: "I solemnly affirm that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States, and will, to the best of my ability, respect, uphold and defend the New Constitution of the United States of America."  Section 2 & 3:  The President shall be Commander-in-Chief of the Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, Coast Guard, and of the militia of the several states when such is called into the actual service of the United States.  He may require the opinion in writing of the principal officer in each of the executive departments on any subject relating to the duties of their respective offices, and he shall have power to grant reprieves and pardons for offenses against the United States, except in cases of treason.  He shall have the power to make treaties, provided 60% of the House concurs.  He shall nominate ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, justices of the Supreme Court, and all other officers of the USA whose appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by law, but the House may by law vest the appointment of such inferior offices as they may think proper, to the President alone, to the courts of law, or to the heads of departments.  The President can fill vacancies that occur during House recess, by commissions that expire at the end of their next session.      The President shall give the House information on the state of the Union, and propose measures that he judges prudent.  He may convene and adjourn the House when he thinks proper.  He shall receive ambassadors and other public ministers; take care that laws are faithfully executed; and commission all officers of the USA.  Section 4:  The President, Vice Pres., representatives, and civil officers of the USA shall be fired if they are convicted of a high crime or felony, or if they willfully violate any provision of this constitution.  Such person shall never again hold public office.  It is a felony for any of the latter to use public services, departments or resources for their personal purposes above what any Citizen can use.  No representative shall be transported nor boarded at public expense without House assent.  It is a felony to give or receive money, gifts, travel or board germane to an issue presently up for vote in the House, or knowingly, which might be voted on in the foreseeable future; or for a government official to defend unlawful acts that they or anyone they know has committed or expects to commit by targeting any Citizen or group for an investigation or suspicion of wrongdoing, or by denying to any Citizen(s) full civil and constitutional rights.  Law enforcement and the judiciary shall not favor wrongdoers—within government or without—over a plaintiff or Citizen seeking justice, and shall keep the latter up-to-date on an investigation's progress.  The former have no authority to act in the support of wrongdoing or corruption in government and shall suspicion such requests by anyone in government at personal risk of a similar penalty.  It shall be a felony for any government official, celebrity or media idol—past or present—to publicly endorse or campaign on behalf of any candidate for public office or job.   Exhibiting ideological bias in a government job terminates the employment. Candidates for public office shall be disqualified for soliciting new voter registrants; and no campaign shall aid or organize the transportation of voters to the polls."  *** Folks, the MAJORITY of what is being done by our government in Washington is UNCONSTITUTIONAL, according to the Ideals of the Founding Fathers!  Over the past 14 years—with every sentence that I wrote—I asked myself: "What would the Founding Fathers think about what I'm doing?"  Each time I did, I could sense the applause and smiling faces!  This one sentence summarizes the SPIRIT of both the original Constitution and my New Constitution: "Fair play and democracy shall have supremacy in the USA!"  Long shall the USA survive and prosper!   Respectfully submitted,   — John A. Armistead — Patriot  AKA NoEinstein on Google's sci.physics news group.  Those who are interested are invited to read my book: "The Shortest Distance; Harmony Through Prosperity."  Such is available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble.  On Apr 15, 10:21 pm, NoEinstein <noeinst...@bellsouth.net> wrote: 
Stay tuned, People!  Tomorrow I will write you another essay explaining why the "ritual" of most of our political-governmental processes are either unconstitutional, wasteful of economic resources, or otherwise stupid.  —  John A. Armistead —  Patriot  On Apr 14, 10:44 pm, NoEinstein <noeinst...@bellsouth.net> wrote:        
Like me, the readers must be busy with spring buying and fix-up.  The present discussions will affect the fortunes and the liberty (happiness) of your grandchildren.  There won't be any more fortunes and little liberty if the US economy goes down-the-tubes.  By adapting my New Constitution, the survival of the USA will be assured!  — John A. Armistead —  Patriot 
Those interested are invited to read my book: "The Shortest Distance; Harmony Through Prosperity" (Amazon and B. & N.).  I'm thrilled that the word 'prosperity' is being mentioned more and more as a cure for our ailing economy (Capitalism over socialism).  That book explains the 'build-up' to my writing the New Constitution.  Simple things can turn this country around!  And none of them involving conducting... business-as-usual in Washington!  Trust me, Folks!  I know what I am doing.  99.5% of those in Washington are clueless! 
On Apr 11, 2:36 am, NoEinstein <noeinst...@bellsouth.net> wrote: 
Mark:  If you could, and would, read my document with an open mind, there is nothing injurious to ordinary citizens.  Stalin didn't give a damn about ordinary citizens (or soldiers).  He killed them by the millions.  Are you saying that my New Constitution will harm ordinary citizens?  Ha, ha, HA!  Then you can't read, for sure!  — J. A. A. — 
On Apr 10, 7:25 pm, Mark <markmka...@gmail.com> wrote: 
I prefer to call it what it is.... Stalinesque. 
On Sun, Apr 10, 2011 at 4:30 PM, Jonathan Ashley < 
jonathanashle...@lavabit.com> wrote: 
So you are trying to eliminate celebrities who have an opinion that differs from yours. How fascist of you! 
On 04/10/2011 01:53 PM, NoEinstein wrote: 
No, Jonathan!  Celebrities in the media and in entertainment simply can't voice their opinions or political preferences in any MEDIUM. The man-on-the-street doesn't get hours a week to talk about how great Barack Obama is, the way Oprah Winfrey did.  Barbara Walters, a celebrity, made no bones about the fact she supported Barack Obama. What in our "Constitution" gives high-paid celebrities the right to have more influence on the outcome of elections than the man on the street?  As soon as Jay Leno or David Letterman make one joke about a candidate for public office, they will immediately be fired or their network closed.  Politics is NOT about entertainment, nor is it a game with 24-7 play-by-play coverage with commentary and prove-nothing polls.  Those who would like our government to be run the way the People say, rather than the way those who publicly endorse a candidate say, should rally behind my New Constitution—a document for the people!  —  J. A. A. — 
  On Apr 9, 1:01 am, Jonathan Ashley <jonathanashle...@lavabit.com> <jonathanashle...@lavabit.com> wrote: 
You have once again shown that you have no interest in freedom, but instead want to dictate what others can and cannot do. 
That you believe celebrities should have less right to voice their opinions smacks of fascism. Or am I misinterpreting what you mean when you state, "Entertainment celebrities, like media celebrities, have a 'following' which would be cesseptable (sic) to vote like the celebrities vote. The (sic) means celebrities would have more influence at the poles (sic) than the man-on-the-street (sic).  Of course, that shift of power runs counter to principles of fair play and democracy." 
Please explain to the world what "principles of fair play" means and why someone who is a celebrity will not be allowed to "play" in your world. 
And, John, you'd better do it fast. I think your time on this forum is about up. 
On 04/08/2011 09:07 PM, NoEinstein wrote: 
 Jonathan:  Entertainment celebrities, like media celebrities, have a "following" which would be cesseptable to vote like the celebrities vote.  The means celebrities would have more influence at the poles than the man-on-the-street.  Of course, that shift of power runs counter to principles of fair play and democracy.  The 1st Amendment says: "... the freedom of a fair and pro-democracy press or other medium".  Having a pro-democracy press means that no one like Mark is allowed to push socialism nor communism. His threatening me because I correctly peg him as anti-America, would shut down Google, if Google didn't FIRE Mark, post haste!  ï¿½ J. A. A. � 
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