Sunday, March 20, 2011

Re: Right Wing Email Misinformation

No, Bruce. You own everything. Just you and your ilk get to own shit because you really get it and people like me don't. Go ahead. Let's see where your "I earned it so it's all mine" philosophy takes you. You think I fear that? I welcome it because I know it can't work in practice.

And btw, the male lion, the so-called "king of the jungle",  doesn't even eat unless the females do the hunting. Also notice that within a pride of lions, not every member hunts yet all partake, dick face. Also notice it's a "pride" of lions, a group species. If lions failed to cooperate on food they would devolve into a solitary species like bears who can't or refuse to cooperate in regards to territory or food which is what you and your ilk would have us devolve into. Put simply: Lions fucking share and maintain group cohesiveness and increased group survival chances. Bears don't fucking share, have little to no group cohesiveness and lower individual and species survival chances.

So save your little ego-infused rebuttals for someone of your own debating skills. You don't even understand that contained in your own words "I keep what I kill" is the philosophy of the very parasite you despise. You admit you need to be a parasite to survive. Taking wealth by force that you didn't earn and have no right to take. And yet you want others to afford you some kind of special treatment.

It is very easy for me to win this debate with you. In fact, I already have. But you are so dumb it is practically impossible to get you to see you've lost.

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