Saturday, March 19, 2011

Fwd: Stop the EPA!

A message to all members of Smart Girl Politics

Smart Girl Politics Action currently has a petition asking the EPA to prohibit the banning of antibacterial chemical, Triclosan, based on the far reaching implications this banning may have on thousands of products and businesses.

Triclosan has been used in thousands of products since the early 1970s.  We took this issue on not so much for the antibacterial elements, but for the fact that while there is little information about Triclosan, much of it comes from the same sources (environmentalists). In fact, the FDA is set to report their findings on a two year study of Triclosan next month.  Why hold a hearing before this report? Our end goal was simply to slow down these decisions until all of the information is conclusive.

For example, recent studies have actually shown that a Triclosan wash can be used to fight MRSA. (That is just one, but there are others) One of only a few possible options for fighting this drug resistant infection. It has been used in toothpaste for over 30 years to fight gingivitis.  Also, Triclosan is used in many plastics such as trash bags, toys, etc. which are not directly consumed.  The purpose of its inclusion in these products is so that bacteria does not grow on our toys and in other areas of our home.  Are there risks to this use?  We simply don't know because there have not been adequate studies done on these uses.  Shouldn't we have these answers before we ask thousands of companies to pull products and redesign products that currently contain Triclosan?

We also fear that while today it is Triclosan, we do not see an end to the consumer products being investigated by the EPA.  Where does it end?  Next in line is the Cosmetic Safety Act which would kill small businesses and put heavy burdens on many others in this industry. Many times items are banned before the public ever realizes they were on the chopping block.  We want to ensure that all research is concluded and submitted before a complete banning.

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Great article on the issue recently by The Daily Caller

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