Sunday, December 5, 2010

Fwd: [I-S] "Thanks Julian!"

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: kevin b


Very few Americans will read the documents. MSM will focus on a few
that seem to fit their lefty agenda, and that is what Americans will hear.
Probably most Americans are not even aware of what this is about,
and by the time of the election those who were aware will have forgotten.
This will not torpedo Hillary, this was a military leak, not a State Department

Sounds to me like Wheeler wrote this while slightly inebriated.

On Thu, Dec 2, 2010 at 4:10 AM, Beowulf <> wrote:





Written by Dr. Jack Wheeler   

Wednesday, 01 December 2010

I can't believe how much fun this WikiLeaks hysteria is.  All kinds of normally sane people absolutely going berserk-o, publicly demanding the perp involved, an Aussie named Julian Assange, be assassinated or tried for treason and executed.

How to respond to such totally over the top lunacy except to say Whiskey Tango Foxtrotting Foxtrot?  Maybe there will be items to emerge out of the quarter-million "secret" US diplomatic cables that will justify the anger - but so far, the stuff that's been released is great.

We'll soon discuss why in detail, but first let's talk about the huge debt of gratitude Sarah Palin owes Julian Assange.  All you Palinistas out there - and I'm one - should shout Hallelujah for the enormous act of public service Assange has performed.  He has single-handedly obliterated - as in nuked - Hillary Clinton's chances for the White House.

Everyone in Washington knows Zero is a one-termer.  Sarah would clean his clock in 2012 - just as would any conservative GOP candidate.  But the reality is that Sarah would lose to Hillary.  HRC is a far more formidable Dem candidate than Zero.  Should Zero pull a LBJ and not run, or should she challenge him in the primaries, she would win the nomination - and the presidency.

Not any more, for that analysis is so yesterday.  "The greatest foreign policy disaster in US history" has happened on Hillary's watch.  Any chief executive would have to fire her, and Zero needs a scapegoat in any regard.   Her political career is over - finita la musica, the Clinton's music is finished.  Thanks, Julian.  

And there's more to be thankful for.  Zero can scapegoat Hillary all he wants, but this "greatest foreign policy disaster" is his.  As Washington wags are already saying, this is Zero's Katrina - times ten.   So we get a two-fer here.

The astounding irony of it all is that the WikiLeaks cables dis-confirm the conservative view of Foggy Bottom as infested with leftie wimps.  They reveal a State Department refreshingly on America's side.  Take the cables about Turkey's Islamist leader Tayyip Erdogan (air-doh-wan).

The cables eviscerate Erdogan as anti-American pro-radical Moslem bad news.  They are brutally honest about Erdogan's corruption, anti-Semitism, and motivation for Turkey joining the EU:  to spread Islam in Europe and "avenge Turkey's defeat at the siege of Vienna in 1683." 

Erdogan took pains to denounce the US Embassy cables as "all lies."  How's this for compounded irony?  He made this statement to reporters in Tripoli, Libya, where he is today, December 1st, receiving the
Gaddafi International Human Rights Award.  Previous recipients have been Louis Farrakhan, Hugo Chavez, and Fidel Castro. He's in appropriate company.  Our diplomats are speaking the truth about Turkey's government.  How is revelation of this an American foreign policy disaster?  It should be a Turkish one.  "America can not be trusted," rages a Turkish government official.  No, Turkey run by Islamist Ottoman nutballs cannot be trusted.  It's good for the world to know this.  Thanks, Julian.

It's reassuring to know that our State Department doesn't trust the folks who run the United Nations any more than we do and is spying on them.  Cool.

It should be reassuring to sane people everywhere that our diplomats refer to Iran's Ahmadinutjob as "Hitler," have contempt for Hugo Chavez ("he's turning his country into another Zimbabwe"), question the mental health of Argentina's Eva Perón-wannabe Christina Kirchner, regard Italy's sleazeball president Silvio Berlusconi as a stooge and puppet of Vladimir Putin, are trying to get China to abandon North Korea, and fully support CIA drone and US Special Forces attacks on Taliban/Al Qaeda terrorists inside Pakistan.

This is not, of course, to say that the US Diplomat Corps is composed of closet conservatives.  It is to say that thanks to WikiLeaks, we learn that Foggy Bottom is not nearly as bad as we thought.  President Palin's Secretary of State, John Bolton, will have something to work with and build upon.

Frankly, folks, this is reassuring.  I've marveled at all the outrage and bombast over WikiLeaks' "Cablegate" brouhaha, and enjoyed immensely seeing pin-striped opinions of world leaders in print:  Sarkozy is "thin-skinned," Bolivia's Evo Morales has cancer in his nose from snorting coke, Libya's Gaddafi has a Ukrainian mistress with big mariachis, et al.

Far more significant, though, are the confirmations of what we knew or strongly suspected - such as Arabs being immensely more concerned about Iran than Israeli settlements

From what's been released, there is a complete absence of Arab interest in the plight of the Palestinians and the "peace process" of screwing Israel to placate them.  What Arabs really care about is the crazies in Tehran not getting nukes. 

All in all, WikiLeaks' Cablegate has been a stimulating Reality Bath, and quite hygienic for world diplomacy to take.  The world can certainly benefit from less hypocrisy and more honesty.

Further, it's simply wonderful that Cablegate has happened to Zero.  Talk about a damaged presidency.  So much for The One restoring America's prestige lost by the hated Bush.  Thanks, Julian.

What a salubrious scandal.  Enjoy it with a good glass of Merlot and a good sense of humor.


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