Sunday, December 12, 2010

Fwd: FW: Manning Up

Subject: Manning Up




My sympathies have grown for Julian Assange over the past few weeks, and somewhat by transitivity for Bradley Manning. They seem to have mainly released "secrets" that many members of the ruling classes around the world are sex addicts, embezzlers, or afraid of nuclear armed Iranian theocrats. (So they aren't all bad!) They grew more when I learned that they are using police power against Assange, NOT because his publication of these secrets broke a law, but because he "raped" some of his own fans in Sweden -- and then it turns out that "rape" there in bizarro world PC Scandanavia means continuing to have sex after a condom breaks and not getting an STD test when your former (and seemingly stalkerish) sex partner demands you take one.


So I am coming to agree with Congressman Ron Paul that rather than shutting down WikiLeaks what we need are: fewer things classified as secret; fewer people with security clearances; fewer incompetent administrations that do not guard secrets well; and a WikiFed or WikiObama or WikiCongress to release all the hidden machinations of the Federal Reserve System and the Congress and White House.


Currently governments are trying to shut down WikiLeaks and many sites are offering to mirror WikiLeaks and keep the documents published on the internet. Here is my proposal.


In the past some SETI related project hosted at Berkeley had this software you could download on your PC that used your CPU when you were not using it, to process signals recorded from radio telescopes and look for patterns to find intelligent life. I had it downloaded on my old PC and it produced a fun screen saver showing bar graphs and such of its own progress as it processed the interstellar noise.


I wonder if any of our libertarian cyber mavens can make a version of this for us all to host WikiLeaks.


Though many of the points about how the real crime here is the failure of the U.S. government to manage its own secrets have been made by various pundits, some otherwise usually trenchant news commentators have gone off the deep end.  My sometime heroine Ann Coulter wrote a column in which the WikiLeaks affair is seen mainly through the lens of Bradley Manning's homosexuality (Ms. Coulter goes on to list the many homosexual spies and traitors in Anglo-American history, though she stops short of proving that Julius and Ethel Rosenberg's marriage was just for show.)  I guess we can let Ann have a pass on this one; after all, it was likely that time of the month.


But to follow Ms. Coulter's provocation, let's just  be as gay as possible, and use as our guiding metaphor the series finale ol "Buffy, the Vampire Slayer"  where Willow (Alyson Hannigan)  invokes the Goddess and casts a spell that makes all girls who are potential slayers into real Slayers simultaneously, so there is no longer only "one (who) into each generation is born."


Technologically empowered decentralization and transparency. So one of you do it or I will be forced to call ITT and go back to school.


Additionally, I think all those libertarians and others with BAs and MAs in economics and statistics and such should Manning Up and burrow in as moles, taking jobs at the Federal Reserve, the Treasury, the IMF etc. And then grab documents and make them public.  Let there be an army of Slayers.


Last weekend I listened to Monica Crowley on the radio observe that the administrations (like Obama's) than can't manage their secrets are a more serious problem than Bradley Manning's disloyalty to his employer (and such disloyalty must be viewed in the context of whether the employer was committing crimes).  This week Rush Limbaugh observed that the Leftovers were calling Assange a whistle blower until he embarrassed Hillary and Obama, and now he is a terrorist instead.


(Maybe some software millionaire will fund this?)




The distributed software I have seen is:


The most generic version is


Julian Assange is interviewed at


The fabricated nature of the rape charges against Assange is discussed at


Glen Greenwald's background on Bradley Manning's document theft is at


Ann Coulter's extended imploding/boomeranging homophobic joke is at





A friend of mine replied with this:

As someone who worked in the "intelligence community", I can state with absolute certainty that gay Private Manning could NOT have had access to most  of the information attributed to him  Thus he becomes yet another scapegoat even though he is willing to take "credit" for his work.  Much more likely the information came from several of the various warring camps of Hillary vs. Obama in Foggy Bottom or the WhoreHouse.

I completely agree that many "State secrets" are classified to protect the guilty from being revealed as the fools that they are throughout the "Military/Industrial/Congressional" complex ( the term Eisenhower actually used before his advisors scratched the "congressional" from his farewell speech.)  Most of our "allies" such as NATO nations are no different than their predecessors in Europe going back to WWI. Inept, unreliable, stupid, and willing to hand the Islamists the keys to the future by importing millions of them ready to slit their throats in return for a new generation of workers to support the bankrupt socialist states.

But revealing true secrets such as those which allow our sworn enemies to kill legitimate allies in the war against Islamofascism (aka "the war on terror" ) is not helpful to those of us who think we need to fight the criminals who blow up innocents, as well as their supporters such as the Saudi kleptocracy. But with a Justice Department that is a corrupt as a Banana republic dictator's Ministry of Law, the acolytes of Holder are shitting their pants knowing that the truth might come out, which is why they have done nothing since Assange announced his war on the USA.

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