Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Re: Republican Déjà Vu

So you concern is ONLY that a majority have an "R" next to their name?
You give two shits whether they do as they campaign?
You give two shits whether they pass the same socialistic legislation?


The record of the 105th Congress, Republican controlled in both
houses, is an abomination.  Spending is up.  No major program or
agency has been significantly cut, much less eliminated.  The tax
code is more complex than ever, loaded down with new
conservative social engineering initiatives.  The balanced-budget
agreement is an excuse not to cut taxes and, with the 'surplus' an
excuse to increase spending.  The GOP has seemed intent on
federalizing every crime on the books, indifferent to the
Constitution's clear direction that crime is a state and local
responsibility….The federal government is a machine designed to
increase its control over the lives of average Americans.  It is
constantly probing here, pushing there, and generally increasing its
control.  Without a philosophically sound, constitutionally based
political party opposing that process, it is going to continue to do
so with impunity.  The philosophical leadership vacuum at the top
of the GOP should be a source of major concern to all
freedom-loving Americans.
-- Edward H. Crane

Pardon me while I yawn.

Three pages of whining does not a yawn make.

Too funny

Try to recall republicans help both houses for 12 years.  You just
lasted four, and the senate is a GOP gimme in 2012.

Some yawn

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