Sunday, November 28, 2010

Re: Obama fascism continues DHS Starts Seizing Websites

    How are you going to stop the illicit use.  The Bit Torrent program does not have a way to check whether the use is illicit or not.  The only way to stop that is with something like the DRM(?) that was supposedly being used to stop stealing music and videos.   How far are you willing to go to stop this.  If  you do it to the extent that you essentially disable any form of bit torrent downloading then you are essentially disabling a lot of people who are trying to share the load so that all can get the programs they need.   Alternatively you can put something in the copyright modules  and then have the torrent programs check that but that will only stop those who are trying to download things that someone has gone to the trouble of copyrighting and does nothing for those who have not done that yet.  There has to be a balance between what you are willing to give up and what you are not and what the govt is trying to do negates your choices there.

On 11/27/2010 03:07 PM, Keith In Tampa wrote:
Hey Dick (And CW!)
I agree, there are a lot of legit purposes for P2P software;  I actually downloaded the BitTorrent Program today, because here recently, I have been utilizing another program to share info between computers here in Tampa, D.C. and in Germany. 
I'm not knocking the software or the legitimate purposes.   I read the BitTorrent creator's blog/web page this morning;  and he offers BitTorrent for free.  Again, great software!
It's the illicit use that I personally take issue with...It's not that I am getting my panties in a wad over the use of downloading media that is copyrighted....I don't make any judgments on those who do it, if in fact that is their cup of tea.  I don't do it, and as you and others know, I don't allow for copyrighted material to be posted to any group or web site that I am managing or moderating.   It also was not my intent, and I  didn't mean to sound, "Holier Than Thou";  my apologies if I came across as an asshole!!

On Sat, Nov 27, 2010 at 2:32 PM, dick thompson <> wrote:
    I use Linux as my operating system.  When I download a Linux distribution I use the bit torrent module to do the downloading so that I can share the server space with a lot of others who are also downloading the modules.  That is all bit torrent is, just a method to download and share space with others who are downloading the same modules.   Very common methodology especially with people who are all downloading the same files.  That way we all get a chance to share the load.

On 11/27/2010 01:32 PM, Cold Water wrote:
Generally the servers are located far off our shores.  TPB - Sweden, the Demon - Russia etc.  I am something of a torrent pioneer (I remember when all files were rared because only smaller packets could be sent) and I must say Ernesto (Torrent Freak) is something of a hysterical fairy.
----- Original Message -----
Sent: Saturday, November 27, 2010 01:23
Subject: Re: Obama fascism continues DHS Starts Seizing Websites

Agreed Bruce!
And to answer your question, I don't know that they ever did.  Notice that the Congress and ruling class of America are current exempt from the unreasonable searches by Johnnie Napolitano and crew....

On Sat, Nov 27, 2010 at 12:32 PM, Bruce Majors <> wrote:
I only perused Michael

What I would like to know is how we know a website seized and shit down by DHS was seized for this reason?

Courts and legislators no longer seem to make decisions; bureaucrats do.

When did the Congress formulate or review any of Napolitano's current scanning and frisking procedures?

On Sat, Nov 27, 2010 at 12:28 PM, Keith In Tampa <> wrote:
Hey Bruce,
I had to go and look up BitTorrent....Actually, it's just a new, improved P2P  file sharing software mechanism, and looks to be pretty legit.   It's free, and has a multitude of uses, all for the good.
I do have mixed emotions regarding the use of such software however....There are many individuals and entities that  utilize the software for illicit purposes, and therein lies the problem. How do you stop folks from downloading copyrighted materials?  
When Napster first came out, (and actually, in lieu of Napster, I used a software program called, "WinMx" which I thought was better than Napster and a lot of the other P2P programs and sites, because those had malicious softtware, malware and adware configured within the programs)  I was guilty of downloading a number of copyrighted media;  predominately music from the 1970s and 1980s.  
Having said that, I don't do it anymore, and it is not the "deterrent" aspect of the huge lawsuits that ASCAP, BMI and others in the recording industry have brought forth,  but instead, utilizing the P2P software to download movies, music and other copyrighted intellectual property is literally stealing.   We are nothing less than a thief if we are downloading copyrighted songs, movies and media that is recently released, "For Sale"  products.   
Therein lies the conundrum.....I have no use for DHS, and I don't know why this particular government bureaucracy is involved in this, but again, there has to be some stewardship by some entity to cause the theft to stop!  
I'm all ears Bruce, how would you propose that this illicit activity of stealing music and movies be, "Policed"??

On Sat, Nov 27, 2010 at 11:42 AM, Bruce Majors <> wrote:

ME Dont know whqat to think
 about this ??
Mike Flynn

Another Homeland Security Overreach:

 DHS Starts Seizing Websites

The always interesting Business Insider has this report:

The Department of Homeland Security's ICE has launched a major crackdown on websites enabling copyright infringement or selling counterfeits of trademarked goods. In just the past few days ICE has seized at least 12 domains, TorrentFreak reports.

All of these domains now display the image shown here.

Okay, so each of the domains seized is probably breaking the law. Knowingly violating someone's copyright is rightfully against the law. I don't know anything about these sites, but, for now, I'll assume they were selling knock-off goods as the real thing and not as some kind of faux Louis Vuitton. Still, this part of the article bothers me:

The owner of an affected site told TorrentFreak that his domain was taken over without any prior complaints or notification from the court.

So, the sites were seized before the site's owner heard any charges or had the chance to submit any counter evidence in court. The owners of the sites had their property seized without being allowed to defend themselves. I successfully avoided law school, so I don't know the exact legal term, but this strikes me as an overstep in their enforcement authority.

But, the article begs an even bigger question: What the hell do fake Guccis have to do with homeland security?

I can appreciate that trafficking in fake goods and music piracy inflict substantial economic harm on the branded companies and labels. But, I do appreciate also that this has nothing to do with protecting the country from foreign or domestic terrorists. We still have a Justice Department, right?

In fact, the article notes that Congress hasn't given this authority to the Attorney General:

A controversial bill that would allow the Attorney General to shut down domains on similar grounds was recently derailed (temporarily) by Oregon Senator Ron Wyden.

The Attorney General is the chief enforcer of federal law and, accordingly, is responsible for enforcing federal copyright protections. And, he doesn't have the authority that Homeland Security is asserting for itself.

This goes to the heart of why I strongly opposed the creation of DHS when first proposed. Like its contemporaneous legislation, the Patriot Act, it wasn't so much the specifics of the proposal, but what it would eventually evolve into that bothered me.  Bureaucracies may seem to live in their own ecosystem, but they operate largely like any other business, i.e. they try to grow. Unfortunately for us, the way bureaucracies grow is to issue more regulations and assert ever more authority over parts of our life.

In the aftermath of 9-11, when the creation of DHS was being debated, would your opinion have been swayed if you knew that, within just a few years, the proposed agency would be seizing websites peddling fake purses? Did you imagine that the proposed agency would soon demand to take naked photographs of randomly-selected U.S. citizens? Or, insist on its authority to physically grope children?

Now, ask yourself this: What will the Agency be doing 10 years from now? Or, 20? In a little more than half a decade, DHS has morphed from protecting us from terrorists to protecting us from fake merchandise. Who is going to protect us from DHS

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