Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Re: Video Update: Oath Keepers Cited as Justification for Government Infant Kidnapping

I find it highly interesting that Barrick offered the following two sentences near the end of his article:
Brad Guida, an Epsom man who said he was Irish and Taylor's landlord, said the couple had been model tenants since they began renting from him in February.

"He's a very honorable person who loves his country," Guida said. "And I've watched the state and the police systematically hammer him."

I also find it disturbing that a totalitarian government agency would state in an affidavit that one of the reasons they want to take the child is Irish's association with Oath Keepers - an organization that opposes government totalitarianism.

On 10/11/2010 12:37 PM, Keith In Tampa wrote:
There appears to be more to this story than just the "Oath Keepers"....
Although I am very outspoken in a State's involvement and violations of a parent's liberty interest in their children,  the State does have a duty to protect it's citizens.  IF the allegations of child abuse and child neglect, as well as domestic violence involving the children are true, then the State of New Hampshire are more than on solid footing with sheltering this baby and placing it into protective custody.
In truth and fact, although I am not a fan of Child Protective Services, I find it really hard to fathom that this child was sheltered because of political beliefs!
I have one question:  IF, the parents are so concerned, loving and want to do anything and everything that they could do to get their child back, why would they not just comply with (what is termed as)  the "Case Plan", which for lack of a better term, is a contract that spells out certain tasks that the parents must do, in order for the child to be returned to parental care?   It seems to me, that if it were my child, and I was involved in such a "mess";  I would do anything and everything that I could do to expediantly get my child back, including cooperating.  Save the battle for later, after I had my child back....
Just my two cents:

Couple: State took our baby

On Sun, Oct 10, 2010 at 4:51 PM, Jonathan Ashley <jonathanashleyii@lavabit.com> wrote:
Video update: Oath Keepers Cited as Justification for Government Infant Kidnapping

I Refuse To Comply With The Unconstitutional Demands Of The Federal Government

Government is a disease masquerading as its own cure.

Government is only as strong as those who allow themselves to be governed are weak.

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- Marc Stevens

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I Refuse To Comply With The Unconstitutional Demands Of The Federal Government

Government is a disease masquerading as its own cure.

Government is only as strong as those who allow themselves to be governed are weak.

"The 'art' of politics is diverting attention from what's really happening. What
separates politicians from other criminal organizations is superior public relations."
- Marc Stevens

"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free it expects something that cannot be."
- Thomas Jefferson

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