Yesterday marked the 23rd anniversary of the first LGBTQ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer/questioning) March on Washington. The following year, National Coming Out Day was born. Because we are often invisible, even to each other, NCOD is a day when lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer/questioning people are urged to "come out" -- to openly declare our sexual orientation and gender identity. A weeklong CU celebration will commemorate NCOD.

The premise behind NCOD is that as people become more aware of how many LGBTQ people actually exist, it is difficult to dehumanize and demonize us. For some, it is easy to hate and discriminate against LGBTQ people when you (think you) don`t know any; it becomes more difficult to hate and discriminate against someone who is already your favorite classmate, neighbor, co-worker, To, clerk, frat brother, cousin, barista, librarian or vet.

NCOD reminds us all that it`s passé to hate or make fun of LGBTQ people. In fact, this past summer a Gallup poll showed that for the first time, the percentage of Americans who perceive "gay and lesbian relations" as morally acceptable has crossed the 50 percent mark. To that point, the same Gallup poll found that people who said they personally knew someone who was gay or lesbian were more likely to be accepting of gay men and lesbians in general and more supportive of their issues. Another reason, as Harvey Milk implored us, it is imperative that we come out.

Yet, there is another group of people who also should come out: straight allies. A straight ally is someone who is not LGBTQ but who advocates for the equal rights and fair treatment of LGBTQ people. Just as men supported women`s right to vote, and whites joined the black civil rights movement, LGBTQ people need strong, visible allies to help create social change.

Ally voices are often heard when LGBTQ people are silenced, scared, disparaged or ignored. As an ally, you have privilege you didn`t ask for and that you may not even be aware exists. For example, you can display pictures of your boyfriend or girlfriend at work without being accused of "flaunting;" you hold hands on the Pearl Street Mall with the person you love and it is seen as sweet; you feel welcomed in your church or temple; as a teacher, you talk openly about your husband or wife and don`t fear backlash; and you don`t hear phrases like "that`s so straight" and know it means something negative.

Of course, your freedom comes with a responsibility to speak up on behalf of people who don`t have it -- allies need to come out because it is the right thing to do. If you have been horrified and saddened by the anti-LGBT bullying-related suicides of gay teens over the past month, there is individual and collective action you can and must take.

As an ally, interrupt homophobic jokes when you hear them with a disapproving look and by simply saying, "Not cool;" openly acknowledge and celebrate (not tolerate) your LGBTQ friends and family members; join in the CU Coming Out Week celebration; vote for candidates who support LGBTQ inclusion; and volunteer your time, talents, gifts and financial support to Out Boulder (formerly Boulder Pride) and attend our community events and programs -- Out Boulder has been connecting Boulder County`s LGBT community since 1994.

Being an ally is no longer a passive identity -- it is about action. As an ally, it is imperative that you also come out and get involved -- you can make a simple, positive, powerful difference in our community.

Cathy Busha is Co-Executive Director of Out Boulder and Lester Wall is an Out Boulder Board Member and Straight Ally.